Taste of cakes from my childhood
Report hike in the Carpathians, the route of "The highest peaks" July 17, 2011.
Our emotions and feelings only thing that remains natural in our increasingly artificial world today, and it is for them and I went with a group of OutdoorUkraine in the campaign for the highest peaks of Ukraine - Carpathian Ridge Montenegrin. My background to the decision to go to a campaign similar to the hundreds of stories of people who described to me his meeting with OutdoorUkraine. The only difference in comparison with others, is that the route I chose to hike in places that had already happened many times.
Living in a 2 hour drive from the Carpathians, being able to spend much time there in his childhood and youth, plus the last 20 years often come from relatives in the Carpathian Mountains, I can not compare their experiences with those who are in these places first. If I am the mountain has still not left untouched, they should all go off-scale emotionally.
And I did not pass the standard situation. When an active and lively youth, with the ability to decide and to flee at the first suggestion of friends, went to the rhythm of adult life, and visits to nature is increasingly moving to the rank of a comfortable stay in the house of local people or kempingovskoy parking lot at best.
From time to time interfering with groups of tourists in the mountains, pleasant memories of past trips have visited my head as memories about the unique taste of biscuits from my childhood, the taste is so eager to experience again.
But in reality pushed me with a problem with someone go? Not all relatives perceive the campaign as the rest, those who do not have the desire to go camping with a newcomer ... more sequence of events was the same as many in the internet-offer fees, and exit.
Now I could go to a detailed description of our trip, route, etc. but look interesting feedback from other participants about hiking route greatest peaks, I can not do better, but do not want to repeat. Everything you read it for the most part pure truth and nothing but the truth. In addition, section "as is" give a complete picture of the upcoming event, for that special thank outdoorukraine.
Promise and fulfill the promise of our time was not "prestigious". Well, that is the case with the company outdoorukraine, I can testify to the contrary. I think the success of companies engaged in such services consists of doing their own regulations, and professional guides, with whom they collaborate.
In our group it was the conductor Alexander Kushnaryov, one of which is written not a few, a professional of his craft, a deep and interesting. But the march of time is very little that would see him more, for me it is like an iceberg - the visible part of a young low-key guy, the underwater part - great for his age and experience knowledge. Visit after the campaign's blog alexkushnaryov.com I saw all what he does, not merely to make money, he lives it and thought it did not disagree with the words.

I think the goal for the first time to go camping at everyone - who is critical of the process, other attractions or socializing, but everyone wants the same positive outcomes and emotions of the event.
For this reason I want to share some thoughts that may interfere with enjoying what is happening. So, the choice of the organizers and conductors issue has been resolved (if you're already reading this report)
Take the time to read the sections "as is", "a list of necessary things"; feedback from the participants of this route. This will result in understanding the process and remove from the list of things terry bathrobe and prepare for lift and properly packed backpack. The phrase is no bad weather - is not the right clothes, true, but the assurances of clothing manufacturers to protect against moisture is not always accurate, for it influenced by many factors. My example in the shoes of "Moisture Protection," in which I was crossing the water to wade, not withstood the wet grass and 1-1.5 hours for the defense surrendered. The same goes for jackets. Solution might be a good poncho or a cheap plastic cape in 2-3pc., Depending on its quality. Protection against moisture is, I think an important question, cape on a backpack, garbage bags for packing things in a backpack and bags in store, this is very handy. Do not forget about all sorts of treatment to protect from moisture, in this case, all methods are good.
Protect the legs are good socks, adhesives, elastic bandages on his knees (who needs it) and trek.palki. I took the ski, no problem, but even with "proper length" they create a nuisance pripereezdah (train, bus). By the way our group iz12chel. sticks were at 4, but after the campaign has 30min.nachala all got wood and threw them to the last day.
For those who take their gear, sleeping bag, tent to check before going to need everything. Time to use those things, and traverse area do not always coincide with their capabilities. Better to take things more secure by the organizers. I parked in the highlands of the strong wind did not stand rack is a new fiberglass tent, it would be this bad, if not the guys from the band.
At the expense of easy weight backpack, I can say that the first time to select the desired I did not succeed, but the time taken for this is not bad. The result is a weight lifting (consider the weight of products that you hand out before the campaign), the guys in our group even took the bag from the tent to reduce weight, I could replace trek.palkami helpers entrance to the tent.
First aid kit, flashlight, warm hat, sun hat, sunglasses, sun cream and gloves for cold snap is all that is not in vain drags in a backpack. A good fleece jacket, thermal underwear, shirts and pants, all these things from modern fabrics proved their superiority and can not discuss it. If all things are new for the first time and find a time that would try them out - a sleeping bag, shoes, the possibility of adjustments to the backpack assembly \ rasborku tents and probably most importantly do not forget about yourself.

Try to wake your body up to a hike is not too much work, as everyone decides to do sam.Ya found jogging a week before the trip the most affordable way to get rid of krepatury muscles in the early days.
If you paid attention to these tips, nothing should stop you and see all the beauty of these places and get the max. impressions, for what it was started and all.
Do not forget also that you go to the "green lungs of Ukraine" and all of us children of asphalt and bustling cities do not avoid the "burden" of pure oxygen Carpathian forest on this hike in the early hours, do not worry, it's hard to breathe, you get used to good quickly.

The same situation with dialogue in the group. People are going to different, do not go bad here, as many have written in reviews. Of the 12 groups for the journey to the top of the route, most of the time to get acquainted already, but with the first dinner together, this process finally completed. All come to rest and the right to "live" in the campaign as they like, but not interfering with others on the organizers have the rules of the group, if you first want to hike, read a few lines of this section. I think the squabble between some in our group, this is more a problem of life views, but they are unnecessary. By the way when a hiking difficulties, they were gone.
The route crosses some places tourism industry will be able to see the difference between places trampled ekskursiynymi groups and places of grazing cows and sheep. People, where grazing cows, a lot cleaner. Findings suggest themselves, listen to experienced tourists take away with them as far as possible all that is brought into the mountains.
And at the expense of seasoned experience ... there are things that we do not fully understand ... or if you want to superstitions and legends ... it's all live hundreds of years ... I find it hard to understand the logic of people with backgrounds in only 30 40 years and the desire to check the legends or establish its own rules in somebody else's house, where we just visit. In support of these ideas you want to share a single case: From our conductor Alexander Kushnaryov, we learned that one of the legend of these places about the fact that you can not disturb the peace of an alpine lake "Nesamovyte." Swim and throw rocks. At Alexander has already been 4 cases as confirmed this belief.

We have, incidentally, also had the opportunity to verify this legend. From swimming to the storm passed 4 hours. Heavy wind, rain, hail and thunder - all in full.
Yet it can not be compared with all the positive that we got in return. One absence mob. due to some already complete rest, not to mention the rest. And if the weather hurt to go the entire route, take it as a ritual with a coin on the sea, there is reason to come back ... It's Mountain ...
I send greetings to all of our group, I was wondering with you. I hope for random and scheduled a meeting with you in the future. Special thanks to the excellent family Volodia and Lena from Kharkov for the hospitality, I wish that I could not pay them the same in Lviv.
Thank you for a professional company OutdoorUkraine.com conductor.
I am glad for those who are going this route for the first time.
Igor Petrovsky, Lviv.