Ordzhonikidze Crimea rest

The place also is remarkable approaches(suits) for sailing, and the tremendous opportunity to borrow(occupy) is given to fans(amateurs) of surfing by favourite addicting. Boards can be taken for rent, and that who yet has not mastered all knowledges of circulation under a sail, services of skilled(experienced) instructors are rendered.
Another, fashionable recently, a way of productive leisure(active rest) - a scuba diving or diving. All interested persons can take pleasure in immersings in sea depths of bays. Here they one of the most beautiful at coast! The fish, crabs, rapany, mussels, bizarre seaweed(algas) - is a lot of all this.
The settlement is compactly had. Even from its(his) most distant corners up to the sea no more than 10-15 minutes on foot. In small cafes, you can satisfy famine, try(taste) a dish from local specialty marine products, European and east kitchen(cuisine). It is possible to reserve also dinners in inexpensive cafes of type of dining rooms.
Along toward evening the embankment turns to the sea of fires and music, basically alive. Therefore having a rest to miss it is not necessary.
After you stormy or have easy spent evening (as it it is pleasant to that more), with utrechka it is possible to go on excursion. First of all we advise to visit(attend) the well-known volcano of the Kar-ñáú. Sea excursions to its(his) bottom, and especially bathings in silent zapovednyh buhtochkah the extinct volcano are very good, quite often in such sea walks your boat will be accompanied with dolphins.
If you prefer more serious excursions across Crimea, a choice the hugest where the soul will wish. Pleasant to you of rest(tour)!
Beaches of settlement Ordzhonikidze:
# Central: sand
# Nursery: sand
# the First headland: sand
# the Second headland: sand, a pebble, stones
# the Third headland: a pebble, stones
# JUlkin a beach (mountain Vasjukovka): places coarse sand, a pebble, stones, boulders
# Zapretka: a pebble, stones
# Under a saddle: a pebble, stones