
Map of Alushta

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 25.11.2007 Map of Alushta (180kb) nice map, gives approximate representation about Alushte and vicinities. Big streets are signed only. But unlike tourist schemes it is really map - at it the North from above, as well as is necessary!!!
Scheme of Alushta (500kb.) has the alphabetic list of streets. On a sheme hotels, sanatoria and boarding houses Alushty are designated. Quality of a picture low.
Plan of Alushta (315kb). This plan is obviously made on the basis of the previous map. Have slightly cleaned appearance, have added pictures of boarding houses and phones of various urban services Alushty: militias, first aid, help, gorispolkomai etc.

A map of Alupka

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 25.11.2007 A map of Alupka (866kb) is the Very variegated tourist chart of Alupka. Scanned not very much high-quality, shallow inscriptions are heavily read therefore. On a map: sights, hotels, names of basic streets, transport, public catering and rest rooms, are marked.
A chart of Alupka (87êá) is Much more simple and easy-to-read chart. Here only the names of streets and cutting in with the center of city. On her, by the way, besides traditional cafes, hotel, library and mail marked a red color certain Unknown object. What it would be...?

Map of Yalta

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 24.11.2007 Actually in this section not one map of Yalta, but 4. For all tastes, so to say. From the elementary scheme(plan) of streets, up to a detailed map of city.

Tourist shoes covers

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 23.11.2007 òóðèñòè÷åñêèå áàõèëû Here some years I do not imagine winter hikes without shoes covers. Tourist shoes covers have appeared improbably effective means from a cold, a moisture and a snow. Where to buy(purchase) these shoes covers? Shoes covers On sale in shops are far from perfect and, to tell the truth, dorogovaty. Ask better how to make shoes covers? And I shall share the experience with pleasure

Height of Moscow above sea level

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 22.11.2007 Height of Moscow above sea level - 130 meters. This rather approximate value concerning first of all to the central part of city and areas adjoining to Moscow-river. The matter is that the height of Moscow-river above sea level makes approximately 126 meters. One of the highest places in Moscow - mountains Vorobevy. So the Moscow State University is located approximately in 212 meters above a level of Baltic sea. That is difference of heights between the highest point of Moscow (mountain Vorobevy) and the lowest (Moscow-river) makes 85 meters.

Height above sea level

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 22.11.2007 àëüòèìåòð - îí æå âûñîòîìåð, à ïî ñóòè - òîò æå áàðîìåòð One of these days me have asked about at what height above sea level there are Crimean cities of Yaltas, Alushta and Simferopol. Firstly I wished to wave away from this question, but curiosity has pushed me to check up, that writes the Internet on this theme. It has appeared, that it is practically impossible to find in a network of mentions of height of the majority of cities of the former Union. Amazed(struck) by this fact, I have decided to correct a situation.

Testing of snowshoes TSL

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 18.11.2007 îáçîð îòçûâ ïðî ñíåãîñòóïû TSL Rando 227 the snow and I One of these days has unexpectedly dropped out, having taken advantage of the moment, has gone to a wood to test recently got snowshoes TSl 227 Rando. Two hours I wandered on zasnezhennym to hills and ravines checking work of snowshoes in various conditions. I have just in case written down the impressions, remarks, and simply clever ideas and have supplied with illustrations.

Hike for New year 2013

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 16.11.2007 ïîõîä íà íîâûé ãîä â Êðûì This New year (2013) we shall meet in mountains. I invite all (ekstremalov) in a winter hike across Crimea. It is expected: the good company, a lot of snow it (would be desirable), unearthly beauty and the sea of difficulties. If an opportunity it is unusual to meet new year for you more important comfort, start to prepare for a winter hike. And I shall try to explain, that it is necessary for this purpose.

The big Crimean Travel

Written by CokGuzel 06.11.2007 íà êðûøå ìèðà Hereinafter - the small story, more likely "reporting", on the days lead in Crimea in last summer... We have decided to break 2 weeks available us on two parts: productive leisure (namely - the pedestrian hike in mountains) - first half and to take the machine(car) on second half of time. And a conductor we have found a route on a site The site and routes on it(him) at once have liked, considering, that a site one person, it(he) supports(maintains) actually one of those who drives in mountains (Cyril). All is accessible, clearly, especially for those who goes to mountains the first time.

The legend on the pedestrian hike

Written by Àíäðåé Äîëÿ èç Êèåâà 06.11.2007 áóõòà Ëàñïè (âèä îò ãàëåðåè) the Report on a hike " Cave cities of Crimea " 23.09.07 - 28.09.07. Participants: Andrey - the author (Kiev), Jury (Moscow), Jury (Washington). A conductor - Cyril.
For a long time dreamed to go to the pedestrian hike. Has mentally bypassed all Crimea. Beach rest with the organized excursions it is good, but a little prielos and wanted adventures, romanticism, travel. For last three years has tried(tasted) velo-and motor-hikes, and has understood, that here it is the present(true) rest, she is mine.
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