Sleeping bags
Lungs, compact, comfortable bags well saving warmly are necessary for high-grade rest(tour). They should to be dried and be quickly convenient at transportation. The best thermal insulation is the down of a waterfowl(water fowl) and synthetic volumetric materials.The down is soft, has good thermal insulation, but is hygroscopic and is easily rumpled, why thermal insulation worsens. The pawn down leads more dense filling of the bottom panel more likely to augmentation of weight of a bag, than to elimination of this disadvantage. Better for a bottom to use light(mild) penopoliuretanovyj or penopolietilenovyj a sleeping pad. Thickness of a sleeping bag for winter hikes should not exceed 5-7 sm, for years(summer) in mountains - 3-4 sm, in valleys - 1-2 see Under thickness of a sleeping bag it is necessary to understand the general(common) average thickness of a package, its(his) materials, including a tissue, down, air interlayers.
From sleeping bags available on sale for sports hikes it is better to use bags-blankets with various synthetic heaters. They are quite suitable at travel in the summer, in srednegore and warm districts. In the winter in bezlesnyh districts and in high mountains at lodgings for the night above a snow line only down bags or bags with synthetic heaters equivalent to down are suitable.
However the best bags while nevertheless self-made. The single sleeping bag in comparison with many-placed provides higher comfort; there are no problems at distribution of people on tents at the compelled(forced) separation of group (investigation, zabroska, etc.).
The many-placed bag lighter and more cheaply single counting upon one person (for three-local approximately on 30 %) to sleep in him is warmer. If to join two single bags-blankets by means of a demountable zipper it is possible to receive a three-local sleeping bag though also less comfortable, than single. The many-placed bag, except for smaller comfort, is not always convenient in a transferring because of great volume; besides he demands certain(specific), multiple capacity of bags of quantity(amount) of people in group.
In winter hikes have well proved the double bags inserted each other. Such bags are warmer ordinary though and is a little bit more serious. Double bags save heat due to an air interlayer is better, it is more convenient in transportation, are better dried. If warmly, both of a bag it is possible to use separately as years(summer).
As a heater as the down of a natatorial bird (eider, duck, goose) is told above, most effective. The chicken down, not having an oily coating, becomes wet and longly dries, rots.
Recently, especially in winter hikes, use synthetic excipients (a synthetic winterizer, nitron, etc.). They malogigroskopichny, it is negligible prominajutsja, are longevous, not so defitsitny and are cheap enough, though are a little more serious and are cold in comparison with down and borrow(occupy) greater volume.
The tissues used for down bags, should be puhonepronitsaemy (for example, kalandrirovannyj Capronum and percale for top and lighter(more mild) cotton tissue for an inner cover; for the Persian-small town, forming down section, is used thin parachute Capronum).
The bag with a synthetic heater can be sewed entirely from ordinary parachute Capronum.
The basic designs of sleeping bags on a way of formation of its(his) package: two-layer quilted, two-layer with pereborkami, trizonal and four-layer (fig. 44). Most often the two-layer design with pereborkami, and for winter - four-layer is applied to average temperatures. Four-layer designs are technological, are easily ventilated(fanned) owing to an air interlayer in a package and have a good heat-shielding.
Fig. 44. The basic designs of sleeping bags: formation of a down package (1. Two-layer quilted. 2. Two-layer with pereborkimi. 3. Trizonal. 4. Four-layer); variants of forms of bags - "cocoon" and "blanket"; drawings of a cut of "cocoon" and "blanket" (1, 2. The upper and bottom panels of "cocoon". 3. One of panels of "blanket").
The best thermal insulation is air. Any excipient frames only volume for it(him) and eliminates(erases;removes) its(his) moving. Optimum density of filling of a package down - 12-15 г/дм2. For a sleeping bag 1-1,3 kg of down are required.
Sleeping bags basically two forms - have "cocoon" and "blanket" (fig. 44). For a bag-blanket the two-layer design with pereborkami, for a bag-cocoon - four-layer more approaches(suits).
