Travel obormotov, or an improvisation Celebration

The instructor reserves the right to itself to make changes to a route depending on weather, conditions of group and other factors. Day the first. Around water Feodosiya, Klementyev's mountain, Meteoric shower of memoirs Actually - Grushevka, a spring Small Chokrak. Have started to improvise since first day. The campaign has begun not from Klimentyev's also known as Uzun-Syrt the mountain, and from settlement Grushevka, what hardly further Old Crimea if to go from Feodosiya on the Simferopol road. While there went, the sky began to tighten gradually cloudlets of rather impressive kind, and after somewhere half an hour - hour after an exit on a route when we have already started to clamber on any of numerous Agarmyshej, us has started very and to rinse very seriously. Грушевка - стартуем Still when the campaign was planned, Cyril has warned that the east of Crimea this July was very much fallen in love with tropical downpours, and advised to be completed with protection frames from a rain better. In general, the cover on a backpack complete with a jacket, alas, has not sufficed - water flew down on a back, from that the backpack has slightly got damp. Therefore poncho, covering a backpack together with its carrier, in kinds of protection from hljabej heavenly strongly wins. Three persons from five in group have decided to escape from a rain under it - and could the property where better to save up. под тропическим дождем In the previous times in mountains it was possible to meet a rain, but that the such... Two hours is stronger is more silent, on pools, streamlets and though the rain and was slightly cooled by July Crimean air, but a jacket dense so water - and inside sweat outside flows. Streams. Clearly it is felt... So the basic impression of lifting on calcareous open-cast mine and over it there was a rain and everything that with it is connected: that a rustle, very notable knock of drops on a hood, a streamlet flowing through sandals (here when has praised itself that krossovkami has neglected!), the become limp clay champing underfoot... Nobody watched time, on sensations, two stamped on a rain of hour, however weariness have not felt - probably, were still fresh, and the rain freshened in addition. потоки грязи When have got above an open-cast mine, "someone has switched off a rain, and the sun" has got out. poskidavshi from themselves backpacks and become wet odyozhku, have sat down to dry under a wind and the sun - in what have reached considerable successes. Having had a bite, have gone further, already to a parking lot. снова солнышко To a spring it was necessary to make the way through thickets of enough high and dense nettle, having chosen a parking lot, then - to work at a fire as brushwood, the dead wood and windfallen trees too under a rain have got, and directly ahead of a withdrawal to a dream - to dry the got damp sleeping bags. Praise to inventors of synthetic fibres! Be sleeping bags are made from "hebe" and are filled by cotton wool, we with them would be worn out... Well and it must be said that it was the unique rain for all campaign. Day of the second. I will throw the world and I will leave in monastir Green's track, Old Crimea, monastery of Surb-Hach Actually: Agarmysh, Old Crimea, a monastery of Surb Hach, a monastery of Surb Stepanos, it - tourist's parking "Backwoods". Have woken up, had breakfast, have gathered, tore through recent thickets of a nettle - the blessing, it was already incapable to rise after we the day before on it were trampled - have begun lifting. Those who gave names to local mountains, to valleys, passes, streams, the rivers, rocks, caves and other sights, whether did not differ an ingenuity, whether neosobenno zamorachivalis on this theme - therefore in vicinities of Old Crimea some mountains named Agarmysh rise: Gray-haired, Bald and still any are present. на горе Агармыш In general, we have got out on one of them from which to us the kind to Old Crimea, the nearest and remote vicinities has opened. The well, an input vkotoruju have on the way passed by a vertical cave under the name Sychev has been closed by a ferro-concrete lattice, and on a tree the appeal nearby hung not to throw in a cave any rubbish. Nearby there was one of sets of "the Ninth company", still even the tower has remained, however we have not gone to that party, and have gone downwards, to a city. Have passed a city through, having glanced in a bench and having bought a little vkusnostej, have crossed small river with