The order of movement and ways of overcoming of obstacles

Successful carrying out of travel in many respects is defined(determined) by skill of tourists correctly to distribute(allocate) time and forces, to choose the most rational rate and the order of movement of group, to seize(take possession) ways of movement on various district and receptions of overcoming of obstacles. Safe passage of a route and, finally, success of all travel depends on the precise and successful decision of these problems(tasks).

Below advice(councils) on the organization of a regimen and the order of movement during travel are resulted(brought), references on the basic ways of overcoming of obstacles in various kinds of tourism are given. THE PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL

Regimen and the schedule of hiking day

Regimen of hiking day. Should provide necessary rhythm in alternating loads and rest(tour). The regimen of transitions normally consists of 40-50 minutes of movement and 5-10 minutes of rest(tour) on small halts.

Though the regimen of movement essentially depends on district of travel, a season and other factors, on first half of day normally it is necessary up to two thirds of day time transition, on what is spent from 3 up to 5 running hours. It is recommended to leave earlier on a route and earlier to stop on a lodging for the night. In the middle of day long rest(tour) and a hot dinner are necessary for tourists. In cold or rainy weather it is possible to replace a lunch halt short perekusom, but with hot tea from a thermos.

The provisional daily routine

7.00-8.00 - rise, charging(charge), washing, bathing, sweeping of a place of a lodging for the night.

8.00 8.30. - a breakfast, preparation for transition.

8.30-12.30-переход on a route.

12.30-16.00-большой a halt (a dinner, the rest(tour), socially useful work, games on district).

16.00-18.00-переход on a route.

18.00-20.00-подготовка to a lodging for the night, a supper.

20.00-23.00 - a free time.

23.00 7.00-dream.

Rate of movement

Rate of movement of the pedestrian group. It is defined(determined) normally by conditions of district and weather, and allows to pass(take place) 3,5-4,5 km at an o'clock. In group of beginning(starting) tourists the principal of a hike should set rate proceeding from a rule: an alignment on rate of the weakest. If the group is non-uniform on the contents (that basically is undesirable), it is necessary to try to balance forces of tourists various occupancy of backpacks, and also periodic posylkoj more prepared participants forward for orientation, investigation or a choice of a place of a halt.

Rhythm of movement - one of the main agents of conservation of forces of tourists and risings of their working capacity. On good road rhythm is expressed in constant rate, I and conditions of a cross-country locality - in constant quantity(amount) of steps for identical intervals of time. For conservation of rhythm of work of an organism on light(mild) draining offs the step of the tourist is extended, on difficult sites and rises - is shortened. Thus ordinary rate of movement of pedestrians on draining offs will be enlarged up to 5-6 km at an o'clock or to decrease on rises up to 1,5-2 km at an o'clock.

To change a rhythm it is necessary smoothly, gradually speeding up in the beginning of movement and reducing it(her) 3-5 minutes prior to the extremity(end). At incidental sudden stoppings it is useful "to be trampled" minute-other(-another;-others) on a place in the established(installed) rate gradually to take out a load from heart and respiratory organs.

The order of movement of group

The order of movement of hiking group. Tourists move a column on one person. Ahead goes referring which chooses a way and watches(keeps up) well-timed stoppings on halts. Closing the skilled(experienced) tourist is put also. Its(his) duty - to help(assist) lagging behind and nobody to reserve. At backlog somebody he the established(installed) signal (cry, singing and t. The item) lets know to the leader about necessity of an off-schedule stopping or depression of rate. Other participants of group on simple sites of a route can choose the place in a column any way.

On complex(difficult) pieces of a way of weak participants it is recommended to put at once for referring or it is even better through one with stronger tourists that the last could render the necessary help to comrades. At movement on a route it is not supposed, that tourists were among themselves further limits of visual or voice communication(connection).

Place of the principal in hiking group. Should provide convenience of management with group and safety of its(her) movement. The principal can to recommend go at once for referring, from time to time helping(assisting) him to find road and prompting correct decisions.

On complex(difficult) and hazardous sites (a ferry, a bog, a talus) the principal himself checks their permeability and does not leave forward, insuring tourists while all group will not leave on a light(mild) site. As he should act at bathing tourists in a unfamiliar reservoir, at landing(planting) to transport and t. Item

Line of movement

The choice of a line of movement on the pedestrian travel is defined(determined) by a land forms, greenery and presence of tracks.

Open-spaces of meadows, untilled fields, and also and others legkoprohodimye sites it is necessary to pass(take place) small shaws, pure(clean) pine forests on an azimuth. With a shrub layer, the crossed land forms, it is better to thricket of a bush to cross dense forests on the tracks let even a little bit evading from the necessary direction.

If the route passes(takes place) on a taiga or a forest where there are no tracks for movement it is necessary to choose a way along the rivers. Especially it is necessary in marsh land where the driest soils go a narrow strip along water-currents.

In zalesennom srednegore the line of movement normally gets out on flat crests: there it is better to be guided, more difficultly to lose the way and, the main thing to go lighter, than below, in gloomy gorges. Leaving on the open sites of grassy slopes, mountain meadows, taluses, it is necessary to prefer convex landforms for movement. They it is more safe in sense of rockfalls, landslides and give most .zhivopisnyj the survey of environing district.

Overcoming of abrupt slopes

For successful promotion on abrupt slopes it is important to have footwear on a corrugated, not slipping sole, and also to seize(take possession) some receptions of walking.

At rises the boot is recommended to be put on all sole, instead of on a toe. At the same time it is necessary to try to save horizontal position of a foot, using each strongly laying stone, a negligible bulge of a slope on which come a heel of a boot.

The more abruptly a slope, the it is necessary to plant toes(socks) of legs(foots) more. At fixing(lingering) rise it is recommended to rise "serpentine": alternately that left, the right side to a slope.

At movement on a grassy slope along it(him) (traversirovanie) the foot had above a leg(foot) should be put on all sole across a slope, and a foot another - to develop(unwrap) a toe on some angle downwards.

On a good track and with a light(mild) backpack the prepared tourists can do(make) draining off by run. Thus legs(foots), almost not incurvating, far throw out forward, and the case throw back a little back. On more abrupt sites are drained off on polusognutyh legs(foots).

Wood thrickets, blockages

On wood thrickets, a dense bush or a high rigid herbage move compact group with an interval providing safety. Everyone should watch(keep up) closely(attentively) for ahead going and to repeat its(his) movements. It is necessary to hold branches set in motion that they have not struck going behind.