On fig. 44 in drawings of a cut of both kinds of single bags are resulted(brought). The cocoon consists from upper / and the bottom 2 panels; a blanket - from two panels in 3 size 180 h 200 see
There are various ways of sewing: a complex(difficult) labour-consuming way (fig. 44 а2), but with the minimal charge of a tissue prostitches; a way at which prostitches serially sew a tissue to external and inner covers, also complex(difficult) enough (fig. 44 а3); easier a bag from two parts inserted each other, it(him) to dry lighter, but thus the bag is more serious (fig. 44 а4). Last way is most suitable for self-made manufacturing bags.
Most simply sshit a rectangular single sleeping bag. It is pedicular in it(him) long "lightning", it is possible to receive a sleeping bag-blanket. Better sshit it(him) with zagolovnikom (fig. 45).
More difficultly in manufacturing, but more warmly and lighter, the sleeping bag-cocoon, four which more designs are shown on fig. 45, in,
Even lighter and less truncated sleeping bag “ slonovja a leg(foot) ” (fig. 45). He is sewed in the form of the truncated cocoon and used in a combination to a warm down jacket. “ Slonovja the leg(foot) ” is colder than a full sleeping bag.
For one of simple designs of a single down sleeping bag "cocoon-2" (fig. 45) it is necessary on 8 h 1 m kalandrirovannogo Capronum for external and inner covers and a tissue for prostitches. For stuffing 0,8-1,0 kg of down are required. Weight of a ready bag - 1,4-1,8 kg depending on quantity(amount) of down and a material of covers.
Kroit details from a kapron tissue conveniently acute sting of an electrosoldering iron, having put a tissue on the hard basis.
It is more convenient to sew a bag in such sequence:
To find details of external and inner covers;
To find details prostitches with an allowance of 1-2 sm;
pristrochit to external and inner covers a material prostitches so that seams have been shifted from each other;
To sew up compartments for down on the one hand, to stuff their down and to sew up them on the other hand;
sshit the upper and bottom details of external and inner bags, sshit inner and external bags on lines ABC and ADS;
Fig. 45. Single sleeping bags: rectangular single sleeping bags (1. One-piece. 2. A sleeping bag-blanket. 3. A sleeping bag-blanket with lightnings); a cut of a sleeping bag “Кокон-2”, a variant of a sleeping bag “Кокон-3” (1. Nagolovnik. 2. Obtachki. 3. A cord pulling together. 4. Septums. 5. Top. 6. Linings); variants of a sleeping bag “Кокон-4” and “Кокон-5”, the Sleeping bag “ Slonovja a leg(foot) ” (1. Ordinary. 2. With the extended spinal part).
To stitch the upper edge of a bag for a pulling together cord (the dashed line on fig. 45) to pass a cord. A single sleeping bag “Кокон-3” (fig. 45). Top of a bag do(make) from kalandrirovannogo Capronum, a lining - of a habit spasm. The pattern is calculated on the person by body height of 170-176 sm with volume of a chest up to 100 sm and given with an allowance on seams. The charge of down - about 1,5 kg, tissues - 12 м2.
To sew a bag it is better also than such sequence:
To find details of top and a lining, sshit details on a line And;
pristrochit septums 4 to top 5 and a lining 6;
To sew up pockets from one edge;
Consistently, beginning(starting) from below to stuff pockets down and to sew up them;
obtachat nagolovnik and to pass pulling together cord, to stitch together the bag filled by down on a line In-ú vnahlest, to sew donyshko and obtachat it(him).
The many-placed sleeping bag can be sewed in the form of a rectangular bag. In legs(foots) for kench it is good to make a tuck (fig. 46а). More conveniently a many-placed bag with zagolovnikom from the light(mild) cotton tissue sewn to the upper edge (fig. 46).
Two-sleeping bags-blankets are convenient for utilization and as it is simple blankets, them to dry lighter. If such sleeping bag to make narrower to legs(foots), he becomes lighter and will borrow(occupy) less places.
Double sleeping bag sew from thin, it is better kalandrirovannogo than Capronum. A heater can be a synthetic winterizer which quantity(amount) of layers depends on thickness and purpose(appointment) of a sleeping bag. A thread it is better to use kapron.
Down, more dear(expensive) bags justify themselves in mountain hikes.
