Carpathians has blown off
Last week our friends from a tourist club "Globe" have returned from a winter campaign on Carpathians. The campaign has appeared extremely complex(difficult). First of all because of complex(difficult) weather conditions. Guys have got off lungs chilblains and a heap of impressions to esteem which it is possible below. That who still considers(counts) Carpathians as "frivolous" mountains to read necessarily. Our group has left to an observatory at the gone visibility and an amplifying wind. Having celebrated new year, unsuccessfully having tried to leave next morning, we for the third day spent the night before Rebroj, next day - on pozhizhevskoj, have then tried to ascend on Goverlu to reach up to warm koshej crosspieces, could not and have fallen downwards on a valley with a falls. But to tell in such key not so interestingly...Having cut near a column, I have seen, how the wind has pushed off Olju on a snow. Sava was kneeling, and through its(his) glasses(spots) nothing was visible; later he will tell, that in delight from such storm - so strong, that in him it is difficult to breathe. Yes, and I did not know, that such happens. I rise, being tightened for shtychok, and towards to a wind - and it turns out to run forward where and it would be desirable.
All in an observatory - till next morning.
At stations of Lvov and Kiev approached(suited) to groups with a cord on vneshke with a strange question - « and you have chilblains? ». Without the introduction. Who answered with humour who is hostile, and us it up to strange interested - we pomorozilis in Carpathians. That was considered almost impossible earlier. « We badly protected ourselves » - « And we, likely, is too strong - on such weather have sat under Smotrichem and anywhere and have not gone(do not send) ».
" Stanom on вечір 3-rd grupa Oleksandra Lisaka (похід 1 k.s. Carpathians) znahodilasja біля pozhizhevska. Weather is nasty ".
Annushka has told, that it(she) three days as is hurted with a knee and has gone more slowly. It(her) have unloaded. The sun, around - on a map, not approximately - a plane, rise ahead - mountain and rise behind - mountain sat down. CHernogorsky a ridge. Somehow to hide, I remember, it is possible only further, to the left of saddle pozhizhevskaja-íÓÑ߬ҽ. I go on devices, looking out a direction of a slope. Two steps, I stop, I consider(count) up to 10, two more steps - to not come off group. ZHPS coldly shows our speed - 0,64 km/hours, further-less. Besides he is able to show a predicted arrival time to a point, but I and do not look at it(him). Points are brought somehow - did not plan to use, a toy, and all laughed - zhps at Carpathians, yes.
Darkly. Now it is impossible to put on glasses(spots) - a slope and without them it is not visible almost. Vermja from time I bring a hand to the right eye and I take out a slice of an ice, when with resnichkoj, and when and so. ZHPS freezes, it is necessary to push it(him) in a sleeve to a body that it was heated - painfully.
Wind all the day long on the right. Does not cease absolutely never, and next day - he, but at the left.
Pawned four days on CHernogorsky a ridge and the people was there even in the winter, spoke - « yes same a two-day route ». Really, it(him) passed(took place) for two days, spending the night before Rebroj. And I remember, how about two years ago when I was small, many named winter CHernogorsky a ridge the godforsaken place in Carpathians.
On the right, in parallel our rate - hardly visible thin line of division on white-violet and white-steel. I move eyes upwards-downwards, the line moves accordingly. It not seems, indeed. Behind shout Zahara - an eaves! He too has noticed. Anybody is more, or are silent. When was issued in MKK, in hands held information(inquiry) Zahara with simply admired characteristic, and I am completely convinced of her. We go always I - tropjashchim, he - closing, and from it(this) building extends calmness on all group.
What surprising management(manual) first in a life!
Two tents, in another - Zahar as the senior, we to them and shout through a roar of a wind - "zaharchiki". In the evening and in the morning I exhaust all in ours, I sit down in tambour and I cook meal, tea and tea: watches here seem inappropriate. It is much more natural, when at whom forces remains more prepares.
