Halts and lodgings for the night

Tourist camp-it(-this;-thus) rest(tour) of participants of a hike, a place where they eat, sleep and prepare for the further way, it is a fire, the center, shelter from a bad weather. Depending on duration of camps they are sectioned into a small halt, a lunch halt, a lodging for the night, dnevku. The organization of a halt or a lodging for the night consists in correctly to choose for it(him) a place, it is good to prepare a platform, to put tent, to dissolve a fire and to provide safety of camp from forces majeure of the nature. THE ORGANIZATION OF HALTS AND LODGINGS FOR THE NIGHT

Choice of a place

Place for a small halt. As a rule, gets out on enough equal and dry landings, on glades, forest margins or it is direct on a roadside of road or a track. It is desirable, that series were a source of drinking water-key or the pure(clean) brook. In windy weather the place of a halt should be covered from impulses of a wind by a strip of a forest, thrickets of a bush, a hillock or a coasted escarpment. However there, where there are mosquitoes and midges, for a stopping it is recommended to choose navetrennye sites of a land forms. It is good to do(make) a halt on the places shined(covered) by the sun, and in the summer or in the south - in a shadow in the winter.

Place for a lunch halt, a lodging for the night, dnevki. It is looked for more carefully. Normally it gets out on riverbank, lakes and often depends on presence of an equal platform for tents and dry fuel - brushwood, a kecks, a breakage.

Good fuel on a place of a winter field lodging for the night is especially necessary. Presence, series of a source of a drinking water is desirable, but in winter conditions not necessarily as water can be melted from a snow. Stopping in the summer on the river along which there are human settlements, the tourist camp should be broken above on current from village, drinking places and fords. It is recommended to choose places with convenient draining offs to water, quiet reaches and sandy bottom(fundus) without snags.

It is more convenient for a lodging for the night the places early shined(covered) by the sun,-east slopes of a hill, east forest edge, riverbank and t, d. Here dew on a grass and tents more quickly dries out. It is good, when a halt, or a lodging for the night will be organized in the most picturesque places where nearby it is possible to fish, collect mushrooms or berries.

In safeguarded natural and park belts the tourist camp can be broken only in specially allocated(removed) places. It is impossible to arrange halts and lodgings for the night there where on a nature of soil, plants or to presence of a runoff of water tourist parking can promote erosion, for example, at the beginning of a gullen or its(his) branches.

Safety requirements to places of halts and lodgings for the night. It is not recommended to stop camp on flooded river bank lands, in beds(channels) of the dried up streams or on low islands.

In mountain district it is necessary to consider specific features of a land forms and weather and in order to prevent rockfalls, avalanches, landslides, mudstreams to not range at bottom of high rocks, under eaves, mobile taluses, on alluvial fans, in lavinoopasnyh a lobby. To not subject itself to risk of a lesion an atmospheric electricity, it is impossible to stop at an approaching thunder-storm on crests, tops of hills, passes.

In a forest it is necessary to be cautious with fire and to not break camp immediately in a thicket of a coniferous forest or in a dry bush. Near to the chosen platform there should not be the rotten or cut trees, differently suddenly flown squall or impact of a lightning can tumble down them on tourists.

Small halts

The organization of a small halt. Having found a suitable platform and having stopped tourists, the principal distributes(allocates) duties between separate participants of group. Normally happens enough to one of tourists to distribute sandwiches, acidic sweets or vitamins, and to another to descend(go) behind a drinking water. All the others, having taken out backpacks, range on 5-10-минутный rest(tour) on the stumps, the tumbled down trees or dry risings of soil. It is authorized to the sick prilech on any drawsheet and to lift legs(foots) upwards (for example to put them on a backpack). It is useful to make small warm-up.

Small halt in winter conditions. Before a stopping on a halt the group takes out rate of movement that the excited skiers could cool down gradually. After a stopping it is necessary to put on at once something warm, for example a jacket or a padded jacket. If there is an opportunity it is useful to give howl from a thermos on a pharynx of hot tea, coffee or cocoa.

