Responses about hikes on a route " Water and Stones "

Here references(links) to responses of our clients made travel on a route " Water and Stones " are collected.

Greetings from northern little girls
All huge greetings from three northern girls from far Peter. At us now rains, and only the Crimean memoirs on a hike warm already almost freezed ours serdechki.
Ljuba from Peter

Cocktail from Crimean vkusnostej
I am proud of myself, our command(team), wife Svetoj and especially dochermi Vikoj and Nastej... We have made it! We could! Children(guys), it is a fairy tale... stopudovo!
Vladimir Banko from Yaroslavl

Theses to a confession of a teapot
I have undoubtedly eaten and have acquired tourist batsillu to that it is very glad, I wait I am not waited following holiday or a suitable occasion to continue, that and to you, and your relatives with all my heart I wish. Cyril, preogromnoe thanks, we shall meet in the next summer!
Valery Pavlov, Moscow

Creating positive vibrations...
We have absolutely meaningly deviated known tourist routes - if the last days to us often enough there were other groups up to the finish of a hike such meetings became a rarity.
Michael Penkov from Kursk

Memoirs of the trading clerk
Relatives and friends dissuaded me very much: there one vagabonds, alcoholics and maniacs on mountains shljajutsja. To hear it it was ridiculous, however I have become agitated.
But fears have appeared are vain - appearance of our instructor coincided with my representations about normal skilled tourists. Comrades on a hike too on vagabonds are not similar. Unless slightly on maniacs of tourism :-)
The novel from Zaporozhye.

It to you not Turkey
Having visited the past to year on beach rest in Turkey and having typed(collected) in carelessness and serenity on 2-3 kg for a week we with suprugoj Anej independently from each other have reflected - instead of whether to try(taste) something is romantic(romantically)-mobile with an easy(a light) extreme as rest this summer.
Igor and Anna Kolodenskie from Moscow

The full collected works about our hikes search in section " for Responses about hikes "