In tents cosy. All our spending the night were marvellously warm. People wait snowstorm of all behind snow walls - it is necessary to know, what is it already someone did(made), and to repeat.
Rise on Goverlu - as the arrow which never will reach(achieve) the purpose only because to her has still remained half of distance from half of distance. At three hours I shout - « downwards, back on the traces! ». We remove with Oli a backpack, it(him) hardly tows(hauls) Zahar. There will be a descent(release) through a valley with a falls, to sources of the Rod - the direction is dictated by a wind.
Did not see the Sun, but from time to time the cloud became so thin, and appeared gold otsvet, and it was possible to see shadows from a snow, and seemed - still hardly.
Not that we somehow on especial were not protected - specified white spots(stains) on the person(face), warmed the frozen hands, watched(kept up) the sensations, but there is enough not ottopit since evening a glove, and the ice at a brush will not thaw for a day - the wind will not give; the leather(skin) all the day long will concern(touch) an ice. We with surprise have found out red spots(stains) already below.
Downwards, who on three steps, who glissirovaniem. The wind From above goes down: storm impulses all below and below. Darkens. Over me all group. I lift a head - Sava - slides, but somehow sideways. Me already reach komki snows. « SHtychkom be cut! » - and zarubajus itself; impact, we go together, having linked by backpacks, hardly rotating. « Be cut! », still time, still. Have stopped? It seems, the slope goes together with us? Sava rises, its(his) trousers are broken off - there, where a pocket.
From above the wind goes down, and below will not go any more - breakage. Goverljanskaja a trailing valley. There is no place to become. We dig a platform in a slope, and in half an hour - comfortable spending the night with water very much near by, but backpacks remain to live outside. And there was a Sun in the morning, and all seemed very simple and clear.
This campaign - something greater, than all the previous campaigns. Basically due to group. We say goodbye in the underground, it is noisy: I show the left hand of the hedgehog, right I take(spend) strips downwards from its(his) eyes: the hedgehog cries - sadly-is sad.
Here has arrived to Kiev, has come for work. The middle of January, we sit in a room with the open window without a heater, at a window a grass, about winter unless only ravens on trees remind. In a head does not keep within. I look at chilblains - on a kind unpleasant enough piece. The nonsense, will begin to live. Another excites.
Recollect something - hm, only one, - firn and a wind. In ten steps from you one smoothly passes in another. On shtormovke a gate on a hood it was unbuttoned, lipuchki has closed up with a snow, now you will not clasp(button). Here he also whips on the person(face) also has iced over from breath. It(him) it is impossible lipuchkami krepit, it is necessary still buttons any, hey, who there develops shtormovki? The Hand almost feels nothing, to her I catch motyljajushchijsja edge(territory) a gate, I clean off with lipuchki a snow and I clasp(button) a gate. I turn a head to a wind - and the hood instantly breaks. It is useless. I pull balaklavu, but she has freezed from a cold.
The lateral impulse of a wind, takes down to the left, I rest a stick in firn, she develops under my weight and a pressure of a wind. New Masters Sherpa... I rise, I plant the feet in a nozzle and I extend a stick till former length. The equipment every minute fails.
If has lagged behind - to catch up, if has brought down breath - there is nothing to breathe. An impulse of a wind, I turn a guitar to a wind, she on vneshke and if sideways strongly increases parusnost, I rest to two palkami against the ground. Before me two persons have fallen. Now the wind still slightly will get stronger, and we shall go with ledorubami. We shall fly. To me it is good, at me ledorub good. And I almost always after falling can rise not removing a backpack. And here someone cannot - I do not see who, glasses(spots) from the external party(side) have freezed. She is the girl. I go to her to help(assist). When I approach(suit), she already has almost risen. My leg(foot) fails too deeply, and both of us again we fall. Rescuer Malibu, a pancake.
Have torn bahily, legs(foots) have got wet. In Kiev in a breakage was to potter with normal bahilami, suspected a resort I go. Anything, the main thing to not stand, all time to go, though on a circle then you will not freeze. And to sleep it will be better.
