About Crimea travel in June 206

Having visited the past to year on beach rest in Turkey and having collected in carelessness and serenity on 2-3 kg for a week we with wife Anya independently from each other have reflected - instead of whether to try something is romantic-mobile with a light extreme as rest this summer. In our disposal there was a week for a such adventure. As territory Crimea, as earlier visited and familiar since the childhood has been unanimously chosen. Searches on the Internet of the one who offers such services by inquiry " hiking tour across Crimea " have begun. Such it was collected a little and we had been chose Kirill Jasko's site, as the most informal, friendly and is benevolent-emotional.
All questions of equipment and supply have been successfully solved in operative correspondence and we have gone from Moscow to a place of a meeting - a fountain of station of Simferopol. In time all members of our expedition (one more guy from Kiev and Cyril) were going to, have reshuffled the things, have left all superfluous in a left-luggage office, have divided water and products, have bought in addition missing on the market and have left by a city trolley bus to a place of start.

it became along the line obvious, that behind a board it is raining, but in village Perevalnom where we send{have left}, he has abated. Towards to us the group of the got wet young men, which on our question " As there above from above has gone down? " We have answered Shortly "awfully". But it have not believed and have begun an ascention on a plateau Chatir-Dag.
Having risen on Ishachya to a track and not having seen any donkey we have appeared at height about 1 km. Rain clouds simply slided on our heads and sometimes spilled an a light drizzle - we have climbed under raincoats. From the upper part we have seen Simferopol, village Perevalnoe and a place of our start. It seemed that we have passed much, but it is simply mountain Mirage. Actually 2-3 km. When caves have seemed, we began to discuss the plan of the first spending the night and here we were overtaken with a huge rain cloud and has started to pour monthly norm{rate} of deposits. Anya it was close to a light panic, me began to overwhelm vague doubts, but Cyril radiated optimism and has quickly deduced us to base of cave explorers on a lodging for the night. There we were quickly enough dried up, have sat at a warm fireplace, had supper and have laid down to sleep.

next morning the sky was in clouds, but the rain any more was not. Since morning we all the same have visited a cave with hour excursion and, having collected backpacks and having said goodbye to cave explorers have moved further. A route have a little reduced, having decided that it is not necessary to climb above again in clouds. We have approached to edge of plateau Chatir Dag - the wind drove clouds aside Yalta, and in area Southern Demerdgi was sunny. Here there our today's way also lays - Cyril has informed.
The steppe part of a plateau has ended also we have begun descent already on Tissovoe to gorge practically in green twilight from crones of century trees. To go down it was heavier than to rise, since tracks has washed away also the ground escaped from under foots. Anya very much was upset, when the track instead of descent again began
To rise, but all structures have soon seemed, we have again appeared on a line Simferopol-Yalta and have crossed it in area of Angarsk pass.

Here we had a bite have gone on wood tracks further. In an hour-other the wood has ended also we continued to move already on the open glades, have passedthrickets of wild roses, lavenders, have met animal and by the end of the day, weakened have approachedto bottom Southern Demerdgi. Have broken camp from two tentsat horse station above village Radiant. Cyril has quickly kindled a fire, has made extraordinary delicious supper and we having washed and
Having washed in next spring we at last have felt on what romantic travel we are. Got dark. Under us all laid evening Alushta on fires, line Alushta-Yalta burned, the lunar road on the sea was shone, and behind towered almost up to sky Demerdgi. All the night long around of us wandered sniffing the horsy, not looking almost in tents and ringed bells cows. For us - the typical city dwellers, got used to sleep in silence is became following test.

In the morning I have run downwards in village on a local market, have brought by a breakfast pair milk, a fresh raspberry, and we with pleasure had breakfast, have curtailed{turned} camp and have begun an ascention on mountain. The sky was extremely clear, soon we have appeared in the Valley of Reductions, have admired this miracle of the nature have got above and above. The track had a blossoming linden and we have dug{picked} it{her} for tea leaves up to the end of a campaign. The height of rise grew, halts did{made} to a bowl and a bowl, forces slowly left us. The most difficult were last hundreds meters of rise up to top on the open sun, Ann probably during this moment very much regretted, that in a life smokes. She did not believe that will reach. But was going to and has made last jerk to top. And here we at the top, but forces to make pictures on top stone almost at anybody does not remain. We have got tourist pads, have failed on them and about an hour did not move. I have reached on the sly up to top stone, stand on him . The landscape certainly opens unimaginable. A panorama up to Ayu Dag on the West and up to Fishing and further on the east. Straighten hands as in film "Titanic" and feel a soaring bird.

Then there was already sparing transition on wood campplace with mountain lake nearby. Next day - 2 falls. The first is less-Джурла. We have seen, that little girls-туристки cheerfully in him bathe and have decided to try{taste} too. Water it has appeared cold, but without spasmes, degrees 10-12. I change in swimming trunks and minutes 5 swim - very much invigorate. By the evening we have approached{suited} to big falls Джур-Джур. On a way went on strawberry fields and regaled sweet berries. Ann could collect mushrooms by a supper. Parking have broken nearby to a falls and all time heard its{his} "Niagara" noise. Having had supper mushroom soup and we long admired a porridge extraordinary black stars the sky with the Milky Way.
In the morning I have overcome desire again to be expiated in a fountain. Practically in loneliness I have climbed under a jet and feel its huge force knocking down.
Fire. That is surprising - during a campaign there was no annoying moskitos. After a supper we have got a map and have spent on our route. It has appeared that we on the average on 10 km a day. But in view of that we dragged on ourselves load is a double or threefold loading. It is impossible to say{tell}, that any unprepared person of any age
Can take part in a campaign. Physical preparation (even to rise with bags on a ladder without the lift), absence of problems with heart-easy, some endurance, readiness for overcoming burdens and inconveniences, will and strong mentality is necessary a little.

In this case the success of expedition is provided. And if you in the end of a campaign feel pride of (" I could make it! ") - means you are young not only soul, but also a body.
In the morning we have begun descent{release} to the sea. He was marvellously easy{light} and transient, already by a dinner surburbs of settlement, and then and the sea have seemed. Still half an hour - and we already cost{stand} in a strip of a surf. Remove from ourselves everything, except for swimming trunks, we jump in waves.
After a swim and having put camp, we direct in settlement. Surprising taste drunk beer "Obolon", boiled young corn has seemed to me. The farewell supper was with potatos (boiled and baked), flavoured house white Muscat on seacoast. Easier to be stunned!

Last night has passed under tender noise of a surf. In the morning we have risen early, the following
Point of our holiday was Yalta - we have just in case taken permits in a boarding house for "rehabilitation". On small removal{distance} from coast dolphins lapped, the sun has already risen and on it{this} our romantic travel has terminated. We said goodbye to Cyril - in many respects success of expedition - his merit.
He/she is the person surprisingly betraid to the business enamoured to Crimea, touchingly careful, distributing to tourists the positive power. Big to you thanks and successes in this hard field!
Through pair hours we already were in a boarding house and have felt pleasure from such, it would seem elementary achievements of a civilization as
July 2006, Moscow
Igor and Anna Kolodenskie