In Ukraine the greatest underwater museum is found out
The Ukrainian-American underwater archeologic expedition(dispatch) " the Black Sea expedition(dispatch)-2006 " has found out almost 500 underwater objects of a cultural heritage of Ukraine which require the further research.Organizers of expedition(dispatch) have informed on it(this) - the deputy director of Institute of Archeology NANU Denis Kozak and director of the State enterprise " Department of a underwater heritage of Ukraine " Sergey Voronov. They have noted, that expedition(dispatch) was spent with the purpose foto-and film-fixings of historical monuments. Unfortunately, has noted Kozak, the majority of monuments of history and a cultural heritage for today is not fixed(recorded), their certification is not made. " That is, as a matter of fact, they are, but they are not present. They are for science officers, but they are not present for the state generally ", - has told Kozak.
Expedition(Dispatch) was spent by the Ukrainian archeologists with use of the search and research equipment of Institute of archeology and oceanography of the USA. Participation in research of the Black Sea bottom was accepted also by the American researcher and scientific doctor Robert Ballard who is known, in particular, that has found out a place of accident of "Titanic". " Owning extremely perfect(absolute) technics(technical equipment), it(he) has suggested us to make the certain researches which would allow us to find out all that is in water area of the Ukrainian Black sea. We have gone(send) on this cooperation. It basically was carried out at financial support of the American party(side) ", - has informed Kozak.
According to director of Institute of archeology, research was spent two weeks by to scannings of depth of the sea down to almost 2 thousand meters. It(he) has noted, that the method of scanning allows to study(investigate) thoroughly subjects, not destroying them, that is very important at researches. This method also enables to join studying monuments not only archeologists, but also biologists, anthropologists, historians and other scientists who through a computer receive the information necessary for them since sea day through the satellite.
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