For protection against knots and branches put on clothes with long sleeves (the full storm suit is desirable). One arm(hand) expose forward for protection against branches of the face and eyes.

At overcoming the fallen trees partitioning off a track, it is necessary to not jump over wood blockages, and cautiously to step, get obstacles. It is necessary to remember, that trunks of the begun to rot trees are nonresistant and often are covered by very slippery rotten cortex.

On a backpack and on clothes it is not recommended to have various linked » subjects: the bucket suspended to a backpack or a kettle, sticking out of a pocket of a backpack toporishche. Even ordinary ski woolen shapochka with a pompon will touch greenery and to detain movement of the tourist.

Boggy sites

Boggy sites on a route normally overcome on zamoshchennym to tracks - to corduroy roads. If they are not present, on a safe bog (preliminary consultation at local residents is necessary) tourists move, stepping or jumping from a tussock on a tussock. At everyone in arms(hand) should be shest which serves as a leg, a sonde for measurement of depth and an agent of the self-insurance at fall. At crossing splaviny an interval between people enlarge up to 5-8 m. to reduce pressure of a foot of the tourist upon marshy soil, it is possible to apply stepping pletenye "skis" or easier(simply) to tie up to footwear easily taken out chunks of plywood.

Ferry on luggage

Water obexes on simple pedestrian travel, as a rule, are overcome on ready bridges and kladjam. If the last have no handrail and are nonresistant, the first they are passed by the skilled(experienced) tourist. He will test a ferry and will organize the insurance of other members of group by means of shesta or arms(hand). For the best conservation of equilibrium at transition of luggage everyone should have a long stick.

Ferry on kladiris. 13. A ferry on luggage.

It is the most difficult to be kept on a log if it is pumped in a horizontal plane. Several springing knee-bends these fluctuations can be extinguished or translated(transferred) in a vertical plane that causes less inconveniences for tourists. Sometimes near to luggage at height of a brachium pull a rope handrail or hold shest (fig. 13).


Fording without a cord. Fordings on the rivers with rather quiet current can be various: alone with the sixth which rest towards to current; together, having risen the face to each other and having put the extended arms(hand) on shoulders of comrade; group in 3-4 persons (« the Tadjik way »), having risen a wall so that the strongest and tall tourists were from edges, or in a circle, having embraced each other for shoulders.

In any event a place of a ferry choose after preliminary investigation on possible(probable) wider, and consequently, and fineer site of the river.

If large stones stick out of water, it is necessary to go hardly below them on current where shock force of a stream is weakened(easied).

To pass the river with petrous bottom(fundus) or bottom(fundus) which character is unknown, it is necessary with obutymi legs(foots), having taken out those clothes which can enlarge a water head. It is necessary to do(make) each step cautiously, unpluming a bottom(fundus) by a leg(foot).

Fording by means of cords. It is carried out on more stormy rivers. The first the water stream is passed most physically by the strong and skilled(experienced) tourist. Its(his) problem(task) - to transfer(carry) the extremity(end) of the basic cord which is attached to it(him;them) in unit "bulin" (fig. 14) on an opposite shore. That the tourist could float freely if the stream will knock it(him) down, "bulin" is fastened not on a chest, and on a back.

Besides to the tourist the carbine fastens an auxiliary cord, which other extremity(end) two insuring hold in arms(hand), costing(standing) on a shore below on current. Delivery of cords following to forwarded should be made accurately to not stir(prevent) to its(his) movement and that cords were not gargled on water. The transferred(carried) extremity(end) reliably fastens on a shore to a tree, rocks, the basis of a strong bush or to artificial legs from kolev, stone tours and t. The item Then by means of an auxiliary cord with seizing units the basic cord hardly stretches above a surface of water.

Having attached to such handrail by means of a thoracal binding and a carbine (the distance from a chest up to the basic cord should be shorter than length of arms(hand)), tourists serially pass the river. To move it is necessary sideways, touching arms(hand) a cord, the face towards to current. The body for the best resistance to a water head should be cast away back. In case of failure of the tourist extend on a shore by means of auxiliary cords (forward or back.). As such ferry normally lasts longly, on a shore it is recommended to kindle a fire for heating n dryings by the mother-in-law.

Fording with strahovkojris. 14. Fording with the insurance.

Crossing afloat

Crossing afloat is possible(probable) on the quiet river and for able well to keep on water. As a convenient place for it(her) deep sites with flat fall of a bed(channel) serve. In advance counting snos downwards on the river, tourists float under an angle to current. It is not necessary to aspire to cross an obex on the shortest straight line,

Things are recommended to be combined on a light(mild) raft and to push it(him) on water before itself.

In some events the first tourist is forwarded by swimming with ohraneniem a cord. Then she is used for dragging a raft and the help to other participants of group who can be insured, adhering on water for any not drowning predmet-a log, a board, a faggot or reliably packed in a waterproof material and densely dressed backpack.


Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement

Regimen of day. On ski travel depends on duration of light day, frosts and necessity to spend it is more (than on the pedestrian routes) than time for breakdown of camp and morning collectings. In December - January, and also during other time at low temperatures it is necessary to deviate an ordinary regimen and to leave on a route not earlier than 9-10 o'clock in the morning, and also to reduce small halts.

Rate. At movement on a ready ski track the general(common) rate is defined(determined) on rate most "tihohodnogo" the skier. It is necessary to avoid sharp jerks: the periodic overheating and cooling on a frost is hazardous to health, and on a route far not always there are conditions to replace and exsiccate the clothes which have got wet from sweat.

At movements on snow idle field rate of group is defined(determined) by rate of a lining of a ski track.

The order of movement. At a lining of a ski track some variants of the organization of movement are possible(probable). The most widespread - with periodic change referring which occurs(happens) at appreciable thickness of a snow mantle every 1-2 minute. If tropit a ski track hardly, and in group there are weak comrades them it is necessary to have through one and to replace at once on two referring.

In the big group it is expedient to allocate a special command(team) from the strongest tourists for troplenija ski tracks. It is possible, having broken group half-and-half to organize serial movement of subgroups; while one has a rest on a small halt, another lays a ski track. Then the had a rest tourists overtake comrades, and those stop on rest(tour).

