With the child and a dog - the report on a hike across Crimea in August 2005

The dog on a horse could not go and has gone with us on absolutely other track. Understand, it was necessary to show uncommon imagination to force not so obedient dog to go in the necessary direction.

Unlike a dog the child - seven-year Margo went independently and easily. Its{her} cheerful bantiki and a doll in pink rjukzachke promoted excellent{different} mood. And what to make mood even more raised I has decided to pass{take place} a non-standard route - through top Northern Dimerdzhi. Inna, and I for a long time dreamed to visit on this mountain at last to solve its{her} secret rozhek.

For those who not in a rate I explain - with CHatyrdaga it is visible, that at top Northern Dimerdzhi any artful horned design is established{installed}. On closer examination it{she} has appeared... A basketball platform. Zravyj the sense has thought a little and has told that it absurdly. Two metal boards on support probably are kakojto reflecting system for transfer of a radio signal through mountains. In general in the Crimean mountains the inconceivable quantity{amount} mysterious zhelezjak and other neopoznannyh objects is scattered.

Still it would be desirable to note, that the world kind people yet were not translated{transferred}. When we went down from a falls to poberzhju, the lorry passing past has stopped also the driver has suggested to throw FREE OF CHARGE up to the sea! Huge to it{him} thanks.

We spent the night on seacoast, and in the morning I have woken up in the half-fifth and have not regretted. I managed to photograph improbably beautiful dawn, to observe dolphins and to climb up a small rock.