And so also went. It was not complex(difficult), it was usual. Only having passed(having taken place), I understand, that went on a limit. Can, I was not ready psychologically. To such - yes, was not. I in fact went to Carpathians. I already was in winter Carpathians on the same route! I CHernogorsky the Ridge went 7 times, mostly in the summer, the truth.
And somehow all gladenko-гладенько has turned out, have passed(have taken place) on a knife blade and were not cut. Chilblains - so, - only they remind scratchs of how has far come.
I cost(stand) with the got wet legs(foots) knee-deep in a snow and I am hidden from a wind. In ears успокаивающе-harmonious music plays. To listen only to a wind it would be much heavier. She as though scoffs, but I cannot put anything else, for this purpose it is necessary to remove a glove. Already darkly. Foxes costs(stands) at a column on a pozhizhevskaja and tries to revive ZHPS. It is necessary to put camp. There is a place, on crosspiece Pozhizhevskaja - Breskul, from traversa. There it is possible to hide. We searched for it(him) some hours... On darkness. And what I would make on a place the Fox?... I do not know. Here only to die.
We build a wall where we stand(cost). We build - we build. The main thing to not stand.
And probably, by inexperience of the instructor we have gone(send) on a ridge to such weather, and on its(his) professionalism and self-feedback we send(have left) therefrom the whole.
Hm, went to a campaign to understand something about itself, and has understood more about others. And about Carpathians. Carpathians in bad weather are small Himalayas. Somewhere has heard.
I once again shall tell - it was not heavy. There was « Uh you... ». Simply it is has reached(is cunning) later, it was what is it dangerous.
« From a jug too much, milk » flows in the sky
White snow, grey ice. Not so a steep slope. To look on the parties(sides) of sense is not present - there all same grey. Only has few times had the luck to see horizon, but has quickly tightened(delayed). Therefore it is more interesting to look downwards: there flash bahily ahead of going. Weather - it is cold, the snow, a strong wind, but is better, than yesterday and it(this) it is enough. And suddenly I notice, that I go and I smile...
* * *
Surprise. It was the first feeling. It appears, the wind can bring down from legs(foots). It appears, air happens so much, that is simply intolerable to breathe difficultly. Here now, apparently, you will inhale! But the wind so strong and in a head comes a ridiculous idea, that from a breath will simply break off lungs. But here becomes as - that simply... Abnormally cheerfully...
You try to turn away from white krosheva which cuts the person(face), eyes, sticks to eyelashes (from glasses(spots) to sense any therefore they are based where - that under a hood). I fall on knees, accepting more or less steady position. Only here forward to move it is necessary as - that. It doesn't matter, CHernogoru we shall pass(we shall take place) on chetverenkah.
Ahead of Foxes, Sava and Anja and behind someone. Interestingly, and that each of them feels. To me - that is not terrible and is not cold. To me I am cheerful also know, that it is necessary to go forward. All. More than any feelings. It then when we have returned to a building of an observatory, became clear, that the some people felt something similar. Also it would not be desirable to sit in four walls at all, and it would be desirable outside, "to take a walk" under a wind. It was the second day of a campaign.
* * *
There is a purpose, there is a necessity. There is a crosspiece above nesamovitim or a snow wall which to build it is necessary, or the iced over slope on which you go down. There is a weariness and a cold which need to be suffered(born), the loosened nerves which need to be calmed, otvratnoe equipment and forgotten at home (a shame!!!) balaklava. And an idea, what is it not Carpathians! It then, after such moments seem banal, well-known, ordinary, whether that... But not during a campaign.
* * *
Eight person in four-seater tent drink tea, play a mafia and sing under a guitar. Inadmissible luxury)!
