Plan of railway station Simferopol
During a resort season the railway station of Simferopol is similar to the raging sea. Thousand people daily come and leave from here by trains, buses and trolley buses. And much of them do not have no simple thing - the plan of the Simferopol station. Here we today also shall publish it. As a basis of our plan the satellite picture from GoogleEarth has been taken.
On the plan by numbers are designated:
1. A direction to Jankoi. Trains from Continent (Moscow, Kiev, etc.) therefrom come.
2. A paid toilet.
3. A McDonalds (with a free-of-charge toilet).
4. Cash departments of autostation. Here sell tickets on buses from ¹ 6.
5. Trolleybus cash departments and final trolley buses Simferopol-Alushta, Simferopol-Yalta.
6. Buses.
7. A tower with clock. Beside final a trolley bus ¹ 1, Simferopol-Perevalnoe.
8. Parking of taxi drivers. The grandmothers offering habitation near to station on the contrary sit.
9. A left-luggage office. There is in a cellar, an input(entrance) near to a colonnade.
10. The center of service of passengers. If in the basic cash departments (¹ 16) the necessary ticket is not present, it can to try be bought(purchased) here.
11. A fountain with pigeons in an internal court yard of station.
12. A paid toilet and a waiting room.
13. Suburban cash departments. Here sell tickets for electric trains to Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol, Evpatoria. Very cheaply!
14. Police
15. Paid parking place with protection.
16. Daily railway cash departments - sell tickets only on the following 24 hours. Preliminary sale is carried out to the address of street Thick, 6
17. A currency exchange. Underground transition to platforms.
18. A left-luggage office (one more). Here there are automatic cells. An input(entrance) from a platform.
19. A first-aid post.
20. A free-of-charge toilet.
21. A direction to Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai, Evpatoria.
22. Shop of mobile communication(connection).
23. A monument to Lenin, in Lenin's parkway.
24. A drugstore
25. A pizzeria
26. Privokzalnyj a market.
27. A direction to city centre, preliminary cash departments, tourist shop.
Well and the most important - if you have not guessed yet horizontal strips under an inscription it is rails. At once above an inscription - the first platform.