Winter sleeping bag Bergson Camper 3

It is supposed, that nobody will run on mountains with this sleeping bag in a backpack. It(him) once will throw on base and with comfort will winter.
Why with comfort?
First, Camper - very warm. The manufacturer has designated limiting temperature in-11, is real it(he) much more warmly (up to-25 at least). The heater is applied the most usual (Insuloft - slightly advanced synthetic winterizer), but is plentiful.(500ãð/ì2). As a result we have a sleeping bag magnificent and soft, as a feather-bed.
Big and capacious.
Secondly, its(his) width - 90 centimeters (compare to 75 centimeters at usual models). Camper - a sleeping bag for greater(big) people. At desire there it is possible to be located together (valtom). In such sleeping bag klaustrofobija to you does not threaten. In sshivke from two such winter sleeping bags we managed to sleep four together, and in double tent. In a mode sshivki it is meaningful to take Bergson Kamperov in the present(true) hike. Then on one person it is necessary not 3 kg sleeping barahla, and about two. Blankets sostegivajutsja it is easy(light) enough, and unlike "mummies", without cold joints in the middle.Bulky.
It is necessary to think over in advance as you will carry IT. The matter is that even compressed in kompressionom bag Kamper borrows(occupies) about 35 litres. It is such chubby cylinder in diameter of 30 sm and length 50ñì. To thrust it(him) in a backpack not too simply.But, by means of foots I managed to push in 90 liter backpack two such sleeping bags and still(even) the whole heap of clothes and equipment.
By the way, kompresionnye bags going complete with Bergson Camper 3, are made not too reliably. For 3 day of a hike I have stayed for half-mornings with a needle and nitkami, repairing creeping away seams. The sleeping bag is sewed quite qualitatively, Chineses have tried (Bergson - the Polish firm).
Densely to tighten(delay) a hood not so it is simple, as in sleeping bags-mummies, but the thermal collar works perfectly - cold air inside will not break.
The internal surface of a sleeping bag is pleasant to the touch, does not slide and does not stick. Owing to significant thickness, a condensate a lot of time is required to reach you.
Characteristics of a sleeping bag:
Type: a blanket with a hoodFill: Insuloft 500 gr/m2
External material: nylon,
Internal material: cotton.
Design: 2 a layer, thermal collar, compress-packing,
Extreme temperature:-11,
Optimum temperature:-5...+4,
The size: 190+40õ90 cm,
Weight: 3,5 kg