* * *
Sjurrealistichnyj the index: up to Goverly 700 meters. At Zahara the glove departs. He dresses spare. A hand for some reason razodrana and in blood. We go on Goverlu. An awful wind and it is very cold. I try to warm up hands - they hurt. The person(face) - as though is not present it(him), I do not feel it(him). A back to a wind, side to a slope - if only to hide the person(face). Of the head I think, that he is always right...) The one who goes ahead, goes well very much (!) slowly!
We go down downwards in « three steps ». The slope abrupt, is a lot of snow. Under me Annushka - Bulgakov and it(him) Annushka, poured oil(butter) is very opportunely recollected... From above Zahar and Serega. It(him) there it is cheerful - it(him) in a makeweight to the backpacks to lower one more. And the slope all does not come to an end, look downwards, and the end-edge(-territory) to him is not present. Also it would be desirable, that it at last has stopped...
* * *
We go on road on Vorohtu. Under legs(foots) asphalt. Grey. Behind, on hillsides - a snow. Too grey. And more a blue ice of a falls. Here warmly. And the wind here is not present. And in general it is very comfortable... And a number(line) with me people, are closer which are not present on all white light! It is not important, that this white light still yesterday was limited to a visibility range in 20 meters... And suddenly I notice, that I go and I smile...
No, well really it can like? I do not know. I know, that to me never, in one campaign was not so... So. I understand, that it is happy.
The above podymaemsja, the the wind amplifies and visibility decreases. Well it is direct as hedgehogs in a fog! The command(team) to dress balaklavy and glasses(spots) (masks). Here it kajf - such wind!
I (singing): Фатіт nablizha¾tsja, фатіт nablizha¾tsja.
And through yellow glass of a mask all gets an apokaliptical shade. Foxes and Sava go ahead. Olja lags behind. Zaharchik closing. Repasha runs along group. And so all rise.
Sava: the Observatory, a wall. You see, there?
I: No, the mask was frosted over! I believe you!
Observatory. We come into the first got room, she has appeared the most suitable for habitation. It is filled up by a snow, with two windows and pass on street. We clean off from jackets an ice, we dress sponges. Coldly.
I (singing): Фатіт nablizha¾tsja, фатіт nablizha¾tsja.
It is necessary to something to do(make). Repasha collects group on building an input(entrance) and windows. We clear away places under tents. The main thing - up to dust not doryt.
Have improved a room. Bezvetrenno and it is good, and behind a board - metyot...
We have dinner. Bacon, sausage, cheese and crackers. Tea.
We put tents and it is(are) packed. Cheerfully and warmly, when in tent 10 person!
Sava: we Play a mafia, maps are.
I:??? In a campaign of a map to take - a bad sign: there will be a bad weather, and all campaign will be stayed in tent, playing cards.
Then still anybody also did not suspect, that for us waits...
We sing(We shall eat) songs and we play a mafia some hours successively. Also has torn off us from it(this) only gastric juice. Have started to lick for preparation of a supper. It is convenient, that there on sredine rooms there was the concrete "table", and more one - at a wall where Foxes with Zaharchikom planted a torch.
During preparation of meal we study songs, we play contact, we poison(persecute) jokes.
The supper is ready. We eat. Fkusninka. Give the additive. I take.
Up to NG it decided to play in "mafia". In tent warmly and cosy, this toy of a propearl of all.
All: Let's the first kill Repashu, he here will leave tomorrow, and we cannot kill it(him)!
Masha: Kill me! To me has bothered to stay idle in city, it is not interesting to play...
Sava: I havaju game. Lipinistka - a mafia, she to say lies is not able...
Olja: I do not like this game. But so it is interesting to redeem all!
NG have met cheerfully. With mulled wine from Repashi, the Grandfather the Frost in red balaklave from Sergey (which brushed away more to the executioner), with olive from Masha (which has forgotten a peas and boiled sausage). To all in a gift have got svinki which grunted and spoke " I love you ". Having opened in the street a bottle of a champagne and pozazhigaja bengal fires, having danced a cancan, having congratulated one more madwomen(madmen) met NG on Pip Ivan, dispatch(deliver;have missed) on kosham, anticipating forthcoming conquest CHernogorskogo of a ridge...
