Written by Кирилл Ясько
19.07.2006 |

Me often ask, what equipment to take, that will approach(suit), and that is not present. The Complicated question. On the one hand very much much depends on a situation and personal preferences, with another the general(common) references too to reject it is not necessary. To give you one more reference point in preparation for a hike, and during too time not to impose nothing, I shall simply tell that itself I take in years(summer) hikes across Crimea and Carpathians.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
18.07.2006 |

This hike, was from the category "correct" - in the beginning all it was heavy, in the end easily. Hike it too rest, start up also active. We have passed{have taken place} only 52 kilometers, but nobody can reproach us for non activity. Efforts are measured at all by kilometers. Pleasure, actually, too... And to be glad{pleased} was to that. Both to good weather, and the subdued tops, and simple human dialogue.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
16.07.2006 |
Being a novice photographer I thought it would be rather easy to keep a camera still while taking pictures. While at my brother�s college graduation, I volunteered to be the photographer thinking that I had the talent of a freelancer. I was using a 70-300 mm zoom lens so I could get right in his face from where I sat in the crowd. Finally the pictures were developed and guess what, most of them were blurry! So much for my steady hand.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
16.07.2006 |

This ancient citadel is in the Bakhchsarai district, a little to the south beshik-tau. On a small plateau alcoholic content about which while a little that is known was placed. This site of ancient settlement is least studied(investigated) and is the most mysterious.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
13.07.2006 |

Sonth Bug is full of bewitching romanticism. Fascinating travel on it(him;them) will leave at you unforgettable impression, will allow to test the forces, in a new fashion to look at environing nature and a place of the person in her.
We bring to your attention a route of an alloy on small river Sonth Bug on sports inflatable catamarans and kajakah. A route and parking are thought well over by the qualified instructors. The route is picturesque, interesting, safe and accessible to all interested persons.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
09.07.2006 |
Authorities of Tajikistan recently rename mountain tops which names are connected with the Soviet epoch.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
08.07.2006 |

later 18 years after the most terrible in the world of nuclear failure(accident) it is possible to make one-day round in the center of accident which is located less than in hundred kilometers to the north from Kiev.
Excursion to Chernobyl - not only the form of tourist extremism, but also travel on a bosom of the wild nature. Despite of more than 90 tons of the radioactive waste buried under a concrete sarcophagus, and the district infected by radiation on many kilometers around, the wild life in these places left by the person prospers. The thrown edge(territory), having turned to natural reserve, was filled with wolves, foxes, wild wild boars. Here it is possible to meet set of representatives of flora and fauna, including rare.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
07.07.2006 |

the Radial bike tour for those who likes to take for a drive actively on a mountain bicycle to visit(attend) unique " cave cities ", and to return to the silent and quiet hotel located among dense pine trees in the evening.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
07.07.2006 |
In it(this) to year before the beginning of a resort season mass information attack across Crimea has been accomplished. Telechannels assured us that in Crimea disorders, protest actions, etc. the phenomena. Other sources of the information at us are not present, and consequently the population has drawn a conclusion - In Crimea restlessly, to have a rest there dangerously.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
07.07.2006 |
Crimea it not only beachs and resorts rozpecheni but also a few mountain districts. They are not too large however extraordinarily picturesque. Indeed it costs to examine such beauty. But how to do it? There are two accessible variants: active and passive.