not so harmonious therefore not remembered name - have gone to a monastery. магазин в Старом Крыму Very interesting place has appeared. Both the architecture original, and an abundance of sources, each of which, vrodekak, has the sphere of responsibility - for health, for beauty, for mind it. d., in trapeznoj - very interesting museum of history of a monastery in particular and the Crimean Armenians in general, in church... It was unusual to see orthodox icons, and one of images in a temple of the Armenian apostolic church... Both to look terribly, and it is impossible to come off. On execution - not Man-made Has rescued, but the Savior already in a crown of thorns, with izjazvlennym a forehead and crying from a pain and a grief. монастырь Сурб Хач Having drunk coffee and having washed down with water of one of sources with unstated sphere of responsibility, have gone to parking. "Backwoods" have appeared not at all a solitude, and enough a clearing popular in local population for picnics, traces of what banok from under canned food and bottles from under drinks were present at a kind. у костра в Лесной Глуши As a place for spending the night - perhaps, most convenient of were on a route: beechen wood, accordingly, it is dry enough and with fire wood of problems is not present, a place equal, rendered habitable - around kostrishch are laid bryovnyshki, convenient for sitting, nearby a spring - for drink and cooking, - and a stream - for economic. If signs obzhitosti kostrishch also were limited to arrangement - it would be absolutely fine. Expensive krymchane and visitors of peninsula! Clean behind itself garbage, ! Day the third. We have such devices! But we to you about them will not tell Surb-Stepanos, Backwoods, Frenk-Mezer Actually: the Backwoods, a ridge of Tuar-Alan, Sandyk, Krasnokamenka, Shchebetovka Why-tovtoraja night, despite more convenient parking and smaller volume of efforts overnight, was gave more hard... But to gather in Backwoods it was a pleasure: kosterok has inflamed almost instantly, have gathered too fast, have gone further. экспериментальная легкая палатка Pass details through Tuar-Alan were not remembered almost - simply one more transition on wood. The basic impressions of day lifting on Sandyk - and even more has made descent from it. Gathering for this route, I imagined mountains Kimmerii a little differently - flat enough and, thanks to it, simple in passage. настоящий гриф However the severe reality has broken these representations: liftings have appeared quite to themselves abrupt, and descents... Perhaps, three-year prescription of impression of descent in Haphal were already a little erased, but descent with Sandyk to Krasnokamenke, then - descent with Echki-Daga to Urbashu, and then - with Ah-georgija to the Kopselsky bay there were rather rich on impressions, emotions and events. Biases in all three cases - I do not know, how many there actually degrees, appear, that not less than sixty (will be surprised if it will be found out that less than thirty, but after all the person reacts not to a reality, and on the perception), underfoot a talus... When have already slipped to surrounding Krasnokamenku to a wire entanglement, has managed to crash down and a stick to bend. However losses also were limited to that, and a stick has corrected then. восточный Крым The first that we have met on the way to Krasnokamenku, there was one more monastery - but already Russian Orthodox Church, for the sake of Serafima Sarovsky. While went to it, wandered on vicinities and went down in settlement - from a monastery through loudspeakers psalms sounded. In itself Krasnokamenka has shown at once the character - especially military. Not to tell lies, among all who namvstretilsja, four from five were or are dressed in the form, or it was appreciable that they carry it, but now not at duties, or carried it once earlier. However it is necessary to return hardly back and to tell that our improvisations before descent with Sandyka have proceeded - instead of that as provided a route, to go on the West, to mountain Urbash, have decided to reach from Krasnokamenki to Shchebetovki, and already from it to go on Echki-Dag and further to the Pike perch. The it is more, Cyril has tempted the people with spending the night at lake... на горе Сандык And have made. The lake, on closer examination, has appeared a water basin equipped for the purpose of an irrigation of vineyards. The potable water source has appeared far from the chosen parking, and water from it was better for using in a boiled