Equipment for tourist kitchen
The choice of equipment for kitchen(cuisine) depends first of all on district of travel and an opportunity of utilization of local fuel (fire wood). The defining(determining) factor is also the season. In the winter even in a taiga zone it is expedient to combine cooking with heating tent and drying of clothes.Besides in the certain(specific) measure on a choice of equipment for tourist kitchen(cuisine) the category of complexity of travel influences. So, in a simple hike with good entrances it is possible to grasp ordinary household utensils (buckets, frying pans), and also convenient, but serious equipment (for example, a petrol tile). CAMPFIRE EQUIPMENT
The equipment of the center depends on that, on a "high" or "low" fire it is supposed to cook food. In the first event the minimal equipment - rogulki is required, a slat, hooks, and rogulki and slats in the remote districts it is possible to prepare on a place. However felling of alive trees, scrubs or branches from them is undesirable, but also a lot of time is spent for searches suitable rogulki, therefore it is expedient to replace with their steel rope in diameter of 2-4 mm or a thin chain which mass depending on length and diameter does not exceed 0,5-0,7 kg. The mass can be reduced, having applied a rope in length of 4-5 m, and the extremities(ends) having increased a cord. In other events for a "high" fire use racks with metal rogulkami.
Fig. 19. Forms rogulek A Fig. 20. Forms of hooks
The most simple rogulki - from a long nail or a chunk of a steel wire in diameter of 3-4 mm (fig. 19); steel gnutoj strias in width 12-15, thickness of 1,5-2,5 mm with a hole and a nail. Convenient rogulka it turns out from a corkscrew made(produced) entirely from steel prutka.
Hooks for a suspension bracket of buckets (fig. 20) produce(make) from a steel wire thickness of 2-4 mm (depending on volume of buckets).
Now on sale there was convenient enough campfire set, but in him there are not enough hooks for a suspension bracket of buckets, therefore it is necessary to make(produce) 2-4 hooks in addition.
Cooking on a "low" fire with application taganka is more convenient: buckets cost(stand) stably and it is not necessary to hold them at hashing dense nutrition, as on a "high" fire; at a fire not so it is hot, the flame is less blown off by a wind; on fire it is possible to put any utensils with a plane bed, including not having handles (frying pan). Besides for a "low" fire it is required much less fire wood.
Рис.21. The scheme(plan) of designs tagankov: and - non-disposable from tubes; - non-disposable from corners; in - harmonious(collapsible)
There are many various designs hiking tagankov (fig. 21). As a material to them apply steel. Non-disposable taganki without additional communications(connections) badly hold on weak (for example, marshy) soil; besides it is difficult to hammer in their racks on petrous soil (galechnike). In these events are more convenient harmonious(collapsible) taganki.
In districts, where opportunities of preparation of fire wood are limited (a forest-steppe zone, places of mass rest(tour)) widely apply hiking ovens - pendant and floor-stand.
Pendant oven apply in small tents in which there is no for it(her) a place on a floor. It(she) is suspended at height of 0,5 m above sleeping bags under the skate of a roof in dvuhskatnyh tents or at the central rack - in tent. The design of pendant ovens should exclude completely an opportunity of abaissement of coals during topki or occupancies. One of the most successful models of a pendant oven who can be used and as floor-stand, is resulted(brought) on fig. 22. In the given design a hole, serving blew, it is had approximately on one third of height of an oven of the bottom. Dverka for occupancy of fuel and a hole for a bucket are had from above. When an oven use for heating, a bucket for cooking take out, an oven fill with fire wood and close a cap(cover) (the cap(cover) can be used and as a frying pan). For adjustment of draft use a rotating valve. The oven is economic and safe. She can burn without extraneous supervision, for example, during a dream.
Fig. 22. The scheme(plan) of a floor-stand oven: 1 - a door; 2 - a cap(cover); 3 - a pipe; 4 - legs(pinches); 5 - brackets; - a rope; 7 - plywood; 8 - a tank
The tent is warmed due to carry of heat by a stream nagretogo air (convection). The below the oven, the greater volume of air participates in thermoexchange and, hence, is warmer in tent. At the equipment(installation) of an oven on a floor to her attach wire legs(pinches) from a steel wire in diameter of 3-5 mm (depending on the sizes of an oven).
Essential disadvantages of the described oven is that in her it is simultaneously possible to prepare only for one dish, and process of cooking, especially if it is necessary to kindle a snow, is considerably tightened(delayed).
There are many designs of ovens which allow to prepare simultaneously for two dishes, and some of them provide an additional opportunity to kindle a snow or to warm up nutrition. All of them of floor-stand type. The variant of such oven is resulted(brought) on fig. 23. The given design possesses greater universality.
All kinds of tourist ovens is expedient for producing(making) from stainless steel thickness of 0,2-0,4 mm or ordinary sheet steel thickness of 0,4-0,5 mm. If necessary the design of an oven can be strengthened ribs of rigidity.
Рис.23. The scheme(plan) of a universal oven
For all kinds of tourist ovens use the pipes folded from thin (0,15-0,25 mm) leaf(sheet) of resilient steel in width of a knee of 4,5-5,0 diameters. Its(her) length can reach up to 2 m, thus not less than on 0,5 m she should leave tent. At transportation a pipe easily fold in a thin roller which freely finds room inside of an oven.
