Features of a route " Above the Sea "

Do not forget, that the route " Above the sea " is one of the most difficult in our collection. It not walk, is a hike. And in this hike we should overcome following difficulties:

Long transitions

The route passes(takes place) on a crest of the main ridge of Crimean mountains. We go on tops. And at tops there is not enough water. Springs here are enough far apart. As consequence(investigation) - day time transitions to this route is more than in other our Crimean hikes (on the average 16 km instead of 11).

The Crimean sun.

On a plateau not only there is not enough water, but also it is not enough shadow. The Most part of a way we shall go on the open space. In the summer it means a meeting with inconceivable quantity(amount) of a solar energy. A headdress are obligatory. A sun-protection cream (with the protective factor not less than 20) and light free clothes with long sleeves - are desirable.
Sometimes, when the heat becomes intolerable, we practise night transitions. We sleep off somewhere in a shadow in the afternoon, and we leave on a route in the evening and we go at light of small lamps. A track there wide and such transition is absolutely safe.


Plateau Babugan which to us should be crossed for the second day of a hike, is a part of reserve. Officially, is there it is forbidden. Nevertheless set of tourists annually visit(attend) it a plateau and its(his) top Roman Kosh. They do(make) it at own risk as to receive the sanction to pass through reserve, it is practically impossible (unlike the sanction to travel which "is done"(made") without problems). At us this sanction, most likely, too will not be. Therefore meetings with foresters are undesirable, though are not fatal. With all it is possible to agree (usually).

Temptations of a civilization.

Approximately in the middle of a hike we shall leave to  Ai-Petri. For today. Ai-Petri, it first of all trading numbers(lines), shashlik houses-чебуречные, suspicious wine on flood, and to that similar to charm of the civilized rest, and already in the second turn beautiful mountain top. And consequently, my duty(debt) to warn you, that there is no more dangerous obstacle in a hike, than a slice of "civilization". It(she) attracts in the networks of not strong spirit of tourists, tempts with comfort and meal, attracts with affinity of the sea, deprive with desire to go further. If you know, that do not resist, is better in advance warn the instructor, and the group will bypass Ah-»СФУї the tenth road. To tell the truth, loss (yes will forgive me mountains) is not great.