The backpack is recommended to be hung up on suk a tree, to put on the stump cleared of a snow or, at their absence, to lower(omit) behind on the skis. To sit down on a backpack does not follow, but if in him there are no products or subjects which can be crushed exception can be on occassion made.

In cold weather the small halt should be not more long than 5 minutes.

Lunch halts

The organization of a lunch halt. At a stopping for a dinner of one-two person follow the water, one starts kindling a fire, another - to the equipment kostrishcha, and the others send behind fuel. After water and fire wood and razozhzhen a fire are brought, about it(him) there are persons on duty who provide maintenance of fire and cooking of nutrition. Free tourists from watch have a rest, bathe, play sports, fish, collect mushrooms, berries.

In solar weather the lunch halt can be used for drying clothes and equipment. At a bad weather it is necessary to choose in advance a platform for the equipment(installation) of tents, and all backpacks to combine in one place and to cover with a raincoat or Membranula(film). Duration of a lunch halt 2-4 hours.

Winter lunch halt. Much more shortly years(summer): its(his) duration depends on rate of delution of a fire and preparation of the hot nutrition consisting normally from tea or few dishes. Having stopped for a dinner, follows, not taking out backpacks and, skis, at first to trample down a snow on a camp platform. Then the principal distributes(allocates) duties between members of group: who will dig a foundation ditch or to do(make) a flooring for a fire who will follow fuel who kindles(heats) a fire.

The main thing at the organization of a winter halt - maintenance of active participation in bivachnyh works of all tourists. Only so it is possible to spend it(him) quickly and to warn cooling an organism at the compelled(forced) divergence on a frost.

Lodgings for the night and dnevki in field conditions

The organization of a lodging for the night and dnevki. In many respects reminds the organization of a lunch halt. However she demands additional allocation of several tourists for the equipment(installation) of tents and the equipment of camp. They prepare fuel for a fire, equip kostrishche, clear away territory of camp, construct from an improvised material of a bench, a hanger, a drying machine (fig. 36), dig a pit for dust, clear away, in case of need, draining off to water and t. Item

In the winter these tourists depending on concrete conditions of travel and applied equipment, dig a foundation ditch for tent, stamp a way from tent to a fire, build a wind-shelter wall and t. The item In winter lodgings for the night with utilization of a hiking oven are allocated also two-rub(-three) tourists for preparation "maloformatnyh" fire wood (for maintenance of heat in tent all the night long). Considering, that the organization of a lodging for the night borrows(occupies) in the summer up to two, and in the winter-up to of three hours, it is necessary to do(make) a stopping long before offensive(approach) of darkness.

Drying of clothes and footwear at kostraris. 36. Drying of clothes and footwear at a fire.

Regimen of lodgings for the night and dnevok. The correct regimen helps(assists) to provide to travellers normal rest(tour) and a dream. Beginning(starting) tourists on travel often sit up at a fire far for a midnight and is obvious(pronounced) nedosypajut. Therefore the principal in advance declares(announces) time of the general(common) release (normally at 23.00) and after it(him) does not suppose conversations and hum in camp.

On a lodging for the night and dnevke certain(specific) time is allocated(removed) on check and reconditioning of personal equipment and clothes, for socially useful work and observations over the nature, and remained time - on entertainments, physical exercises, sports, trainings, fishing, the collecting of mushrooms, berries and t. Item Dnevku should be used also for the best acquaintance with environing places. nostju, excursions and walks.

Coagulation of tourist camp. Collectings of group begin with packing(stacking) backpacks. In the winter or backpacks keep within a rain in tent. At clear and warm weather from tent pull out all things, and then open wide open an input(entrance) and a window leaf that she was easily insufflated and dried out. If the tent for frosty night has strongly become covered with hoarfrost or has got wet from a rain, it(her) dry at fire.

Nontransportable pegs and racks pull out from land and stack together with the remnants of fire wood nearby kostrishcha. Camp constructions - barriers, benches, do not fracture tables - they can be useful to other tourists.

