Wind of changes
Today I have woken up among night from strange sounds. Someone knocked a stick on a kettle. It is a little having wiped eyes, I have distinguished a female figure sklonivshujusja at a fire. It(she) threshed it on a boiler. To understand the reasons for me there was a reluctance and I again have dozed off. Later two hours I again have woken up. This time from a wind. I slept on a grass having covered for one of palatok and consequently impulses of a wind did not feel. But it was necessary to hear deafening "rustle" of a wood. Trees bent under impacts of elements literally and I was glad(pleased), that have decided to stop on the open glade, instead of in a beechen wood.We have started to collect camp and some hours later I has casually compared with two incidents of this night: strange gromyhanie a boiler and sudden change of weather (before week there was a calm). Whether nakodovala this wind our neigbour? Or it(she) works as Mary Poppins and thus simply caused the meri-поппинское a taxi. In any case of thanks it(her) for disposal of heat.