The order of movement on ski draining off should provide safety of group and at the same time consider technical opportunities of each skier. Before draining off the principal defines(determines) a way, sequence of draining off of tourists and plans item(point) of the collecting under a slope.

If the slope big and closed to be drained off it is necessary on stages with intermediate stoppings. In order to prevent fall (enough ordinary for the third-fourth and the subsequent tourists when them with sharp inhibition "bears(takes out)" on a ski track on idle field) and for acceleration of movement on a safe slope it is possible to lead draining off on several parallel ski tracks. At passage of slopes where there is no full safeguard of their avalanche safety, it is necessary to put the observer.

Line of movement

The line of movement on winter travel differs greater straightness, than in the pedestrian or water. In many events it is possible to lay a way straight through the frozen bogs and reservoirs. However to build a simple hike only on an azimuth does not follow. It is better to use any passing ski track or convenient for movement sannoj road.

At absence of a ski track or road it is possible to move on glades, a light forest, beds(channels) of the rivers. It is necessary to remember always what lighter to go there where the snow is less deep.

Behaviour in lavinoopasnoj to a zone. In the winter avalanche hazard considerably(much) raises(increases). It should be considered at a choice of a line of movement and to not plan transitions through the concave landforms - snegosbornye voronki, avalanche trays, under crests with hanging eaves and in general on all slopes where there is enough of the snow which are being a nonresistant state.

Lavinoopasnymi there can be slopes toughness from 15 up to 60 if depth of a snow on them more than 30 see Being in such zone, tourists should not leave on a route at the adverse forecast - sharp warming or a cold snap, pressure drop, during and in first days(puts)-two a snowfall, a blizzard, a rain, a hair drier.

At movement on a slope it is necessary to avoid its(his) crossings, to move only upwards or downwards on a line of a clivus, remembering, that the concave slopes are most safe in the upper part, and convex - in bottom. Longitudinal excavations on a slope - and gutters - at impossibility of their detour are recommended to be overcome a lobby in the bottlenecks, on one and with the reliable insurance. In general to move in lavinoopasnoj to a zone it is necessary with the greatest rate. At the same time the principal needs to watch(keep up), that tourists avoided sharp turns on skis, padenij-everything, that can cause(call) concussion of a slope,

Rises, draining offs, inhibitions, turns

Rises. On flat rises it is recommended to use a stepping step with prihlopyvaniem for the best coupling skis with a snow.

On abrupt and long slopes tourists move zigzags ("serpentine"). On angles of zigzags turn mahovym turn around of a leg(foot), and turn should be begun with external, in relation to a slope, skis.

On short sites of a route rises "elochkoj" or "poluelochkoj" are possible(probable). On very abrupt places unique way of rise is "manway".

The greater(big) role at rises with a load is played with skilful utilization of emphasises on a stick.

Technics(Technical equipment) of ski draining offs. At the beginning(starting) tourists having, as a rule, not edged skis and alcoholizations who do not fix a heel on a cargo platform, the technics(technical equipment) of ski draining offs is limited to application of the basic rack and periodic inhibition on the closed, abrupt or rolled out sites "plow" or "emphasis".

In comparison with the ordinary skier to the tourist loaded by a backpack, it is necessary to plant more widely on draining off legs(foots), further to expose one ski forward and to try to be entered more softly probably in roughnesses of a land forms. That the backpack under influence of inertia did not move on a back and did not change position of the centre of gravity, it(he) is useful for fastening to a girdle a special belt.

On long draining offs the leg(foot) is better to spend movement by zigzags with turns from "emphasis", on a failing ice-film-with turns perestupaniem or on a place around.

On very abrupt slopes draining off side soskalzyvaniem on ribs of skis is convenient. If a slope zaros a forest with a dense shrub layer it is better to be drained off by stepping step - "manway". On occassion, at hazard of arrival on comrade, a tree or a stone, it is necessary to be able to apply emergency inhibition, deliberately falling back on one side or simply sitting down in a snow.

Draining offs on a deep quaggy snow. On similar draining offs tourists should accept a corresponding(meeting) rack (ordinary - at uniform movement, a lobby - at accelerated, back - at slowed down) and it is obligatory to deduce(remove) toes(socks) of skis from under a snow. Both skis should be in regular intervals loaded. Otherwise one of them will start to bury(go too far) during a snow and the tourist will lose equilibrium.

For the beginner lightest to be drained off in a rack of slanting draining off, almost across a slope with departure a counterbias that will allow him to brake easily for performance of the further turn on a place.

Overcoming of obstacles

If on a way of the skier there will be a ditch, the small brook, the tumbled down trunks of trees, fences over them step sideways, having put preliminary skis in parallel an obstacle. Not taking out skis it is possible to pass and through higher obex if to sit down on it(her), to rest palkami from two sides and, having lifted legs(foots) to transfer(carry) them simultaneously on other side.

In a forest it is not necessary to approach(drop in) close on trees - it is possible to fail easily during a quaggy snow at a trunk or, on the contrary, in a prespringtime to get on acting roots or naled.

Driving a sunny day under a bias in a forest, it is necessary to reduce rate as sharp transition from light to a shadow causes time(temporary) blinding the skier. To reduce rate on draining offs it is necessary and on ice-covered ski tracks, nakatannyh transport roads, sites of a wind ice-film.

Overcoming straight off bugry, shaft, the skier should squat a little on skis, and moving a wide ditch, the gullen, on the contrary, to be straightened. It is necessary to do(make) these movements smoothly enough that inertia of a backpack has not caused(called) fall.

Overcoming of the frozen reservoirs. To not get on a thin ice, the way should be chosen far away from those sites where into lake or the river runs or cross-flow water follows. Preliminary investigation trebuet-a place of draining off on an ice as at a coasted edge the ice sags because of winter dropping a water level.

At crossing unknown and not inspiring trust of a reservoir it is recommended to go with a distance to 5-8 m. Referring impacts palok about an ice defines(determines) its(his) reliability for movement of all group.


Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement

The regimen of hiking day, On water travel depends on a concrete route, conditions of weather and applied plavsredstv. For example, travelling on rafts or the open boats during a rain it is better "to break" a regimen and to not leave from a lodging for the night before its(his) termination(ending). In bajdarochnom a hike on the simple river, on the contrary, it is possible to recommend a yield(an exit) for day time transition and in a bad weather, having waited only small clearing to collect and lay things in kayaks.