The remnants of waste nutrition accurately put(fold) in the side is a gift of tourists a wood animal. But branches, a moss, a grass from drawsheets under tents, and also other dust (obryvki papers, a splint) carefully collect from a camp platform and burn, then rake and extinguish a fire, filling in with its(his) water, throwing land, a snow, pawning a greensward.

Before leaving(care) from a halt the principal builds group and checks, whether all is available, whether any things are forgotten, whether fire is carefully extinguished and whether the place of a lodging for the night or dnevki is tidied up.

Lodgings for the night and dnevki in human settlements and on camp sites

Lodgings for the night in human settlements. In conditions of amateur travel them normally arrange only in a cold season, and also at impreparation of tourists and absence at them necessary equipment. Planning such lodgings for the night, it is recommended to be written off(be copied) in advance with local authorities and to coordinate(agreee;compound) a concrete place of a stopping - in hotel, club, rural school.

If for any reasons tourists could not make it, it is useful for an hour before arrival to refer forward two-three "kvartirerov" from strong tourists which duty includes preparation of a place for reception of all group. They can execute a role of persons on duty and make to arrival of the others a hot supper.

Lodgings for the night and dnevki on camp sites. Amateur tourists of a camp site accept within the limits of the places allocated(removed) for this purpose, or on the empty seats, intended to the tourists arriving under permits. Service of amateur tourists is made after presentation of passports, and also routing sheets and other documents confirming a route of tourist group.

Places on tourist centers are given, as a rule, no more than for five days, and service is made in cash. Into service enters: a lodging for the night in buildings or tents, a delivery in table tourist centers, excursion service at the established(installed) cost, hire of an available tourist equipment, using a storage room and t. Item

The delivery is given as in the form of a full day time ration, and separately in the form of breakfasts, dinners and suppers.

The amateur tourists living on tourist centers in own tents, pay only household services, using on the peer beginnings with other tourists all kinds of cultural and community service (a medical care, consultations on tourism, lectures, library, storage rooms, douche, etc.). All tourists are obliged to keep the regulations, acting tourist centers.


Preparation of a platform

The chosen place clear of tussocks, stones, shishek. For a normal dream important that the platform was horizontal. In mountain district with this purpose cut off from a part of a platform a greensward or spread a platform flat stones. As a last resort tent put so that heads of tourists were above legs(foots). In the winter, at a superficial snow mantle for tent the foundation ditch rummages. In other events are limited utaptyvaniem a snow platform and its(her) alignment.

The tent platform is desirable for focusing "input(entrance)" on the open place - a forest margin, the river, lake. At a wind the tent is put so that the wind blew in its(her) end face, t. e. A back wall.

The order of the equipment(installation) of tents

dvuskatnye tents. dvuskatnye tents spread a floor downwards, then the bottom delays attach to land pegs so that the floor of tent has laid down without sags. After that two one-and-a-half-meter racks (their length depends on height of established(installed) tent) take, put one to an input(entrance), another at a back end face of tent and cover them vnahlest with the delays attached to the skate of a tent roof. The extremities(ends) of delays, attach pegs to land on distance of 2-3 m from tent, trying to sustain their direction on the axial line which are passing(are taking place) through the skate of a roof.

Having clasped(buttoned) in order to prevent a sag of clivuses an input(entrance) in tent, start to natjagivaniju delays of a roof. In the tense kind of a delay should represent continuation of diagonals of clivuses. Therefore pegs hammer under an angle 45 to the sides of tent.

At the equipment(installation) of tent in a forest all over again pull between trees the basic delays of the skate of a roof, and then stretch(drag out) a floor and delays of clivuses. Instead of pegs use trunks of trees, a bush. The tent is put correctly when the roof does not screw up the face cords(crimps), walls do not sag, and the floor is not raised.

Instead of wooden pegs it is convenient to use metal probes which is easily without the help of an axe are stuck in land. In mountains instead of pegs normally apply stones, and racks replace alpenshtokom or bound in pairs ledorubami. In water hikes paddles can play a role of racks.

