Responses about hikes on a route " Cave cities "

Here references(links) to responses of participants of our hikes on a route " Cave cities of Crimea " are collected.


The legend on the pedestrian hike
I wish to thank all participants of a hike for a warm and friendly atmosphere, mutual aid, " tovaristvo _ braterstvo " and separate thanks Cyril - the hike has gone right on glory.
Andrey Dolja from Kiev

Power there especial
Route really very interesting, I love any such mysterious constructions of cave type, especially if it was constructed by people in a far antiquity. Power there even especial, apparently, that any spirits there live:)
Maria Vasiltsova from Queen

Monastic chronicles
It was first my visit to cave cities after a long break. For two years much has changed. The greatest surprise has appeared revival of monasteries. The cave monasteries which are empty already of some(a little bit) centuries, again have found a life.
Cyril from Kiev


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