Renewal of a rain and even its(his) transition in oblozhnoj are not terrible for tourists-water-transport workers if they have reliable capes, and kayaks - water-proof decks(yeast heads) and aprons. In these conditions it is necessary to move without a dinner and to choose a parking lot counting upon a lodging for the night. Clearly, what to stop it is necessary earlier as searches of dry fuel and preparation of a supper under a rain will be complicated.

Strongly stirs(prevents) to tourists, forcing down rate of movement, a head wind. At big parusnosti courts(vessels) the wind is better for waiting, having reduced morning transition and accordingly having enlarged a part of a route on "simple" water in the evening when the wind normally ceases.

The regimen of hiking day is influenced also with light conditions: at bad illuminating intensity or low position of the sun shining directly in eyes, it is impossible to pass(take place) thresholds, shivery and t. The item should be transferred(carried) Overcoming of these obstacles for more suitable time of day.

The order of movement. By boats or kayaks of 30-50 m between courts(vessels) travel kilvaternoj a column with a distance. At movement on the narrow rivers or at high rate of passing current the distance is enlarged up to 100-150 m.

Obstacles on water travel are passed(taken place), as a rule, serially. At the approach to them the vessel with the most skilled(experienced) crew forward is put forward. Behind it(him), not keeping away far from a shore that always it was possible to stick, there are other vessels. In case of hazard the crew ahead of a going boat lands and from a shore does(makes) investigation of the further way.

Viewing of an obstacle consists in definition of its(his) character, in a choice of a way and the order of movement of group through an obex. Sometimes for the best investigation of a water stream in it(him) dump(reset) control bui (a stick, a log).

At a complex(difficult) waterway and imperceptible obstacles from water on shores it is useful to establish(install) marks or to put "mahalshchikov" which will specify to crews of passing(of taking place) courts(vessels) a direction of turns. In case of need below a hazardous place posts with saving are exposed; agents.

Line of movement

The line of movement in tourist floating depends on character of water. On the small flat rivers most convenient for travel of beginners, a line of movement of courts(vessels) is the main stream. Here it is necessary to go in deep places completely to use rate of current and on a waterway to overcome various obstacles.

On large river arteries tourists should keep Rules of floating on inner navigable ways and keep near to the right shore on a course, to not stir(prevent) to movement of large courts(vessels) (fig. 15).

Example navigable obstanovkiris. 15. An example of a navigable situation: 1 - a red beacon; 2 - white, a beacon; 3 - a motley beacon; 4 - left-bank spring, a sign; 5 - obstanovochnyj a post (a small house of the buoy keeper); 6 - right-bank. perevalnyj a sign: 7 - left-bank perevalnyj a sign; 8 - a right-bank alarm mast: 9 - a left-bank alarm mast; 10 - semafornaja a mast: 11 - stvornye signs

On the fast and complex(difficult) rivers (for example, foothill) it is desirable to build a line of movement so that to refer a boat from one headland on another, crossing a waterway on reaches. Anyway, at the approach to abrupt turns or obstacles it is important to not appear in the main stream which can pile a boat on a clip or drag it(her) in high standing shaft.

At floating on the open water spaces it is necessary to consider constantly an opportunity of strong winds, greater(big) waves, a surf and the plan of transitions to build depending on concrete conditions, not keeping away far from a shore always to have an opportunity to stick to it(him;them).

Work as paddles

The technics(technical equipment) of tourist rowing a little than differs from the standard receptions of movement by corresponding(meeting) boats - walking, flat-bottomed boats, boats and t. The item Important that during rowing tourists worked as a trunk more, did(made) long posting with some acceleration and lowered(omitted) paddles in water not more deeply than on the half-blade.

On travel on a kayak the case at the oarsman should be, on the contrary, is motionless: inclinations aside the rowing blade (an ordinary mistake(error) of the beginner) cause only fast fatigue.

The main thing in rowing - Wide and free movements with the maximal relaxation of muscles during the moment of drift of a paddle and strong grebkom at posting.

Except for the basic reception of posting of a paddle, tourists should be able "tabanit" (activly to brake paddles), correctly to sit down in a vessel and to land from it(him), to depart and approach(suit) on a vessel to a shore and precisely to execute commands(teams) « Paddles on a board! » (at an input(entrance) in a bottleneck), « the Land of a paddle! » (for the termination(discontinuance) of rowing), etc. Submits a command(team) to such maneuvers and normally back oarsman controls a rudder on a tourist vessel.

Management of a raft

Management of a raft essentially Differs that the ordinary raft has no own rate in a stream. To refer it(him) to the necessary part of the river (certainly, on current), it is necessary or to rest in a river bed shestami, or otgrebatsja special paddles - feed and nasal grebjami, or, having put a raft under an angle to current to save this position by means of a steering paddle.

Working shestami, it is necessary to bear(take out) them forward probably further from a raft that, having had time to make a jerk, to lift shesty at passage by a raft of a point of an emphasis.

Any inhibition is immediate the sixth is excluded: the raft will pull hard on shest: also will beat out it(him) from arms(hand) or will throw off the person in water.

At depth more than one and a half meters shest are practically useless. At weak current in this case it is possible to apply a sail and a rudder or to put ordinary paddles. If the flow rate exceeds 2 m a sec and on fine water it is necessary to put on a raft good row.

More detailed data on technics(technical equipment) plotovozhdenija, intended for skilled(experienced) tourists, it is possible to receive in the special literature.

Movement against current

The line of movement against current on a rowing vessel gets out whenever possible there, where a flow rate the least. ' Counter rapids at rate over 2-3 m sec and other obstacles are overcome by means of posting. For this purpose tourists get out in water (legs(foots) should be necessarily obuty) and, having undertaken on two for boats, spend them vbrod on a shoal.

On the flat rivers with dry nezalesennymi shores movement on a бечеве-strong cord in length up to 50 m. One of tourists is more convenient tows(hauls) a kayak, going on a shore, and the second, sitting in her, helps(assists) rudder and paddle to keep it(her) about a shore. In other variant the second tourist goes on a shore and by means of long shesta (5-7) refers a nose of a kayak to the necessary side.

On the fine taiga rivers with dense coasted greenery at utilization of boats sometimes apply technics(technical equipment) of circulation against current on shestah. Thus shestami. Normally two tourists, one work, costing(standing) on feedstuff, another - on a nose of a boat. "Being in coordination pushed" shestami in a river bed, they spend a vessel forward.

