The pocket manual of the tourist

In him practical advice(councils) and references about acquisition of group, preparation of equipment, catering services, the equipment of halts and lodgings for the night, explaining the ground, carrying out of socially useful work and the elementary observations over the nature, rendering of the first pre-medical help are given. The basic attention in the manual is given the most mass and popular pedestrian, water, ski and mountain travel of the first - the third categories of complexity. The book intends for beginning(starting) tourists, and also the mass reader.
Author-composer J.A.Shtjurmer.
Responses on the book we ask to refer to the address of: 101000. Moscow, street of Kirov, 13, profizdat.
© Профиздат-1982
The organization of amateur travel
Acquisition of group and preparation for travel
Demands to principals and participants of travel (6). Additional demands (7). Distribution of duties (8.) Obshchefizicheskaja and special preparation for travel (10).
Development of a route and the schedule of travel
Studying of district of travel (12). Development of a route (13). Drawing up of the planned schedule (14).
Veneering and offset of travel
Travelling documents (16). Treating and the statement of a route (17). The control over preparation and carrying out of travel (18). Drawing up of the report (19). Offset of travel and assignment of categories (20). A badge « the Tourist of the USSR » (21).
Personal equipment
The general(common) list (23). Personal equipment on the pedestrian travel (25). Features of personal equipment on mountain and water travel (28). Features of personal equipment on ski travel (29).
Group equipment
The general(common) list (31). Features of group equipment on the pedestrian and mountain travel (33). Features of group equipment on water travel (37). Features of group equipment on ski travel (42). The medical first-aid set (45).
Preparation of equipment for travel, care of it(him) and reconditioning
Check and completion of equipment (47). Impregnation and greasing (48). Packing(stacking) of equipment in a backpack (50). Care of equipment (51). Reconditioning in marching conditions (52). A repair set (53).
Catering services on travel
Diet (55). Contents of a nutrient budget (56). Products and their caloricity (58). A water-salt regimen (58). Preparation of products before travel (60).
Updating of grocery stocks on a route
The collecting of berries (61). The collecting of mushrooms (62). The collecting of wild plants (63). Fisheries(Piscation) (64).
Cooking in marching conditions
The general(common) culinary rules (66). Volumetric weight of products (67). Duration of cooking on a fire(shive) (68). Prescriptions of marching dishes (69).
The order of movement and ways of overcoming of obstacles
The pedestrian travel
Regimen and the schedule of marching day (76). Rate of movement (77). The order of movement of group (78). A line of movement (78). Overcoming of abrupt slopes (79). Wood thrickets, blockages (80). Boggy sites (80). A ferry on luggage (81). Fording (82). Crossing afloat (83).
Ski travel
Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement (84). A line of movement (85). Rises, draining offs, inhibitions; turns (86). Overcoming of obstacles (87).
Water travel
Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement (88). A line of movement (91). Work as paddles (91). Management of a raft (92). Movement against current (93). Management of a sail (93). The basic natural obstacles (94). Thresholds (95). Artificial obstacles (96).
Mountain travel
Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement (97). A line of movement (98). Overcoming of grassy slopes, taluses, moraines (99). Rocky sites (100). Snow slopes and ice cellars (101). A ferry on stones and a snow (102). A hinged ferry (103).
The insurance and work with a cord
The mutual insurance (103). The self-insurance and self-retention (105). Cords and units (107).
Receptions of orientation on travel
Elements of topography
Maps and schemes(plans) (110). Scale (111). Reading of a map (112).
Ways of orientation
Orientation by means of a compass and maps (116). Orientation with a map without kompasa-(119). Orientation without a map and a compass (120). Orientation in local subjects (121). Orientation on tourist marks (123).
Estimation of distances and time
Definition of distance by steps (125). Definition of distance by construction of similar triangles (125). An estimation of distance an eye estimation and on audibility of sounds (127). An estimation of time (128).
Movement on an azimuth
Azimuth (129). Movement with utilization of intermediate reference points (130). Movement without precise reference points (130).
Halts and lodgings for the night
The organization of halts and lodgings for the night
Choice of a place (132). Small halts (134). Lunch halts (134). Lodgings for the night and dnevki in field conditions (135). Lodgings for the night and dnevki in human settlements and on camp sites (137).
The equipment(installation) and the equipment of tents
Preparation of a platform (138). The order of the equipment(installation) of tents (139). The equipment of tents (140).
Fires(Shives) and the centers
Place for a fire (141). Kindling of a fire (142). Preparation of fuel (142). Fires(shives) in woody districts (145). The centers in malolesnoj districts (147).
The elementary shelters
Lodgings for the night without tent (148). Lodgings for the night without tent in the winter in bezlesnoj to a zone (149).
Safety of travel and first-aid treatment
Hazards, traumas and the diseases caused by wrong actions of tourists
Thermal combustions (151). Wounds cutting and sharp missiles (153). Wounds by fire-arms (156). Poisonings with food stuffs and gastrointestinal diseases (156). Attritions, intertrigoes, callositases (158). Bruises, stretchings, dislocations, fractures, a concussion (159). An acute vascular failure, syncopes (162).
Hazards, traumas and the diseases bound to adverse meteorological conditions
Chilblains, freezing, catarrhal diseases (163). The Thermal shock (165). The Heliosis, a combustion, snow blindness (166). Cooling from a wind, choking of eyes (167). A lesion an electricity (168).
Hazards, traumas and the diseases bound to wild animals and poisonous plants
Wounds by wild animals (169). A sting of adders and insects (170). A sting of wood ticks(mites;tong) (173). Disturbing insects (175). Poisonings and combustions toxicant wild plants (175). A poisoning with poisonous funguses (177)
Hazards, traumas and the diseases bound to specific conditions of travel in mountains and on water
Mountain disease (178). Traumas at rockfalls (178). Avalanche hazard (179). Casualties on water (180).
Distress messages and transportation of victims
Distress messages (182). Transportation of victims (182).
Useful work on travel, the organization of observations
Forms of socially useful work
The help to local population (186). An all-Union hike (186). Performance of tasks of the organizations (187). Performance of tourist tasks (187). Study of local lore activity (188). Conditions of successful exercise of socially useful work (189).
Observations in a hike
Meteorological observations (189). Weather forecasting (192). Topographical observations (195). Geological observations (196). Studying of a land forms (197). Hydrological observations (197). Botanical observations (198.) Florizm (199). Zoological observations (200). Phenological observations (200). Other observations (202).
Photographing and conducting a diary
Photographing on travel (202). Conducting a marching diary (205).
Nature preservation, monuments of history and culture
Nature preservation
The careful attitude(relation) to greenery (206). Keeping of fire regulations (207). Keeping of cleanliness and silence (208). About advantage(benefit) of animals (208). Keeping of rules of hunting and fishery (209). Bird protection (210). Pest control of a forest (210). Rules of visiting of safeguarded natural territories (211). The Legal protection of the nature (212). The tourist - the friend to the nature (213).
Monument protection of history and culture
Value(Meaning;Importance) of monuments for tourists (214). Kinds of monuments of history and culture (215). About the careful attitude(relation) to monuments (215). Investigation and the account of monuments of history and culture (216). Participation of tourists in monument protection (217).
The pocket manual of the tourist/author-сост. J.A.Shtjurmer.-2-e izd., from amendment and dop.-¼.: profizdat, 1982. - 224 with.
Scanning and preparation of the book - Mike, KTMZ