Winter and special tents. Tent, two-layer tents with awnings are established(installed) depending on feature of their design (see the chapter(head) "Equipment"). At presence of trees the basic and side delays become attached to them. In the winter instead of racks and pegs it is necessary to use skis and ski a stick, sometimes bound in pairs. Side walls of winter tents at strong frosts or a wind it is necessary prisypat a snow.

The equipment of tents

The equipment of tent for a lodging for the night. Tourists spread mats (inflate(distende) rubber mattresses), put on them sleeping bags, and in a headboard place backpacks with soft things. Fine personal things - place compasses, glasses(spots), toilet accessories(belongings) in pockets of tent, footwear put at its(her) input(entrance) under a floor, and utensils (if she is not left nearby kostrishcha or on knots series of a costing(standing) tree) hide under a visor of a clivus of a roof. For illumination(coverage) in tent in advance strengthen on podvese an electrolantern or a suppository.

The additional equipment of tent. Depends on concrete conditions of travel. If there is a rainy weather, it is necessary to throw with a polyethylene film or other waterproof material a roof of tent. At absence of a cape during a rain it is impossible to touch from within a panel of a roof for it in these places will easily allow to flow. If it nevertheless has occured(happened), quickly press to a place of infiltration a finger and spend it(him) downwards on a clivus - now water will flow down on the inner side of a wall, not disturbing you annoying kapelju. Around of tent it is necessary to dig through small rovik with a by-pass(weeper) flute for rain water.

On travel on taiga district it is useful, except for a standard bicuspid input(entrance), to sew to tent tubusnyj an input(entrance) from a dense gauze in the form of a sleeve with a tightened(delayed) flapper and in advance to process it(him), and also all clefts(rima) and holes at tent any contents frightening off insects. During travel such processing should be repeated periodically.

The equipment of winter tent. In winter tent the tourist oven, as a rule, is established(installed). She demands a special place and a reliable leg in the form of central kola (in tent tent), podkonkovogo a cable or sliding legs(pinches). The special place in tent is allocated(removed) and for a stock of fire wood. Along an antisiphon pipe from an oven stretch cords on which tourists for a night dry the things. To isolate sleeping from cold air from a door, to her it is done(made) tubusnyj an input(entrance). In order to prevent hit of a snow on tent and it(her) promerzanija above her it is recommended to pull an awning from any light(mild) material.


Place for a fire

Platform for a fire. Gets out on opened(open), but the safe place protected from a wind, it is desirable about water. It is necessary to plant a fire on already trodden platforms or on old. kostrishchah. It is expedient to have with itself sapernuju a scapula: her(it) it is convenient to take out a greensward from a place chosen for a fire, and to dig round it(him) | a flute. As a last resort for this purpose the axe is used. Anyway all dry leaves, branches, needles, a grass which can light up, follows otgresti from kostrishcha on distance of 1-1,5 m.

Fire-prevention safety. This main demand at a choice of a place for a fire. It is impossible to plant a fire more close than in 4-6 m from trees, tarry stumps or roots. Above a fire should not hang a branch of trees.

Do not light fire in needle-leaved young stocks. Here there can be the most terrible, a crown fire.

Do not plant fires on sites with a dry cane, a cane, a moss or a grass. On them fire goes with the big rate.

The fire on cutting areas where there are remnants of wood combustible materials is hazardous: here fire quickly distribute and the begun fire is difficult for stopping.

Do not plant a fire on peat lands. Remember, that it is very difficult to extinguish decaying peat, even filling in with its(his) water. Not noticed decay can easily turn to a ruinous peat-bog fire.

Do not plant fires in a forest on petrous looses. In such places between stones the wood stuff and humus collects. Fire, pronikshy in a cleft(rima), can extend on deep and sinuous courses between stones. To extinguish(put out) such fire it is almost impossible. Because of one fire the picturesque hills covered by a forest can turn for many years to dead heaps of stones.