If any of these receptions we shall not apply, it is necessary to enclose (to drag) boats on a shore.

Management of a sail

Names галсовРuc. 16. Names of tacks (courses).

Work with a sail on a tourist vessel is defined(determined) by type of auxiliary sailing arms and a vessel in view of a wind (fig. 16). If on a kayak, to a raft the elementary is used rejkovoe arms at passing (fordevind) a wind the bottom angles of a sail are stretched(dragged out) by rods in the sides - the direct sail is put. At bakshtage it is better to rework a sail in slanting, having attached one bottom angle of a sail to a mast, and by means of shkota and, it is desirable for the second, gika "to catch" a side wind (fig. 17). At bakshtage it is used also shprintovoe arms.

Fuller utilization of a wind (including on courses galfvind and partially bejdevind) is possible(probable) at application of the sailing equipment close to jahtennomu.

At a strong wind a kayak with a sail follows otkrenivat or to link two kayaks series, transforming them in a catamaran. Probably also utilization of a paddle as rei to which floats-аутригеры are attached. Autrigery do(make) inflatable or stuck together of a light(mild) plastic foam in the form of the pointed cylinders. If in a sail will strike unexpected squall, it is necessary to release(let off) immediately shkoty, to put a kayak downwind, and then to lower(omit) a sail.

Slanting parusris. 17. A slanting sail

The basic natural obstacles

High beds, perekaty, the rapids, separate stones, topljaki, coasted thrickets, zavaly-rather widespread natural obstacles on simple water travel.

Sandy high beds and perekaty. For light(mild) tourist courts(vessels) they, as a rule, do not represent serious hazard. Obstacles pass(take place) in the deepest place (so-called "trough") which can be defined(determined) on dark color of water, greater rate of current, a large and equal wave at a wind.

Rapids. Are convenient for movement on direct sites of the rivers without especially greater(big) biases, on turns they demand care. In order to prevent navala boats on the concave shore it is necessary to descend(go) in advance from the middle of a stream and to nestle on convex sites of a shore.

Topljaki and odintsy. On the small and average rivers the occurring with the sunk trees (topljakami) and single stones (odintsami) is possible(probable). If these obstacles are under water them learn(find out) on circles on water, to breakers below an obstacle or on so-called top of a triangle, obrazuemoj two jets of the stream broken about a stone or a tree.

If the single obstacle is noticed, it is better to change in advance a course and to bypass it(him). If it to make it is impossible, follows sharply zatabanit from a board opposite to an obstacle, and then to level a boat.

Thrickets. The scrubs which have hung above water, the washed away trees often serve as the reason of revolution (overkilja) a tourist vessel. Therefore on the fast rivers it is necessary to steer clear from navalnogo (concave) shore with hanging greenery and to not try zatormazhivat a kayak, having grasped with it(her) for a motionless subject.

Blockages. Are formed there where the fallen trees partition off the river. In case of a blockage it is necessary to enclose a boat on a shore or to clear away small passages. At high rate of current it is important to stick in advance to a shore to not be tightened(delayed) under this obstacle.


The threshold is a short site of the river with greater(big) fall and rate of the water, normally complicated by numerous stones or ridges and standing waves from converging jets. About approach(approximation) a threshold it is possible to learn(find out) on retardation of current and a rumble from falling water. Simple thresholds meet already on routes I-III of categories of complexity, therefore it is necessary to know even the general(common) rules of their passage.

Simple threshold on a visible waterway overcome, as a rapid, at positive rate of a boat (that is presence of own rate forward concerning moving water).

If stones in a vein of many and cannot be bypassed them the side, it is necessary to maneuver between them. For this purpose it is necessary pritabanivat from an obstacle and to do(make) strong grebki on the other hand, aspiring as though "to flow round" a stone the case of a boat, all time looking through the further way forward.

On the small rivers tourists should keep an average line of the triangle formed by converging jets of a threshold for here it is more than normally depth, and the bed(channel) is purer(cleaner). But on greater(big) rivers where there is a hazard to be filled in standing waves, it is necessary to avoid movement through top of a triangle.

In any event if preliminary survey of a threshold (and he for the tourist-beginner is obligatory) gives the basis to doubt in success of its(his) passage, it is necessary to enclose boats or to spend them along a shore.

Artificial obstacles

Bridges, ferries, some piscatory constructions, dikes, sluices, molevoj an alloy concern to artificial obstacles.

Bridges. On the small rivers them pass(take place), as a rule, under the highest flight. Preliminary it is necessary to be convinced, that in front of the bridge there are no old foundations, topljakov, the cut piles and Other diving and surface obstacles. It is necessary to remember, that in flights current is noticeably accelerated. To approach(suit) to the bridge on » up to on small rate, having taken in advance exact direction. Especially cautiously it is necessary to pass(take place) under the bridges crossing the rivers under acute angles, - probability navala on the foundations here the greatest.

Low planked footway and luggage. Tourists overcome them, having cast away on a bottom(fundus) of a boat and preliminary having cleaned(removed) paddles (on a kayak-having removed(a kayak-having taken off) a breakwater and backrests). Sometimes happens it is necessary podtopljat a boat to enlarge to its(her) deposit. Then it is necessary to resort to the help of crew of other vessel.

Ferries. Are passed(taken place) according to position of the ferry: or in the middle of the river above a cable or under it(him), having nestled on a high shore.

Dikes, sluices, naplavnye bridges, log ponds (chains of the logs bound by a cable), wood mash masses, molevoj an alloy. Beginning(starting) tourists-water-transport workers should enclose these obstacles. Not approaching(suiting) close to an obstacle, it is necessary to stick to a shore and to see(overlook) a way voloka. Before obnosom and kayaks normally unload boats. If there are no special carriages, kayaks transfer(carry) together on brachiums or on arms(hand), and boats on equal road roll on stumps of logs in diameter 10-15 see

On occassion narrow foot naplavnye ponticuluses or log ponds without mash masses can be overcome « in a forehead », slightly pritopiv one of parts of the bridge or lesouderzhivajushchego the check. However from a kayak pritopljat logs of the check it is not recommended.

shljuzovatsja it is possible only at presentation of the routing document and after reception of the corresponding(meeting) permission from the chief of a sluice. In a sluice tourist courts(vessels) are not authorized to stand close to walls and hiluses of chambers, to be between greater(big) courts(vessels). To leave a sluice follows behind a caravan of courts(vessels).


