The Guideline of the principal of hikes of the day off

Hikes of the day off - one of the most mass and accessible forms of the organization of productive leisure(active rest) of workers. Participation in hikes of the day off should bring up workers in spirit of love to Native land, fidelity to high principles, to inoculate the careful attitude(relation) to the nature and monuments of culture.

Hikes of the day off - the first step of tourism. They prepare participants for distant travel, help(assist) to seize(take possession) tourist skills, provide necessary physical training. In a hike of the day off tourists get acquainted with native edge: with characteristic and picturesque visual environments, with the places fanned by revolutionary, fighting and labour glory of Soviet people, with monuments of history and culture the advanced state farms.

To tourists hikes of the day off allow to support(maintain) the appropriate sports form the year round.

In hikes, organizuemyh clubs of tourists, any citizen of the USSR can participate.

The participants of the hikes who have reached(achieved) 14 years, made not less than five hikes or one lasting many days, extent not less than 75 km, and handed over offset on bases of tourism, have the right to reception of a badge “ the Tourist of the USSR ”.

For parents with children of school age special hikes of the day off will be organized.

The success of carrying out of a hike depends, first of all, on carefulness of preparation for it(him;them).
2. Preparation for carrying out of a hike.

The principal should study(investigate) carefully all concerning to the planned route (under the literature, maps and other sources) and most preliminary to pass(take place) a route.

Studying(Investigating) the planned route, it is necessary:

To pay attention to a relief: a degree peresechennosti a land forms, a parity(ratio) wood and open landscapes, presence of the rivers, brooks, lakes, bogs, and also agents of a ferry through them providing safety of tourists.

- To provide passage of a route outside of zapovednyh and other territories closed for visitings.

- To plan a transit of group in the most picturesque places, passing whenever possible human settlements if in them there are no objects of excursion survey.

- To establish(install) presence, subjects and an opportunity of survey of the excursion objects had along the line of group. The principal should be informed enough about the places of interest had on a route to pass about them the information or to give the reference(link) to sources of the information.

- Roughly to plan a place and time of the big halt, and in a lasting many days hike - lodgings for the night.

- At carrying out of a hike with socially useful work in advance to define(determine) a fuctioning, to provide equipment.
3. The collecting of group.

The collecting of group is appointed(nominated) at suburban cash departments of stations, railway platforms, bus stoppings, stations of underground, quayes.

Time and place of the collecting in advance appear in calendar the plan, and also can be passed by mass media or be reported on bulletin boards.

In the announcement should contain necessary data on subjects of a hike, its(his) extent, a relief, a way of movement (on foot, on skis and t. Item); demands of a route to readiness of participants of a hike. The surname of the principal of a hike Is underlined. At a fare over 2 roubles the sum of transport charges there and back is underlined.

On hikes with a lodging for the night it is necessary to spend preliminary record, having specified in the announcement a place and time of record. This measure is necessary that was well-timed to provide group equipment, to distribute(allocate) duties among members of group and to organize a normal collective delivery.

During record the principal inquires after health of each participant, reports the general(common) data on a hike, a place and time of the collecting and if it is required, necessity of preliminary purchase of tickets.

Time of the collecting is appointed(nominated) not less than 15 minutes prior to departure of transport.

During the collecting of group the principal should have a breastplate.

Everyone wishing to take part(participate) in a hike, having arrived on a place of the collecting, should approach(suit) to the principal. The principal has the right to not resolve participation in a hike to the faces which have been not prepared, in its(his) opinion, to the given hike (insufficiently trained, with the obvious(pronounced) attributes of an illness dressed and obutymi not on a season and t. Item).

Participation in a hike of the faces which have appeared on a place of the collecting in a state of intoxication is inadmissible.

If impreparation of the participant will be taped during a hike, the principal has the right to take out it(him) from a route, having referred to the nearest stopping item(point) of public transport.

The principal reports to participants of a hike of the data, concerning(touching) payments of travel, specifies a train and the car intended for landing(planting), and station where the group should leave transport.

Landing(Planting) of participants of a hike in transport is made in process of purchase of tickets by them.

The station - a starting point of a route - should correspond(meet) declared(announced) by way of and cannot be changed without a sufficient substantiation.

If the group greater(big), the principal in advance warns tourists of necessity of the dispersed yield(exit) from cars at station of purpose(appointment) to not cause(call) a long detention of a train.
4. Movement on a route.

In the beginning of a hike the principal is represented to group, tells about the purpose of a hike and about a forthcoming route (the schedule and rate of movement, a relief, objects of excursion survey, time and duration of the big halt, time of homing for station, etc.). Here he finishes record in a routing leaf(sheet) of participants of a hike, appoints(nominates) closing and the assistants.

In a hike the principal is or in the chapter(head) of group, showing to road, or there, whence it is more convenient to him to supervise, when it is necessary to provide traffic safety (at a ferry, on abrupt draining off, on a narrow track, etc.).

