The Legend of Nepal

Guys, I am flying to Nepal!
I almost did not crap his pants.
But here I was a little scary:
What if I put our court Shiriata?
What if I Forget your Ice Axe?
Then nakaryabayu than that I was here? What if my card will block the bank?
They are die-hards like your tank.
But one reassured - told me: "Do not ssy.
You're better to put it in the dollar.
And keshom take.
What, Nepal?
I've already been there. "

I bought tickets on the Internet
Back roads are already no.
First I'm flying to Sharjah
There's only night I'll wait
And soon I'll be in Kathmandu.

And now I sit in Sharjah.
My buddy already in Kathmandu.
And then - the people ... Here is the Hajj,
But the Indian villages as Raja.
And look carefully
As if they want be rude.
But we settled down at ease
And also look displeased.
But time is still running,
And now the engine humming.
I sit down at the window,
So it's time to fly to Kathmandu.
But what is? Oh my god! Mom!
Next to me - a monkey!
Oh, no. Sorry. Fizkultprivet,
Simple Nepali people.
You're just a puny and black,
In addition, the growth of disadvantaged.

And what rate? Cloud?
Yeah, no. That mountain range!
This is unlikely you saw:
Our flight met the Himalayas!
Rise above the clouds peaks.
Caucasus would smoke a nervous tick.

And in Kathmandu, my mate is waiting.
Encounters, shook his hand firmly.
And we drove so lucky.
Garbage, that car is small.
I have not even looked at what it is.
Dusty and rusty rattletrap,
But that's not child's courage:
He travels on the road
By oncoming rides, a mother, I swear!
Chu, I understand at the same hour:
What is wrong here, as there, we do.
Left-hand traffic
But here not in this adventure:
Here, no rules - it is clear at once,
Signals, cool, a little gas.
And if you go not on the counter,
What are you - holy (almost certainly).
Oh, yes! There are no sidewalks,
Mopeds travel, anywhere.
Togo look - giving a leg.
I was shocked, by God!

But, I zavralsya. From the capital
We need to land in Lukla.
And two engined aircraft
Tourists are a dozen carries.
Hence, we begin to track,
Hazards do not expect.
But the third day already pass
A mountain on a little lyutuyut.
From four to one
Attacked by a terrible IT.
The bacterium il wicked virus
But diarrhea opera.
And then he can not go.
The antibiotic will help us!
And I have a fever,
And his head, as though the pan.
Gornyaha viciously covers
This is, alas, it happens.

But I, on the other hand, has already seen.
Yeti scalp, which, believe me, is not small.
He's in the box at the llamas kept
Salvage brings - not gathering dust.
After all, if you want to see
Coin must have.

Oh, yes. Horde of tourists here.
All come in large numbers here.
The Japanese, Germans and Australians.
Maybe even have a Maltese.
In the face of well-fed, calm,
And quite high.
But something strange is going on!
To me seething, boiling, yaritsya
The desire to take the old AK-a,
Gate klatsnut so slightly,
And politely ask them:
And you do not accidentally on Wall Street?
K is the ratio of globalization?
And change crisis as
Touched you? But I digress.
Return to the tales have.
Friends, I saw Everest
With the review of special places.

Other mountains like waves
And it is a huge black fin
Sharks. What can be seen among the white cliffs
That's about it I said.
Other mountains too powerful.
But five thousands, toschi.
They are great neighbors
So the five, as the hills.
This about my story.
"I have been there would not again" -
Similar to this verse
Official them hello.

Eugene Makiyan, Kiev, 2011.