Features of a regimen, rate, the order of movement

The daily routine. On mountain travel normally differs that he "is shifted" on an hour-two forward in comparison with the schedule of the pedestrian travel. It is bound to instability of weather in mountains (in second half of day she often spoils) and some specific hazards of a mountain land forms. So, is closer to poludnju it is enlarged kamnepadnaja hazard, durability of the snow bridges decreases, the "become limp" snow becomes almost impassable, and the "raisen" rivers - complex(difficult) for a ferry.

On mountain travel it is recommended to do(make) rise at 4-5 o'clock, and a yield(an exit) on a route at 6-7 o'clock. Sometimes it is necessary to replace the big lunch halt hour rest(tour) with small perekusom, but to stop and break camp for a lodging for the night it is necessary at 14-16 o'clock.

Regimen of movement. On fixing(lingering) rises changes ea the bill is more white than frequent stoppings on rest(tour): every 30 minutes rise should follow 5-8-минутный a halt. On abrupt sites one-two-minute stoppings (not taking out a backpack) do(make) in 10-15 minutes of rise. Rate of movement in mountains in many respects depends on a concrete land forms and biases: on rises he, as a rule, obviously slowed down, and on draining offs on a simple way - accelerated.

The order of movement. Strictly in a column on one. At movement on abrupt kamnepadnym to slopes, taluses, a moraine the finding of one tourists directly above on a slope above others is not supposed. If other order of movement is impossible, it is necessary to move closely to each other.

Line of movement

Choice of a line of movement. On mountain routes, as a rule, it is defined(determined) by presence of the tracks laid by local residents or tourists. Sometimes beginners try to ignore these lines that is absolutely wrong. Even if from any place of rise can seem, that on pass there is shorter way and a track vainly "twists" superfluous serpentines, all the same it is better to believe in a "clever" track. Kruzhnoj the way, as a rule, appears the most economic and safe. To straighten flexures of a track it is possible only on draining offs. And that if the bias is not so great.

At absence of tracks in mountain district and at the approach to unknown pass it is necessary to organize preliminary investigation with the purpose of a choice of the best way of movement.

The scheme(plan) of movement on pass in the summer. Despite of a variety of local conditions, the scheme(plan) of movement on pass normally happens following.

The approach to pass on a valley (it is more preferable on a slope of a Sonth exposition or covered by more rare(infrequent) greenery).

Further traversirovanie orohylile both alpine meadows and rise on taluses, and for a way choose their "dead" sites with large stones. Then a yield(an exit) on an ice cellar (on a trailer or side moraine, on tongue of an ice cellar and t. Item) and rather flat way on an ice cellar around ledopadov and cracks to snow rise or a small rocky wall perevalnoj saddles.

Rise on a saddle on a snow or rocks is made, as a rule, upright upwards, with maintenance kamnepadnoj and avalanche safety. From rocky sites flat ribs and buttresses are most suitable.

The scheme(plan) of movement on pass in the winter. In a zone of a forest in the winter tourists are recommended to go normally on a years(summer) track, but at warming it is necessary to leave whenever possible on northern slope, and at a cold snap on Sonth.

At a yield(an exit) from a forest it is expedient to adhere to a bottom(fundus) of gorge (river bed). If the river has not frozen, for a ferry it is possible to use the snow bridges framed by avalanches which have fallen earlier.

Rise on an ice cellar - it is direct from its(his) tongue and at all under the mutton foreheads. Going on the center of an ice cellar, it is better to choose the concave places of its(his) surface and to avoid convex. The upper circus of an ice cellar overcome normally in the middle, if necessary having taken out skis and moving directly « in a forehead ».

Overcoming of grassy slopes, taluses, moraines

From natural obstacles in mountain outcomes I-III of categories of complexity most often there are grassy slopes, taluses and moraines.

The technics(technical equipment) of movement in mountains on grassy slopes is similar to movement on the same slopes on foot travel. However in mountain district they happen much more abruptly, more longly and more dangerously as can alternate with rocky yields(exits) and be limited from below to steep waste interceptions and the mutton foreheads (the smoothed(maleficiated) prominences(mamelon) of rocks). On abrupt grassy slopes draining off and rise are carried out by zigzags, a trace in a trace, with short intervals.

On a talus upwards it is necessary to go obliquely, choosing for statement of a leg(foot) convenient stones. Of each unsteadily laying leg referring should warn those who follows it(him). To go it is necessary so close that the stone unintentionally shifted from a place by one tourist, could be detained by comrade following it(him). At draining off by group on a talus it is necessary to be careful of that one tourist was above another.

Rocky sites

Movement on rocks demands application of a rule of " three points of a leg ». It means: it is necessary to move so that on more or less complex(difficult) sites during moving one extremity others did not come off legs.

On light(mild) rocks of an arm(a hand) normally only support(maintain) equilibrium and activly work only there where there is no convenient and reliable leg for legs(foots). The trunk should be held whenever possible upright, and arms(hand) and legs(foots) to plant not less than for width of brachiums. It is necessary to lean(base) on prominences(mamelon) inner welts a boot. At utilization of grab (fig. 18а) it is not necessary to nestle on rocks. It will provide the best conditions for work of legs(foots). To move it is necessary smoothly, without jerks - so lighter to save equilibrium and to save forces.

Work as arms(hand) at movement on rocky uchastkamris. 18. Work as arms(hand) at movement on rocky sites: and - grab: 6 - raspor: in - an emphasis

For movement it is necessary to use serially emphasises and raspory (fig. 18,), preferring the last: at rasporah hazard of failure and a load on fingers of arms(hand) is less. On difficult, but convenient for movement with rasporom sites to move it is necessary directly upwards. If it is necessary to move aside, to do(make) it it is necessary. On lighter(more mild) sites.

In case of absence or a failure of reliable legs on a rocky site it is necessary to use more full probably treni? (on plates, crests) and force rasklinivanija (angles, hiatuses).

Snow slopes and ice cellars

Movement on snow slopes in mountains if there is no special equipment, is admissible on simple snow patches, rather sloping safe rises to pass or at crossing firnovyh a plateau.

At movement it is necessary to use alpenshtokom (ledorubom) and footwear on a hard sole as the basic efforts at walking on a snow are spent on protaptyvanie traces, heavy grazing of steps and conservation of equilibrium.