The obstacles met on a way (fords, bogs and t.) the principal passes item the first or charges it to the skilled(experienced) tourist. The insurance and mutual aid will if necessary be organized; the special attention is given not skilled(experienced) and elderly tourists. The group does not leave from a place while its(her) last participant will not pass an obstacle.

At movement on motor transportation roads the group should move on the left roadside, not stirring(preventing) movement of counter transport.

Crossing proezzhej parts should be made on pedestrian crossings or in the places removed from turns from both sides not less, than on 100 m. the Group in advance tightened to a place of transition, on a signal of the principal quickly crosses road, thus on the right and to the left of group is exposed on one tourist with a red tag.

At movement without roads on a dense forest the group should go compactly; the principal if necessary submits signals a voice or a whistle; closing the signal to the principal about break of group during following on a route is obliged was well-timed to submit.

The principal should watch(keep up), that group, moving on a route, did not put(render) injury(damage) of greenery, both cultural, and wild.

Strictly the collecting of plants is forbidden.

In the summer if the route passes(takes place) near to reservoirs or the rivers, suitable for bathing, it is recommended to provide for this purpose time.

Before bathing the principal by means of several good swimmers from among tourists surveys a zone of bathing with the purpose of revealing of hazardous sites and if the opportunity will be presented(introduced), consults with local residents about character of the given reservoir.

In a hike the principal should do(make) 10-15-минутные stoppings for short-term rest(tour) not less often, than in an hour-one and a half. Short-term stoppings are obligatory in the beginning of a hike, before the approach to human settlements and in the extremity(end) of a route that participants of a hike could put into themselves the order.

Places for brief rest(tour) should be chosen dry, shaded, equal. Time of rest(tour) is estimated from the moment of the approach closing groups.

The principal warns tourists of necessity of keeping of care on water, about inadmissibility zaplyvanija further the planned reference points, defines(determines) duration of stay in water and appoints(nominates) necessary number of the persons on duty, able to float well which problem(task) includes observation for bathing with a shore with the purpose of rendering of the immediate help if she is required. After all bathed will leave water, time for bathing persons on duty is given.

The place for a lodging for the night (if he is stipulated in a hike) is desirable to choose so that before dark to have time to finish(stop) movement and to arrange a camp. The place of a halt should be dry, protected from a wind, with enough of fuel, near suitable water for the alimentary purposes, above a human settlement on a watercourse.

In summertime it is necessary to arrange morning rise probably earlier that most part of a way to pass(take place) before heat.

In the middle of day the big halt will be organized. Making the train diagram on a route, it is desirable so to time the big halt that he began when there is already passed(is taken already place) the most part of a way.
5. The big halt.

Demands to a place of the big halt the same, as to a place for a lodging for the night.

At once after a stopping on the big halt the principal declares(announces) its(his) duration and time of leaving(care) from a halt.

In a hike with a fire the principal distributes(allocates) duties on the device of a fire and cooking between all participants of a hike. The principal specifies, the drinking water whence should be taken, and also defines(determines) a place for a fire, keeping all fire-prevention measures, not supposing felling of trees and bushes, utilization of the fire wood prepared by the population; watches(keeps up) that felling of fire wood was made. In the certain(specific) place and the place of a halt has not been littered by a splint, etc.

At the device of fires following conditions are kept:

- Fires(Shives) should be arranged in a distance from trees and bushes (5-6) that their roots and crones have not been damaged(injured);

- It is desirable to plant fires(shives) on a place former;

- If the fire gets divorced on a new place, it is necessary to take out preliminary a greensward to close it(him) kostrishche after the fire will be extinguished.

The principal appoints(nominates) one skilled(experienced) tourist campfire which duties include delution and maintenance of a fire.

Before leaving(care) from a halt the principal charges to tourists sweeping of a place of a halt (to dig preliminary obozhennye metal cans and other fireproof waste(wastage); to burn a paper, boxes and other combustible dust; to combine in a secluded place the remnants, suitable in nutrition a wood animal; to collect and to combine accurately not used fuel). Having finished(stopped) sweeping, it is necessary to extinguish a fire carefully.

Before to leave, the principal checks a state of a place of a halt left by group.

It is forbidden:

- To plant fires(shives) in lesoparkovoj to a residential suburb, in recreational areas.

- To leave or instill glass jars or breakage of glass (for example: the broken flasks of thermoses). All this should be carried away with themselves from a place of a halt to throw out there where there are garbage containers or other collecting vessels of dust.

Using water for the alimentary purposes is supposed only from obviously pure(clean) sources (wells, springs, keys, etc.).
6. About carrying out of hikes for parents with children of school age.

Hikes for parents with children of school age are one of forms of the organization of family rest(tour) of workers.

In a hike for children the regimen of movement and rate depend on opportunities of children and are established(installed) proceeding from rate of the majority of juvenile tourists. Rate of movement should not exceed 4 km/hours.

Children of preschool age and schoolboys of 1-7 classes are supposed in a hike only with parents. School groups with teachers - only at presence of the information(inquiry) which have been given out by the principal, certified by the doctor according to the instruction approved(confirmed) by the Order of Minister of education of the USSR 38 from 12.04.74.