Kindling of a fire

Rastopka. Kindling of a fire begins with preparation rastopki which do(make) from fine fur-tree vetochek, beresty (taken out, certainly, not from an alive birch), a dry moss, a lichen, corrugated slicess, luchin. In crude weather rastopku mine from a splint of the dead wood chopped by an axe, from dry needle-leaved opada, covered from a rain crones of trees.

Prepared растопку-has sunk down stack under combined shalashikom or a well fine brushwood and set fire, and from above accurately impose thicker fire wood.

During a rain a fire plant under covering of a cape or a raincoat which is held by two tourists. The more strongly the wind or a rain the be more dense packing(stacking) rastopki and fuel on a fire(shive) should. In bad weather it is good to have with itself dry alcohol, an old film, a candle end of a suppository, a chunk of plexiglas or rubber.

Kindling of a fire without matches. At utere matches or if they have dampened and for some reason or other cannot be predried, fire for a fire is mined by more complex(difficult) by. In solar weather for this purpose the magnifier (and also lenses of an objective(a lens) of the camera and even glasses from hours or glasses(spots)) is used. At presence at group of fire-arms it is necessary to make a single shot in land, preliminary zapyzhiv on one third sleeve(cage) filled by gunpowder cotton, a dry moss or a grass. It is possible to try(taste) by means of a flint (steals up from environing stones) to cut sparks on a tinder or to mine fire, quickly rolling out a wadded garrot between two dry plates. However these ways are rather labour-consuming and without due practice seldom give positive takes.

Preparation of fuel

Fire wood for a fire. Near to human settlements, and also in the rendered habitable districts as fuel fire wood, not suitable for economic needs of local population, for example, a fine kecks, dry croocked forest, old stumps, needle-leaved opad can be used.

If nearby such fuel is not available, it is necessary to get fire wood for a fire through a forest area or to take with itself in a hike kerosene stoves and gas tiles.

In taiga districts normally always there is enough brushwood, kecks, a dead wood. At preparation of fuel it is necessary to mean, however, that crude and rotten fire wood give a lot of smoke, but is poorly warm; fine brushwood burns through(smashes up) in first two-rub(-three) minutes; aspen and fir fire wood are bad that too strongly "shoot" sparks.

For cooking it is better to use a kecks of a birch and an alder which burns exactly and almost without a smoke. If it is necessary to dissolve the big hot fire, for example, in the winter at the compelled(forced) lodging for the night the best will be fire wood from a pine, cedar and fur-tree dead wood.

It is shaky a dead wood. Preparing for a fire a dead wood, the natural inclination of a tree and a place of its(his) possible(probable) fall at first define(determine), then look through a probable way of a falling tree to be convinced that it will not hang on the next crones, and only after that do(make) from that side where it is planned to bring down a tree, podrub on third of diameter of a trunk.

The second podrub do(make) from the opposite side approximately on a palm above the first. Cutting a tree, it is necessary to alternate(interleave) drawing of impacts under an acute angle to direct impacts with which "choose" wood. If the tree does not fall under action of a body weight use a wooden wedge or the lever - vagu with which refer its(his) fall on a free platform. Thus it is necessary to keep safety measures. People should not be not only on a place of prospective fall, but also behind a tree as it can jump aside back komlem.

If a tree thick enough for it(him) are shaky it is necessary to use a bimanual saw. To define(determine), whether the tourist with alive or zasohshim on a root a tree deals, it is possible on its(his) top (but not on a cortex or the bottom branches). If the top dry, means, and all tree dry.

Types kostrovris. 37. Types of fires: and - "tent"; - "well": in - "taiga"; g - "fireplace"; d - "Polynesian"; e - "star"

Fires(Shives) in woody districts

"Tent". The fire of type "tent" is convenient there where tourists are going to cook nutrition in a small amount of utensils and at the same time not thick "waste" fire wood (brushwood a shive that on it(him) as fuel go, a kecks wish to shine(cover) a camp platform. Advantage of this(thus) cone-shaped. Or dvuskatnogo). Giving(allowing) a high bright flame, a fire at the same time has rather narrow zone of heating and forms few coals, requiring in constant podkladyvanii a dry trees (fig. 37а).