The tourist should not kick sharply during a snow - to press together in him a trace from two-three pressings better. Moving on a fragile ice-film, it is not necessary to try to be kept on its(his) surface. It is better to punch an ice-film and to trample down a step. In fact everyone should care about going behind. Therefore distance between stupenkami referring should sorazmerjat with convenience of movement of the most nanous tourist in group. The weight of a body should be transferred(carried) smoothly from a step on a step, leaning(basing) on all foot.

At movement on a snow the self-insurance alpenshtokom is kept. Rise on abrupt sites will organize « in three steps »: the tourist ahead of itself sticks alpenshtok and, keeping for it(him) arms(hand), drives in into a snow all over again one, then other leg(foot). Then alpenshtok it is transferred(carried) above, and movements repeat in the same sequence. On gentle slopes tourists are drained off by the face to a valley and probably press heels in a snow more strong. Alpenshtok keeps on izgotovku. Abrupt draining offs pass(take place) « in three steps » the face to a slope.

If under a snow there is an ice cellar in order to prevent fall in a glacial crack it is necessary to move in ligaments(cords) on 2-4 persons. Forward should sound closely(attentively) before itself a snow alpenshtokom.

Sites of a soft ice of small toughness on the ice cellars opened from a snow are overcome in otrikonennyh boots or in footwear on a rubber sole with a deep fluting. Legs(foots) should be put on an ice so that they concerned(touched) with its(his) all foot.

More abrupt sites of the open ice cellar can be passed(taken place) in "cats" and with cutting out ledorubom steps on a slope. At movement on "cats" of a leg(foot) it is necessary to put a little bit more widely, than at ordinary walking (to not hook zubjami on boots, trousers). "Cats" put on an ice with light(mild) impact simultaneously all cores zubjami. On occassion creation of additional points of a leg - driving in ice krjuchev can be demanded.

For the confident movement on an ice, snow and rocky land forms the profound knowledge gornoturistskoj technics(technical equipment) and climbing receptions is necessary more. That who is going to go to a mountain hike, it is necessary to familiarize with them under the special literature and to fulfil them practically before departure mountains.

Ferry on stones and a snow

The most widespread way of overcoming of a narrow mountain stream is the ferry on stones when tourists step or jump from one boulder on another, being insured ledorubami or alpenshtokami. Before a ferry it is important to plan a way of movement and whenever possible to check up fastness of legs. Before transferring of all gravity of a body it is desirable to test for a stone its(his) leg(foot) and to be ready, at unsteadiness of a leg, to a jump on a following boulder. On a fine place tourists sometimes and can outline in water stones for a ferry. To be forwarded through the mountain rivers it is necessary in the morning when the stormy melting of a snow and an ice has not begun yet.

On the snow bridge are forwarded after investigation of its(his) durability. For this purpose a crest(fornix) of the bridge examine from water, throw on it(him) stones. If the full confidence of reliability of the bridge is not present, the ferry is admissible only on one with the rope insurance. The first with intubation of a snow ledorubom passes(takes place) (creeps) over the bridge the skilled(experienced) tourist on the insurance without a backpack.

Hinged ferry

For the organization of a hinged ferry it is necessary for one person to wade or cross the mountain river to bear(take out) on an opposite shore the extremity(end) of a cord. Sometimes the cord manages to be thrown for a stone, a tree or a rock of an opposite shore.

After a ferry of the first tourist and reliable fastening of a cord it(her) strongly pull (it is desirable with a bias aside movements) and start to forward on one other members of group. For this purpose the next tourist ties round a thoracal binding, does(makes) a saddle, is attached by two carbines to the basic cord and, touching on her arms(hand), by a head forward is forwarded above water through the river. At the big bias the ferry is spent by legs(foots) forward.

For the insurance of the tourist two auxiliary cords attach to its(his) thoracal binding through a carbine in unit of "porter": one lasts on one shore, the second - on another. With their help it is possible to extend weakened tourist or to draw on the basic cord backpacks which pick up a carbine on 2-3 pieces.


The mutual insurance

The mutual insurance and the help - one of immutable rules of sportsmen-travellers. The insurance is a close(an attentive) observation over the tourist overcoming an obstacle, or rendering to him the effective help for prevention of failure, fall, utoplenija, etc.

Receptions of the insurance are various depending on conditions of travel, but the most widespread agent is the insurance by means of a cord. The moment for application of the insurance is defined(determined) by the principal of group proceeding from a degree of difficulty and a profile of a way, a physical and moral state of tourists and other reasons.

Preparation of the insurance. Includes the following moments: distribution of forces of participants of group for overcoming an obstacle, definition of the order and sequence of their actions on the insurance; check of agents of the insurance (a cord, agents for nepotopljaemosti vessels and t. Item); a choice of a place of a leg for the insurance, its(her) approbation and, in case of need, processing (sanitation, strengthening of a platform, a stump of acute edges on a prominence(mamelon)); stock-taking of corresponding(meeting) clothes (at the insurance a cord storm suits and mittens, for example, are necessary); maintenance of the reliable self-insurance for the insuring tourist.

The simultaneous insurance. It will be organized on rather simple sites of a route and simple obstacles. In this case all tourists, being in movement, simultaneously insure the comrades.

On the pedestrian travel it is support at a ferry, in water - movement by compact group at a wave, in mountain - movement in ligaments(cords) on rocky sites or the closed ice cellars and t. Item

On simple sites it is possible to organize gymnastic (bezverevochnuju) the insurance. She consists in support of the tourist and its(his) deduction at a landing after a jump-failure. On the gymnastic insurance are put one-two most skilled(experienced) and physically strong participant of group.

The insurance a handrail. A rope handrail hang for the insurance and speed of passage of hazardous places greater(big) groups of tourists more often. At movement on a handrail apply gymnastic receptions: arms(hand) are intercepted on the fixed cord, and legs(foots) rest against a slope, a log of a ferry, a river bed.

The alternate insurance. It is applied on more hazardous obstacles when one tourist moves, and others insure it(him). Depending on character of obstacles; the insurance can be various.

At overcoming sites with a rocky land forms or there where it is possible to plant the feet stably, use the insurance a cord through a trunk of the insuring tourist. The most widespread kinds of such insurance-sitting through a loin and costing(standing) through a brachium.

