Extreme Weekend
Crimea, 3 days. 22 kms. 800 hryvnia (3,200 rubles), Complexity: High
"Extreme Weekend" - a simple way to test yourself and learn the elements of mining equipment (working with ropes, basic units, dyulferom descent, crossing a rope). The route passes through the most beautiful mountain Crimea - Demerdzhi, so you will not only strictly dosed extreme, but a whole bunch of gorgeous scenery.
Simferopol - Angarsk pass - pass FUNAI - Cave MAN - North Demerdzhi - Dzhurla - - Alak Canyon - Valley of Ghosts - Radiant - Simferopol
Plan a hike:
A day. Simferopol, Angarsk pass, pass Funa, familiarity with the equipment, the cave MAN

Встреча группы происходит в Симферополе, прямо на жд-вокзале, ориентировочно в 10 утра.">
Group Meeting takes place in Simferopol, right at the railway stations,
at approximately 10 am. After becoming acquainted with the instructor distributed products and equipment, is first a short briefing. About an hour will move to the starting place - at the Angarsk pass (altitude 752m). From there we head along the ridge Elham-Kai to the current place of accommodation - a cozy clearing the pass Funa. By the way, the pass - a great specific platform (pan Alushta Valley, the sea, Demerdzhi). After breaking camp we begin to get acquainted c ropes, knots, harness and other equipment necessary for our ektrim tour. If
you have time, then in the evening you can visit the cave and make a
MAN out there a little speleo-dive - descend (the rope of course) on the
lower gallery of the cave, richly decorated with stalactites and
stalagmites. Even before our era this room cave MAN chosen for its ancient shrines Tauris. On the way back will have to sweat a little - you will find a 30-meter climbing rope. This is very useful for securing information received today by mining equipment.
2nd day. Northern Demerdzhi, rope-ferry, tract Dzhurla

Утром сворачиваем лагерь и выдвигаемся на штурм Северной Демерджи (высота 1359 м).">
In the morning we turn to the camp and
brings to the assault on North Demerdzhi (altitude 1359 m). The
rise of there relatively simple and in good weather after a couple of
hours we will be photographed against the backdrop of exotic
radiootrazhateley installed on top in the Soviet times. Then cross the plateau Demerdzhi and go out to its eastern edge - a rocky and steep. Here, between two rocky headlands, is spanned by a rope ferry. Slide on a rope over an abyss is an extremely exciting experience. I am sure that once you feel inadequate:) completed the training we go to sleep in a cozy valley creek Dzhurla. Small waterfalls, nostalgic birches and sharp rocks around - a great place.
3 days. South Demerdzhi, dyulfer in the Valley of Ghosts, radiant, Simferopol
The last stage of our extreme weekend will take place on the slopes of South Demerdzhi. Naturally, this will first need to climb to its summit, or rather the so-called crown (height of about 1200m). This
is one of the best viewing areas of the Crimea, I am sure that you
spend a lot of time photographing the surrounding beauty. And
then we pass over one of the stone towers and already from the top will
begin descent "dyulferom" to the legendary Valley of the Ghosts. Intricate stone carvings, dwarf pines hanging over the abyss and a narrow trail winding between them ... Descending from the mountains we go to the final point of our tourist trail - the village of Radiant. From here you can go to Simferopol and Alushta. If you plan to leave the same evening, then take the train tickets departing from Simferopol until 19:00.
Route Map 'Extreme Weekend'
The numbers indicate locations of nights. Green dots - interesting sights along the route.
Launch date - the date the finish> condition set
[Tur: Extreme-off