"Well". It is one of kinds of hot fires. It(him) put(fold) from more or less thick short logs put by series (fig. 376). Slowly burning down, logs form many coals, giving a heat. Such fire is convenient for cooking, and also heating and drying of clothes.

"Taiga" fire. There are of the logs in length of 2-3 m laid lengthways or under an acute angle to each other (fig. 37в). The wide front of fire allows to cook on him nutrition. For the big group to dry things, and also to spend the night series that who for some reason or other has no tents. Concerning to fires(shives) of prolonged effect, "taiga" does not demand a frequent lining of fire wood.

From other kinds of fires can be recommended "fireplace", "Polynesian", "star". Features of their packing(stacking) are clear from fig. 37 g, d, e.

Fire nodja and a barrier otrazhatelris. 38. A fire nodja and a barrier a reflection shield.

"Nodja". For such fire (fig. 38) equal logs (a fur-tree, a pine, a cedar) prepare and clear them of branches and suchev. Two logs are put by series on land, then the shive is located on them (in a backlash) good rastopka or, even better, coals from "zapalnogo", and from above all nestles the third log. Rastopku it is possible to put and between two laying the friend on the friend logs, but for this purpose in them it is necessary to make a gutter preliminary.

"Nodja" gradually inflames and burns an equal hot flame some hours without additional fuel. To adjust(regulate) fever of a fire it is possible, a little moving apart and shifting the bottom logs or (if the log lays on a log) removing the third log - a regulator of draft of air.

Fire in snow jameris. 39. A fire in a snow pit.

Fire on winter travel. At a superficial snow mantle a fire plant in specially dug out snow pit. Digging of such foundation ditch is labour-consuming enough and is made by two-three tourists by means of duralumin shovels, buckets, kettles, chunks of plywood. A slat for a fire establish(install) on tripods from ski palok or opirajut on edges of a pit, preliminary having enclosed(laid) on a snow ski a stick (fig. 39).

On a deep snow and at presence of waste crude or rotten logs it is better to not dig a campfire pit, and to make fire on a special scaffold. The scaffold keeps within from several crude logs under which for greater fastness it is necessary to put two more cross-section(transversal) valezhiny.

Most quickly to dissolve a fire it is possible on a metal grid which pull between trees in the winter. This grid (the size of cells of 3-4 mm, thickness of a wire of 0,5 mm) is used also at the organization of a lodging for the night at a fire for protection of "shooting" fire wood sleeping from sparks. The grid is folded in a roller and transferred(carried) in a side pocket of a backpack.

The centers in malolesnoj districts

The center in mountain mestnostiris. 40. The center in mountain district.

The fire in malolesnoj district demands economy of fire wood and as much as possible careful attitude(relation) to greenery. In steppe for a fire do(make) the centers of a greensward, in mountains - from stones (fig. 40). At packing(stacking) the center it is necessary to remember, that it is possible to achieve, the best, burning if distance between side walls of the center, with .navetrennoj the side to do(make) more widely, than with leeward.

As "fire wood" in bezlesnyh districts dry scrubs, a grass, a cane, kizjak serve. The best artificial fuel in these places are dry alcohol, gasoline, gas.

The charge of dry alcohol on preparation of a dinner for 4 tourists normally makes of concentrates of 200-300 of alcohol of the Tablet are very hygroscopic and demand careful water-proof packing, differently its(his) charge can be enlarged twice. For cooking on gasoline it is convenient to use a so-called tourist kerosene stove which weighs together with refuelling less than one kg.

In case of utilization of kerosene stoves and tiles it is recommended to erect wind-shelter walls and zharootrazhajushchie screens. Harmonious(collapsible) mobile kitchens (fig. 41) are even more convenient.