At presence of large stones, rocks, trees the insurance through a prominence(mamelon) is more reliable. Sometimes apply a combination from these kinds of the insurance. On a snow primenima the insurance through a stick, ledorub, the skis strong thrust during a snow. On a ferry the mobile insurance (the insuring tourist has a freedom of movement on a shore) can be used. Besides below a place of a ferry the inspection station of "interception" should be established(installed).

Efficiency of the alternate insurance a cord in many respects is defined(determined) by skill to take of a correct position and position that jerk of a cord has not deduced(removed) insuring of equilibrium, and skill to pickle a cord at the insurance. Rigid fastening of a cord can tear it(her) or put(render) serious traumas.

The self-insurance and self-retention

The self-insurance before an obstacle. Preparation for her consists in carrying out of some actions for check of the readiness for overcoming an obstacle.

They include check of individual equipment (presence, quality, its(his) approbation in operation); check of individual saving agents (for the tourist-water-transport worker - an inflatable waistcoat, a girdle, circles; for the mountain tourist - an avalanche cord, etc.); mental repetition of the plan of own actions necessary for overcoming of an obstacle; an estimation of possible(probable) variants of failure on an obstacle and emergency actions for the prevention(warning) of a traumatism; the general(common) mobilization of physical and mental forces on overcoming of an obstacle.

Utilization of a stick (ledoruba). The basis of the self-insurance at passage of many obstacles to the pedestrian, mountain, partially lyzhnih travel consists in utilization of an additional leg - alpenshtoka, ledoruba, a ski stick. If the obstacle simple, a stick keeps one arm(hand), framing in case of need the third leg and helping(assisting) fastness.

At movement on abrupt or slippery slopes a stick hold in two arms(hand) in position « on izgotovku »: the arm(hand) holding the upper extremity(end) of a stick at a level of a chest, clasps a staff a palm up, and other arm(hand) which is being more close to the bottom extremity(end) (shtychku) of a stick, takes a staff a palm from top to bottom and is at any moment ready to press down as though a stick to a slope. By means of a stick it is possible to save constantly in movement two points of a leg: while the tourist does(makes) the next two steps, he leans(bases) a stick on a slope, then, costing(standing) on two legs(foots), quickly transfers(carries) a stick forward, to other point of a leg, and the motion cycle repeats.

At crossing a slope (traverse, movement by a zigzag) shgtychok a stick should be always turned to a slope. At change of a direction or turn to a slope other side the stick is intercepted by arms(hand) without an abruption shtychka from land.

Ledorub on hazardous slopes hold also in two arms(hand) (upper compresses a metal head ledoruba), a bill downwards and from itself.

Being forwarded vbrod with a stick, it(her) shtychok bear(take out) towards to current. On fording on a cord categorically it is forbidden to use loops with seizing units. The self-insurance at movement on a rope handrail can be applied by similar way on « a dry place » (draining offs, rises, traversah), and the length of a self-safety loop should be shorter than the extended arms(hand).

Self-retention on sneguris. 19. Self-retention on a snow.

Self-retention. Consists in skill to stop or even partially to brake fall, failure and t. Item

At fall or soskalzyvanii on a grassy slope or a fine talus the instant leg a stick (alpenshtokom, ledorubom) in a slope from position « on izgotovku » is necessary. If it did not manage to be made and the tourist pokatilsja downwards, it is necessary to aspire to turn over at once on a stomach(belly), a head upwards, and to be late a stick in a prone position. Thus the stick is kept in polusognutyh arms(hand) and rests shtychkom obliquely against land.

At fall on a snow slope the tourist should turn over jerky on a stomach(belly) and, pressing a stick shtychkom during a snow, gradually to brake movement. It is very important, that legs(foots) fallen have been moved widely apart and rested stupnjami against a slope (fig. 19).

Cords and units

Cords. At movement and overcoming of obstacles application of kapron cords of the cores (thickness of 9-11 mm, length 30-40) and auxiliary (thickness of 5 7 mm, length of 30-40 m and 4,5-5) is most widespread. Them use at prompting various ferries, the organization of rise or draining off on an abrupt slope, at the insurance on hazardous rocky, snow and other sites of a route.

Setting uzlovris. 20. Setting of units: and - weaver's; - "porter"; in - direct; g - bramshkotovogouzly for linkage of two cords. If cords of identical diameter, them knot weaver's or direct ("sea") (fig. 20 and,). At different thickness of cords apply bramshkotovyj unit (fig. 20).

At vjazke units it is not necessary to forget to do(make) additional safety (control) units on the extremities(ends) of the bound cords: at greater(big) loads on a cord they will interfere it(her) proskalzyvaniju and razvjazyvaniju the basic unit.

It is necessary to remember other feature of units also: they should not only keep strong, but also easily be untied, when in it(this) there is a necessity. Units in a "self-untied" variant match an additional eyelet of one of the extremities(ends) of a cord in unit or with a rod preliminary inserted into unit.


Obvjazyvanie in unit "bulin" a Fig. 21. Obvjazyvanie in unit "bulin" with braces from the extremity(end) of a cord

Units for loops and bindings. Are applied for prnvjazyvanija cords by a loop to a motionless subject (to a tree, a rock) and for obvjazyvanija the tourist at the organization of the insurance.

Units of "porter" (fig. 206) and "bulin" (fig. 21) are most widespread. The first is more simple, can be made both on the extremity(end), and in the middle of a cord, but after a tension is hardly untied.

At the insurance these units use normally in a combination to braces, receiving a so-called thoracal binding.

Setting uzlovris. 22. Setting of units: and - "udavki"; 6 - "seizing"

The binding-беседка matches from the short extremity(end) of an auxiliary cord and is applied at a hinged ferry.

Auxiliary units. The unit "udavka" (fig. 22а) can be used for fast and reliable alcoholization of a cord to a tree, a stone, a prominence(mamelon). Matches on the extremity(end) of a cord.

The "seizing" unit (fig. 22б) knit from an auxiliary cord on the basic and use at the insurance, rises, natjagivanii cords on a ferry and t. The item the Originality of unit consists that, being is weakened(easied), he easily moves an arm(a hand) on the basic cord, and at a sharp tension of an auxiliary cord at once is tightened(delayed). Matches on the extremity(end) of a cord a loop.

The unit "stapes" is applied to attachment of a cord, at vjazke shipping devices, rises and t. The item He is easily adjusted(regulated) and without effort untied. Matches on the extremity(end) and in the middle of a cord.