* * *
Morning. Behind a board metet not childly. Having eaten and having gathered(been going), we are packed as it is possible more warmly and on one we leave on street. A strong wind, but in warm gloves, balaklave with hlebalnikom, a mask, a hood - just right. All send(have left) also we have got under way. Passing(taking place) along a wall of an observatory the wind was still we suffer(bear). And having left for a wall everything, one behind another, have started to fall. Have risen, send(have left) on a slope and could not move from a place.
Foxes: Back! All back!
Under a wall where a wind was less, Foxes and Repasha were considered(examined) with possible(probable) variants.
Foxes: All inside!
I do not know, that was created in a head the Fox, but to him was very unsweet. The commander to be heavy. During a campaign of Foxes became serious and tired.
We did not interfere with its(his) reflections.
Repasha, having told the Fox an addressing word, together with the Hippopotamus has left.
Foxes has decided to descend(go) in investigation, to look(see), whether there is a wind below and then to make a decision. Has conditionally put control time 2 hours. To go he has solved with Zaharchikom. About, as well as I would like to go! With ledorubom to break through a wind and a snow, without visibility zamaslat downwards, and then upward! But I even did not try, because they the Dzhigit, and I of women.
They send away(have left). We have decided to put one kosh. When last from us has climbed in tent, have returned Foxes and Zaharchik.
Foxes: we Live here till the morning.
So we have lived one more day in an observatory.
* * *
Rises at us were early, that it was pleasant to me. Rise one for all: for persons on duty and for us. But while that tent makes a breakfast, it is possible not hurrying up to wake up. Zaharchik rose earlier and started to burn down:
Zaharchik: Well here, again me to a wall have pressed.
Serega, I, Annushka: Yes we here as herrings lay!
Zaharchik: Precisely, how sprats in bank, only why on-diagonal?
Well here and the breakfast is ready. I notice, that my "bowl" has bursted. Eh, the second already... But anything, we have one more, from under halvah.
Zaharchik: About, plastic misochka:) and you know, what on them in a campaign often come? But do not experience, in winter - less often...
We eat. Fkusninka. Give the additive. I take.
Gathering - my most favourite time. From under a wall of tent you get the frozen membrane and you start to clear it(her) of an ice, then wet you dress under a sponge, you dress wet gloves and (not for nervous) vylazish from tent. A wind. Well, almost freshening:).
I: Good morning all!
It is necessary to depart in autdor. It simply feat which we make every day, moreover and on two times.
Having collected a backpack, I help(assist) to collect tent, it is especially very cheerful on a wind. The main thing at once to start to put(fold), as soon as have pulled out therefrom last thing, and that carries away vnafig.
Serega (photographer) has been disappointed such raskladom - visibility on a ridge was only on 2-nd of January. And so all time you go and you see only heels ahead of going. Are especially interesting traversa: you look upwards - a chasm, downwards - a chasm... Where we go in general? And there were we on Turkul. We even have ascended to it(him)! Only not on a straight line, and traversom, it is direct taki superturkul. Than we not horses?
Forward. Stop. Back on traces. Forward.
I speak, horses.
Here so you go, and you recollect, how here at normal visibility. Sometimes doge there were familiar places.
Darkly, coldly also it would be desirable to eat. Here is how it is possible merznut at movement - if to go slowly. I stop and dress a sponge, at this time everyone overtake me. " Only to not detain all ". Not all - closing. We go.
Foxes: Here we live.
All: Here???
Directly on the district opened for a wind, around bugorka, only hardly appreciable slope.
Foxes: Yes, here. We build a snow wall.
And ideas at all only about one: banka, girls... Well, or even tent and a sleeping bag. Well all right, the tent while to us does not shine.