In connection with development bezlesnyh districts, and also the further augmentation of limitations at delution of fires in places of mass tourism arises necessity of application of the various heating devices working on artificial fuel. The most widespread from them - tourist kerosene stoves.
It is recommended to apply a tourist kerosene stove to small group "PT", having small dimensions (120Х120х80 mm) and mass (0,8 kg). The kerosene stove is safe and convenient in work. Time of burning after one refuelling (120 ml) - 40-60 minutes. Time of boiling 2 l waters - 16 minutes. In this kerosene stove feed of fuel in a torch is carried out due to a self-warming up and augmentation as a result of this pressure in a tank. At the equipment(installation) of wide utensils the kerosene stove is superheated. For prevention of an overheat the wide utensils is established(installed) by means of taganka at height not less than 50 mm and hold on call a wet rag or a mug of water in time to cool a tank.
It is in most cases more expedient to apply a tourist kerosene stove "Bumblebee" which though and is a little bit more serious (mass about 1 kg), but it is more convenient in work. Capacity of a tank of "Bumblebee" in 4 times is more in comparison with "PT", and it is enough to fill of it(him) once a day. Feed of fuel is carried out due to pumping that does(makes) its(his) less sensitive to a self-warming up and more safe. To a transferring of "Bumblebee" apply an airproof case. With application of filters and special tagankov efficiency of kerosene stoves can be enlarged (fig. 24).
Except for the described kerosene stoves, tourists apply petrol tiles and blowtorches.
The petrol tile has dimensions 440Х330Х120 mm and mass about 4 kg. It(she) is expedient for using on simple travel, base camps and the motorized kinds of tourism.
Рис.25. The scheme(plan) of the heating device: 1 - a support; 2 - dry fuel; 3 - capacity with nutrition Рис.24. The scheme(plan) of the device of a filter: and - a general appearance; - a kind of a filter (kostrjuli) from above
The mass of a tile can be reduced almost by 2 kg, having replaced steel details of a casing aluminium. The tile is convenient in work: has two torches that allows to prepare for two dishes simultaneously. Time of boiling 2 l waters - 10 minutes, time of burning after one refuelling - 2-3 hours.
For complex(difficult) hikes it is more preferable to take two "Bumblebees", than one tile, as presence of two heating devices more reliably in hiking conditions: they weigh less and are more convenient in transportation.
The blowtorch is recommended to be applied together with tagankom or an oven. Such combination allows to use low-quality(bad quality) local fuel (a jetsam, crude fire wood) and considerably(much) to reduce the charge of gasoline.
For storage and transferrings of gasoline use various polyethylene flasks and canisters. The soft capacities produced(made) by tourists from maslobenzostojkoj of rubber are very convenient.
On near travel, during tourist meetings and competitions expediently application of portable gas tiles. To preparation and a warming up of nutrition during short-term walks apply portable tiles and the heating devices working on dry alcohol (fig. 25). They are compact, light, simple in circulation. As fuel paraffin wax or a stearine, candle ends of candles are suitable.
For cooking on tourist travel use buckets, kettles, casseroles.
Buckets make flat and the oval form.. Into a kit enter from 3 up to 5 buckets put each other. Oval buckets on 6,7,8 l measure (in mm): height - 220; length - accordingly 280, 290, 300; width - 130, 140, 150. Buckets should not be too narrow and high, differently there will be difficulties in promeshivanii dense nutrition, a lot of fuel is spent.
For tagankov and ovens the form of a bucket in the form of the truncated pyramid (fig. 26) is convenient. Such buckets can be one size; thus they are easily put each other. At cooking on an oven in the bottom part between them the backlash, sufficient for penetration of a flame is formed, and in the upper part they densely adjoin to each other and to walls of an oven.
The best material for buckets - stainless steel thickness of 0,3-0,5 mm. Buckets from aluminium alloys should have thickness stenok 0,8-1,2 mm. For decrease of the charge of fuel and acceleration of process of cooking of a bucket close caps(covers). Application of caps at cooking on open fire is not justified as to take out and put on caps(covers) inconveniently because of fever of a fire. The design of alcoholization of handles to buckets is expedient for executing so that the handle did not fall to one of the sides. (fig. 27). It will allow to take out a bucket, with taganka or ovens without application of hooks and mittens.
Our industry lets out(releases) convenient, though serious enough kit from two oval kettles capacity 7,5 and 5,5 l. Caps(covers) from them can be used as a frying pan. Kettles with spherical bottom(fundus) for hikes are unusable, as they cannot be established(installed) on an equal surface, and they easily overturn.
For cooking on a kerosene stove the low utensils with the wide bottom(fundus) approaches(suits), allowing to use heat of a flame of a torch more full. It can be ordinary casseroles.
As personal utensils use metal bowls and mugs(circles). The polyethylene utensils is not necessary: she is easily smelted at fire, badly washed from fat nutrition. The plastic utensils from impact-resistant polystyrene is more practical.
Рис.26. The scheme(plan) of a bucket of the pyramidal form
Рис.27. The scheme(plan) of alcoholization of handles to a bucket: and - with ushkom with "jazychkom"; - the handle with the unbent extremity(end)
Often tourists should accept nutrition costing(standing), therefore for liquid and hot nutrition it is recommended to take utensils with the handle - low mugs(circles) and kovshiki in capacity 0,7-1 l. Mugs(circles) for tea on 0,35-0,5 l should be enameled - aluminium roast labiums.