The principal should not lead group of children on a little-known route for it(him). All obstacles which can meet on a route, should him be familiar.
7. Duties and the rights of the principal.

During a hike the principal should have with itself the issued routing leaf(sheet) and the certificate of the principal of hikes of the day off.

The principal uses the right of one-man management to all time of a hike.

The principal of a hike should be cultural, politically correct, initiative and disciplined, knowing the business, exacting to itself and to comrades. The principal of a hike is obliged:

- To raise(increase) the ideological and political level, the general(common) culture, methodical preparation, tourist skill;

- Activly to participate in work of tourist section;

- To prepare znachkistov GTO and “ the Tourist of the USSR ”;

- To organize socially useful work;

- To take part(participate) in mass actions of section ("Star" hikes, competitions on orientation, competitions, collections of tourists and t. Item), and as in preparation and release of bulletin board newspapers and photomontages, amateur performances;

- Strictly to carry out Rules of the organization and carrying out of hikes and other tourist actions;

- Strictly to keep the Conservation law;

- To take all necessary measures for good safety groups from the moment of landing(planting) in transport and up to the extremity(end) of a hike.

In case of fatality with someone from participants of a hike (a trauma, an acute disease and t. Item) the principal should provide with forces of group immediate rendering to him the pre-medical help accessible in conditions of a hike, and an opportunity of fast delivery in the nearest medical establishment.

The principal should own receptions of the pre-medical help, have at itself the first-aid set.

If necessary in medical establishment the principal should allocate sendings of the victim accompanying from among tourists.

The principal watches(keeps up), that the group kept inviolability of a public property and personal property of local residents. At transition through Agricultural ugodja and individual plots movement is possible(probable) only on tracks and mezham.

The principal, being tactful and affable, a personal example promotes maintenance of normal attitudes(relations) both between participants of a hike, and between group and local population. Its(his) duty(debt) - to bring up participants of a hike in the best tourist traditions.

At carrying out of ski hikes the principal is recommended to have in group a repair set (a screw-driver, passatizhi, a set of screws and so forth).

The principal cannot leave(abandon) group in a way, except for the circumstances bound to casualties.

The principal has the right to take out from a route of the faces breaking discipline, shown to them road to the nearest human settlement.

In case of need (sharp deterioration of weather, casualty and t.) the principal has the right to change item a route of a hike go to interrupt it(him).

In case of impossibility to spend a hike the principal. Should notify as soon as possible on it(this) club with the purpose of maintenance of replacement.

In the activity the principal of hikes reports to a bureau of section of hikes of the day off, and in case of disagreement with its(his) decision, has the right to appeal to general meeting members of section of hikes of the day off.
8. Duties and the rights of tourists - participants of a hike.

Participants of a hike are obliged to follow all the indicating of the principal on the order of movement, mutual aid, performance of public assignments(orders), about duration of stay in water at bathing, and also about behaviour in group, in public places and t. Item

Participants of a hike should satisfy following conditions:

- To assist the principal in carrying out of a hike;

- To take part(participate) in collective actions of group (the collecting of a kecks, sweeping of a place of a halt, the organization of ferries, etc.);

- Carefully to concern to the nature and monuments of history and culture;

- To be mutually polite and benevolent to each other;

- Strictly to keep rules of a socialist hostel (the use of alcoholic beverages is categorically forbidden in hikes);

- To keep politeness in attitudes(relations) with local residents;

- Passing(Taking place) human settlements to be properly dressed (occurrence in human settlements in bathing suits is not authorized);

- To not take in hikes of dogs.

Participants of lasting many days hikes should have with themselves a compass, matches, products and utensils for cooking nutrition, a sleeping bag and tents (on group).

Participants of one-day hikes are recommended to have with themselves a thermos with a warm drinking and food stuffs.

Tourists should show high civilization, stop events of poaching, attempt of destruction of monuments of history and culture, disturbance of the Conservation law, and also other disturbances of legality of socialist morals.

Tourists - participants of hikes have the right:

- To take part(participate) in development of a route and preparation of a hike;

- To leave group, having warned the principal;

- To discuss activity of the principal and disadvantages of a route only after the termination(ending) of a hike;

- To address in a bureau of section and to a management(manual) of Tourist club with remarks and offers;

- To be the participant of a seminar on preparation of new principals of hikes of the day off.
9. Summarizing of a hike.

The principal of a hike hands over a routing leaf(sheet) not later term of feed of indents for next month.

If in a hike there was a casualty or other emergency, the principal is obliged to inform(notify) on it(this) a management(manual) of club not later next day.
10. The conclusion.

The knowledge of the present(true) Instruction and keeping of rules and the positions stated in her, are obligatory for all principals of hikes, and also for participants of hikes in that part which them concerns(touches).

Bureau of section of hikes of the day off of Tourist club LoStiE

Above the edition worked: A.A.Ivanov, R.I.Kravchenko, N.I.Levitskaja. The editor - Century A.Zhuk. The executor - A.J.Bezverhy

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