Water on Chatyr Dag

Breaking all tourist traditions, near to a source, practically are not present parking. A place here too opened(open), and absolutely deprived fire wood. Tourists from all CHatyr Daga are slipped here on a drinking place and having reserved by water again run up on scrubs and caves.
Whether there is an alternative?
Up to the middle of May on bottom plateau CHatyr Daga it is possible to find a snow. In some caves the snow lays even more longly. However do not think what to find them easily.
In cafe near caves Emine Bair Khosar and Mottled it is possible to buy(purchase) mineral water under the fabulous prices. But gruel from it(her) you will not weld(cook), and a simple drinking water there do not sell for any money (I offered). But, if you stop camp in territory (about dollar from the person) to you will resolve Onyx-round vospolzovatsja the cock on kitchen(cuisine).
Till now we discussed searches of water on bottom plateau CHatyr Daga.
On the upper plateau is still easier - here some water and fire wood is not present basically.
Up to the nearest source to be drained off at least 2 hours. From the Eklizi Burun to go to source Saurgan, and from the Angar Burun - to the Beech-nut glade or lake Kutuzovskomu more close.