Here also we shall look(see) that such a snow wall. The fighting spirit at us was always at height, all was left(abandoned) with backpacks and began something to do(make). Foxes with Zaharchikom have marked a platform under tents, and we raked up therefrom a snow. Serega the beginnings with a snowshoe to cut snow bricks, the others were engaged in architecture. Soon at it(him) turned out simply rovnenkie kirpichiki in the size, on the average, 50 on 50 sm and height 20 see
Foxes: Look as does(makes) Serega and do(make) also!
Manufacture of a building material has joined Zaharchik. We have constructed a wall from the windy party(side) the letter "G" and height of one and a half meter. The truth at night the wind has changed a direction... Well that take...
We go all the day on mjusljah (ah here is how it!). Without halts and a dinner. I am once again convinced, that there is no limit to human opportunities. " About as it would be desirable to eat... grechka with tushlom... Or even with sprat... I all shall tell... No, I, certainly, shall not be... But to tell it is necessary... "
We go slowly and to have a rest simply you lean back against a wind. Here rise on Goverlu. A wind so strong, that everyone go " under an inclination ". At the fox on a nose a white spot(stain).
Masha: Foxes! At you the nose is freezed!
Because of a wind it is badly audible.
Masha: the Nose is freezed!
I see, that Ole and Annushke it is heavy to go. A layer of a snow small, a track stony, places slippery. Someone falls, rises, goes further.
Foxes: Back on traces.
Easy(Light) turn of bodies closing turns in directing and we go back. At such wind downwards to go stremno very much.
Horses. But not all. Olin a backpack bear(carry), menjajuchis, Sava, Zaharchik and Serega.
Foxes: we Shall try(taste) more quickly, t. To. Will soon darken, and we still should spend the night somewhere.
We go downwards somewhere a direction on zarosljak. We stop.
Foxes: To get ledoruby! Further - in three steps!
The slope leaves sharply downwards. Everyone disappear behind an excess. I follow Masha, for me - Serega with the snowshoes which have been removed(which have been taken off) with Olinogo of a backpack and Zaharchik with 2-мя by bags.
" Ledorub, one leg(foot), another... Ledorub, one leg(foot), dru... "
I: f-õ-фатит!
Masha: Gy!
I hang on ledorube. To be undermined laziness.
Masha: Steps, steps cut!
Eh to cut...
Lyrical digression from Zaharchika: when you go down on a slope in three steps and between legs(foots) you start to see the sky - know, you podymaeshsja on following mountain :)
Serega from above lowers avalanches. In one hand ledorub, in the second - the snowshoes, first time in a winter campaign. I think, how there to him?
About, at last it is possible to go normally. Having waited Zaharchika, we continue descent(release). I see as Foxes it was broke and cut. Sava has jumped behind it(him), its(his) Foxes has cut. Sharp ledoruby at grivelja. Sava a hole on trousers has refused to sew up.
Foxes: Bypass on the right!
We bypass. All quickly go down, except for Zahara. I decide it(him) to wait.
I: I Wish to help(assist) you!
Zaharchik: You will help(assist) me, if will more quickly go downwards!
Below I see as Olja long "hangs" on ledorube, I have written off(have copied) it on inexperience as the others went down, I did not see. In the distance, it is hardly visible as all already below. I continue descent(release). " About horror. It is an ice, prosypannyj a snowball " Paws go. I recollect, that the main thing - are not afraid. I exhaust a beak in an ice. I look downwards. " I do not wish to be broken in a precipice. To leave more to the right... And if here everywhere an ice??? " I look upwards. " Zaharchik, certainly, the big Dzhigit, no doubt, but... " I go in a lap and on ledorube. Cправа a snow.
I decide to help(assist) Zaharchiku and it is fast on a snow I bring down downwards.
We wait. Approaches(suits) Zaharchik.
I: There was fatit.
Zaharchik: Yes I there too to pray the beginnings.
We hang up on Olju a backpack and we go. Around of a fur-tree, bushes also it seems that we already below. But not here that was. A track. There is no track. Water. A stream? We go on kuluarchiku. Stop.
Sava: Djulferjaem!