In sleeping bags it is possible to apply the loose leaf to осенне-spring and winter hikes, and to do without it(him) in the summer.
Fig. 46. Many-placed sleeping bags: rectangular; a sleeping bag with zagolovnikom; a general appearance of a sleeping bag with the loose leaf; a cut of a sleeping bag.
The general appearance of such bag is shown on fig. 46.в. The upper half of bag should be shorter for length of kench. An external cover of a sleeping bag sew on a pattern inner, enlarged on 1 sm on length and 2 sm on width.
In the beginning krojat did(made) inner and external covers. On a contour primetyvajut to Capronum of an external cover also guilt through everyone of 30 sm on length and width. The same make with an inner cover, but at applying one cover on another of a prostitch should not coincide. Then sew separately bokovinu and a bottom of each cover. Insert an inner cover in external that the side seam of one of them was at the left, and another - on the right. At last, sew two covers together. The loose leaf is in the same way done(made).
For a three-local sleeping bag it is possible to recommend the next sizes: the width of 170 sm (to legs(foots) to narrow up to 150 sm), length of 180-190 sm, with a headrest 220-230 see For such bag is necessary on 17,5 h 1 tissue for covers and prostitches, and also 2-2,5 kg of down. Weight of a bag - 3,2-3,6 kg.
The combination of down with a synthetic heater is practical enough. Top of a bag in this case stuff down, and a bottom do(make) of a synthetic winterizer. Such bag is cheaper, is less hygroscopic, more technological. The synthetic winterizer is less prominaetsja, but more hardly also is more volumetric than down.
At utilization of a synthetic winterizer on the found details of external and inner covers impose two-rub(-three) layers of a heater (depending on its(his) thickness) and sew so that seams on covers have been shifted from each other. Then sew inner and external bags, as well as at manufacturing a down bag.
As a synthetic heater use also nitronovoe a fiber. Technology of its(his) sewing same, as well as down (fig. 47). Nitron display an equal layer on a pattern of top and a lining, cover with the newspaper and primetyvajut, then sew on a lining, stitch by the machine(car) through 10-15 sm and tear off the newspaper. Lines prostezhek external and inner layers should not coincide. Between layers it is recommended to sew to a prostitch from a thin material (fig. 47).
Fig. 47. Technology of sewing of synthetic heaters.
Synthetic batting is more technological at tailoring - even easily pristrochennyj, he does not move to a bottom and is not condensed in the form of platens. The best thermal insulation due to air interlayers is reached(achieved), if batting to sew in the form of gofre (fig. 47). For a sleeping bag it is required 1-1,3 м2 batting and 7 m of a tissue at width 85-90 see
Fig. 48. A double many-placed sleeping bag: a general appearance, the basic sizes, a locating prostezhek;, variants sshiva panels with various heaters.
Double many-placed sleeping bag (fig. 48) it is possible sshit from thin Capronum with a heater from a synthetic winterizer. That he did not get off, it(him) stitch on length and width. The bag has zagolovnik 1, a doing(making) bag more convenient and warm. Zagolovnik do(make) of a light(mild) cotton tissue of such width that it(he) could be thrown for a head and to press a nape. To edge of a bag under a head sew a bag 3 of thin Capronum for packing(stacking) under a head of things. From sides and in legs(foots) the bag is desirable for sheathing kalandrirovannym Capronum or a tissue "bolonja" 2.
To sew a bag it is better in the following order:
To cut out four panels on the sizes specified in a drawing;
To spread out(decompose) two-rub(-three) layers of a heater between two panels and to guilt them through 15-20 sm;
sshit blankets among themselves vnahlest on each side;
To sew a bottom(fundus) in width 25-30 see
Variants sshiva panels with various heaters are shown on fig. 48, in, At utilization of down (eider, duck, etc.; and a synthetic heater-cotton wool (nitron) between external 1 and inner 2 panels sew septums 3 or an intermediate light(mild) material 4.
Nitron, spread out(decomposed) by an equal layer of desirable thickness, it is possible to sew to a panel through a newspaper leaf(sheet) (fig. 44). As sew also a sheet synthetic winterizer. Lines external and inner proshiva should not be combined.