Magnificent pictures
Written by Марина Оначук, Киев

Pictures-memoirs about a trekking tour "Beginning of the Lycian way" in May 2011.
Greetings to all participants and organizers of a recent campaign on the Likijsky track!!! After perusal of the story of Svety could not refuse to itself pleasure (though and not in such art form:) too to share impressions of our campaign.
It, certainly, emotions, positive emotions and to describe their words difficultly enough. But, I think that each participant will understand me, when I will tell that it was healthy. After all all there were and saw the same beauty the eyes. Truth?
After arrival home, it is necessary to close eyes as magnificent pictures which vpechatalis in memory it is very accurate in a kind of absence with itself of the camera (it start to emerge forced to photograph all eyes:). It is interesting, how this slide show will long last? But it is pleasant to me, so I hope memory me will not bring and will store longer pleasant memoirs.

And memoirs are good!!!! The sea, mountains, fresh air, remarkable fellow travellers, - well can be better? And in the evening pleasant sensation of weariness after ten-other passed kilometres. And the organism after all has not got used yet so aktivnichat after hibernation:) But now feet are ill exclusively from sitting on a place (upon my life!!!). It is necessary to sit hour or so-other as starts to break all body. And it would be desirable to walk kilometres so …. It is a lot of.

And again pictures before eyes, both ridiculous cases, and amusing names of Turkish settlements.
- «Cyril, and what plans at us for today?» - I ask.
- «We go to a fine place - the Tavern!» - Cyril answers.
And this episode about «the Gay? neeet! Or yes?» I think poveselil all (Light it has miraculously described, how, in other, and all the rest).

I regret that has not gone down with all in a valley of butterflies, and «courageously remained on property protection». But in the evening I have made up for lost time impression, having bathed in the rain on a beach in the Tavern. It was unforgettable and very romantic: empty pljazhik in an environment of mountains, terrible clouds over a head and amazingly transparent water!!! Moreover such warm and radiant as though it highlighted from within to spite of the grey sky and a rain. Simply delight!!!

Friday of 13th has caused a stir burning of boots in a fire, loss of headdresses, visiting of an ancient cemetery, rigid descent in the rain and spending the night in an olive grove (all know bible history?). And how in such day without Birthday? Light accepted from us congratulations and treated with celebratory halvah (vkusnjatina!!!!). Good there was a day:)
Rain, rain, but not for a long time. We subsequent some days went under the scorching sun which has reminded us that we, all the same, in Turkey. Cyril rescued our beginning to boil brains logic games and riddles. To stati, children (here I address to Natasha, Light and Dime), we, after all, and have not solved a problem about the cadet:) That there has occurred in that audience at examination? There are versions? And still, someone has guessed how to hang up that picture?

Again charming landscapes, - they can admire and admire. Abrupt descents, liftings, and constantly arising panorama of the sea! And then a jump in the bus, in another, - and we in Cappadocia. About, a miracle!!! Well the nature and the person will create the such!? There, sitting on a terrace with a kind not coming sun, we congratulated the second our birthday woman - Natasha. Was so sincerely that I even have regretted that was born in the end of October, instead of in sredine May:)
And now one more jump in the bus, and us is welcomed by solar Antalia. Even very solar. But despite it, it not wanted to me to go on a city beach. In memory there was that pljazhik in the Tavern, and the impression after it did not need to be spoilt locker rooms, chaise lounges, umbrellas and other attributes matrasnogo rest. On it was much more pleasant to wander on the confused small streets of an old city. I, admit, even have managed there to lose the way towards evening. Another matter - with the companion:) And to have supper at cosy small restaurant where coffee submitted with a bouquet of colours …

Well, it is time home. Yes, here already both Kiev. And a call to parents with news that have not taken me prisoner and have not sold in slavery:) And on a question, whether I am glad that have come back home, the answer: No". After all again it is necessary to plunge into every day routine, and was so well … But I have brought with myself weight of impressions, Turkish sweets and proof tourist sunburn:) Already I look after to myself the following campaign (just it is possible to get away in holiday in July). So I will be glad to the company:)
Separate gratitude to my fellow travellers, namely Dime, Natasha and Light. As on me, we had an excellent international company. Thanks, children. It was glad with you to travel, and necessarily I wait for you in Ukraine, - will be dear visitors.
And, certainly, gratitude to Cyril. For a long time I did not meet such positive, easy and cheerful people. I hope that with us it was not less pleasant to it to communicate, than to us with it, and that investigation of a new route has gone right. It seems to me that it has gone right. Thanks, Cyril, all were remarkable.
And, of course, thanks of Turkey. And to new meetings …

P.S. To stati, coming back today home Russia »for June, and, to the greatest surprise has bought a hot« National Geographic, has found out there article about Cappadocia! Moreover and with stereophotos! To all I advise to esteem, and besides, to compare to a reality:)

Marina Onachuk, Kiev