In the morning we went to look(see) that there. Now I know where on Goverle a falls ;)
Foxes: Back on traces up to a place where it is possible to put tents.
No, not horses. Black horses! There a slope from two parties(sides), and on the middle - a stream.
Foxes: we Live here. We tread places under tents.
" Banka, girls... " It is thrown on a slope backpacks and all we trample down a snow, we rake up it(him) to edge(territory). And so till the moment while at us it has not turned out platforms under two tents. As a result we on meter have deep into stamped a snow.
Dialogue with the Theme the Sokolov (instead of the conclusion)
- Foxes here has sent impressions of participants about your campaign - che, all so was severe or it is a female sight?
- Well, as to you to tell. Though the campaign has turned out also not so long, but I seemed to me that in such.. Still never sat such duration. Two spending the night in an observatory - still all right, but 2 spending the night on a ridge at a constant strong wind, and more whip any deposits in a muzzle constantly. For a day in the street outer clothing obledenevala. Probably, we had many girls and we very slowly moved. I think, if speed was more, we simply would not subject ourselves to so long weather loadings. Physically to go to guys it was not complex(difficult), I think, but here for girls it was valid strashnovato, it was complex(difficult) to them to keep on legs(foots), yes because of small winter experience by the some, probably, it was heavy to transfer(carry) winter (is cold \ߡѪ¡« \wet) burdens, and their experience correct perenoski simply probably did not suffice. I, going to the hood, at such wind was surprised, how there people maintains it(him) all the day (though they and in balaklavah went constantly).
Well, as a result almost half of group trohi pomorozilis, at Oli even on a tip of a finger when it have already gone down, formed liquid voldyr, she in Kiev to the doctor has gone. At others, you know, such trohi dimnesses of a leather(skin) in places of a chilblain. Well, and more was pair stremnyh the moments when left on abrupt enough slopes. Stremnye the moments basically because of the insufficient техническо-physical preparation necessary for these sites at nekotoyh of participants.
In general as on me, imposing insufficiently strong female kopmonenty (but enough numerous and :)) very adverse weather conditions has turned out. And it seemed to me, that Foxes and people which wrote "impressions", wished to show in them, that to winter Carpathians it is necessary to be in earnest...
- And what there about descent(release) with Goverly? It has strongly reminded something to Me as we fell with Goverly with SHapikom:)
- Yes, descent(release) bad. But it is not assured(confident), that there were variants. Certainly, it would be desirable to put pressure, pull hard, jerk nevertheless and nevertheless to pass Goverlu and there to go down normally. But the head has made of the decision to bring down with rise on Goverlu back on the crosspiece between Breskul and Goverla and therefrom downwards from a ridge nafig. To the head is more visible, speed at rise on Goverlu at us became all medlenee and medlenee, and the wind like all is stronger, and Foxes has decided to bring down from here. Yes, I remembered you with SHapikom, and about Foxes too was well informed but if to look(see), other variants were even worse. For example, travers Goverly (just you reminded) at such visibility and weather there was still the worst variant, as on me. To remain on a ridge it was not meaningful. And in that party(side) where we fell nevertheless in the summer there was a track, to falls. Therefore I consider(count), that a variant - as though smaller from harms. The another matter, that a slope nevertheless was complex(difficult) and because of bad visibility unpredictable. Complex(difficult) for a level of this group.
- Clearly. Travers Goverly - not. I think, a variant only 2 (or 3 if there would be time) if already there have appeared One yours, - it is dangerous, though also the shortest and from a ridge at once leave. The second, return on pozhizhevskuju or somewhere else and to bring down, if there was time (imho, the most normal, but it it was necessary earlier to them to use). Or to leave on Goverlu and to go down normal rise (can be bad with orientation if it is bad to represent that there and where, but with GPS could it will turn out if not 200 meters of rise still). In general, it is good, that have normally gone down, but is better to go with safety factor and to be reinsured.
The original of clause(article) lays on a site of a tourist club the Globe