Harmonious(Collapsible) safe kuhnjaris. 41. Harmonious(collapsible) safe kitchen(cuisine): and - working position with a kerosene stove; - hiking position


Lodgings for the night without tent

Shelters in the summer. Sometimes happens it is necessary to stop on an incidental halt or a lodging for the night, quickly to break a camp-shelter. Thus often it is necessary to use only the improvised materials replacing ordinary tent. At night on such camp (especially in cool weather) removable watch will be organized. Duties of persons on duty include maintenance of fire, drying of things, boiling treatment of water, the control over that all sleeping, especially laying from edges, have been well covered.

The elementary shelter in the summer to some extent replacing tent, is a chunk prorezinennogo Capronum, a thin canvas, a polyethylene film, an oilcloth, at the worst - a light(mild) blanket which can be transformed into reliable enough awning. Depending on the size of group and a locating of legs the awning can be odnoskatnym or dvuskatnym, stretch low or highly, above land. The same awning can be used for protection of a fire against a rain or a wind.

At absence of a material for an awning tourists are covered under flat of branches of a dense fur-tree or a cedar, the turned(overturned) boat, in an excavation of a rock.

Lodging for the night in the winter. In the winter for protection against a cold and a wind on camps barriers are established(installed). Their construction begin with erection of a skeleton from poles and thick branches. Then a skeleton bind thin branches. For the best reflection of heat an inner surface of a barrier cover with bedsheets or loose leaves for sleeping bags, and itself to a box do(make) slope to fire. As an emphasis for legs(foots) and in order to prevent their overheat at the bottom edge the box fastens two pegs a cross-section(transversal) log. Outside a barrier prisypaetsja a snow.

At small quantity(amount) of poles and branches a barrier construct from the skis thrust in a snow and fixed on them by means of, ski palok blankets. It is necessary the bottom edges of blankets prisypat a snow.

Sometimes tourists will organize a lodging for the night on a so-called hunting way. 2-3 hours prior to a dream plant a hot fire and as follows warm up land. Then a fire shift aside and dense group keep within on the dried up warm soil, having spread downwards backpacks and other soft equipment.

Lodgings for the night without tent in the winter in bezlesnoj to a zone

Shelter with. A skeleton from lyzhris. 42. Shelter with. A skeleton from the skis bridged by a metal ring.

Snow pits, caves, huts sometimes represent unique shelter for tourists at the compelled(forced) winter lodging for the night without tent in bezlesnoj districts. A convenient place for their construction are sites with a dense and thickest hibernal snow level: snow banks, naduvy, slopes of gullens. Having dug out any improvised agents a pit and having covered in her, it is necessary to close more densely whenever possible an inlet opening shtormovkoj or the blanket which has been hung up on skis. For the best conservation of heat in a cave it is better to do(make) an input(entrance) as it is possible already and its(his) messages from below.

There, where the ice-film is especially strong, and negligible thickness of a snow does not allow to dig a deep pit (on an ice of greater(big) reservoirs, on solar and navetrennyh malosnezhnyh places), for shelter construct a snow hut. Build it(her), cutting knifes snow blocks(trochleas) and stacking their series in the form of a crest(fornix). At absence of skills of work with a snow a ceiling do(make) of skis and ski palok, obkladyvaja by their blanket or snow plates. For the best conservation of heat the cubic capacity of pits, caves and huts should be minimal.

It is quickly possible to make shelter if in advance to take in a hike on an emergency event a metal ring from 13 plates with well boats for ski noses (fig. 42). This ring is the upper leg of 12 skis forming a skeleton tourist "plague". On skis the polyethylene film, from sides and from above privalivajutsja snow blocks(trochleas) is hung. At transportation the ring develops as measured meter.

Being in such shelters, it is necessary to put on itself all warm clothes, legs(foots) to hide in a backpack, and downwards to enclose(lay) other things. It is useful to accept periodically Saccharum, Adepses, and at opportunity to drink hot. In conditions of such lodgings for the night necessarily allocation of the person on duty which observes of a state of the comrades.