kind. With fire wood complexities too were observed - as wood is around presented by young enough landings, brushwood and a dead wood in it is still small, so radiuzhina and a breakfast it was necessary to rustle. It is necessary to recognise as indisputable advantage a wide choice of equal places for installation of tents - probably, thanks to it water basin vicinities are chosen under picnics even more, than Backwoods. Day the fourth. Someone attracts upwards, someone pulls downwards... Rock Sandyk, confidential Cornel-tash, mountain Urbash Actually: tourist's parking of "Echki-Dag", a ridge of Echki-Dag, mountain Urbash Tourist's parking of "Echki-Dag" under the primary plan of a campaign should be a place of last spending the night - and we on it left in the beginning of the fourth day and have gone from it in the opposite direction. Actually, the spring located at parking has transformed it into a permanent address of a part of a party of the Fox bay, ate inhabitants of a bay who prefer to live more close to the sea go to a spring behind water. Well and owing to high obzhitosti parking by a vital issue there is a maintenance with fuel, therefore for spending the night it would be, perhaps, not the best place. Эчки-Даг Therefore we have got on Echki-Dag. Have got - if earlier we ascended to mountains, that is easy went on foot here it was necessary to connect hands often enough. However, thanks to affinity of the sea, almost all time of clamber to top of barrels a freshening breeze therefore lifting has seemed not too difficult. Unlike descent - for which lifting on glavnujuvershinu a ridge, besides, has followed. There have stopped to have a bite - and have again started to go down to cross road and to reach parking at the foot of a hill Urbash. Куш-кая на Эчки-Даге наша группа на горе Урбаш Day the fifth. To the sea! Mountain the Rhinoceros, a ridge of Echki-Dag Actually: a ridge of Tokluk-Syrt, Ah-georgy, the Pike perch. GoruNosorog we surveyed overnight, in the morning of the fifth day have gone to look at Taraktash (now I know that Taraktash in Crimea, at least, not one) and have gone on a ridge of Tokluk-Syrt. Have got on it - as was more often, on wood road, and the seas, to a source Ah-georgy have gone aside. The Mohammedan name at it, of course, too is, but pominanie than St. George to me is somehow closer. Have overstayed under geodezicheskimznakom, and have begun - that you would think? Correctly! DESCENT!!! вид на Судак с Ай-Георгия долгожданный СПУСК Already then, sitting on seacoast and dozhyovyvaja a box lunch - we had supper during the lunchtime, and had dinner, accordingly, during a supper - have agreed in opinion that final descent was the most difficult. Especially interesting turn from a track vstoronu a source has seemed - it was necessary on hardly to an appreciable path to bypass gullies with slopes, even more abrupt than on what we went. To meet najuzhnom a slope a reed above human growth it was unexpected - but, looking at it, I have understood that water already nearby. Having reserved by water - and Cyril has typed even a kettle and has incurred it in a hand - have decided that it makes sense to find a place is more equal, to weld meal and to have dinner hot, and to have supper already on the bank of themes that remains. And have made. поход по Восточному Крыму Судак и Сокол Then an interdiction for visitings of woods yet was not, but all the same - the centre equipped very seriously. Then kostrishche have filled in, have filled up with stones and have gone to the sea which observed already from the middle of day. Spent the night ashore, in vicinities of a half-civilised camping. по бэдлендам Day of the sixth And the sixth day, it is possible to tell, as was not - short of transition in the Pike perch round Alchaka and a trip at first on autostation, and then - to Feodosiya. мыс Меганом мыс Алчак As a result. There are passed 68 kilometres, total ascent - 3100 metres, total loss - hardly is more, as start has been located a little above, than finish. General impressions - Kimmerija has given a surprise. Thought that mountain time low - above seven hundred metres did not get - that and the route will be simple. However descents of Echki-Daga also will ah-georgija be remembered, perhaps, for a long time. In the big group to go, perhaps, is more cheerful - in small more interesting. пляж в Судаке в разгар сезона The note: "obormotami" named inhabitants and visitors of the house of Maksimiliana Voloshin in Koktebel. Into number obormotov entered: A.Tolstoy, Veresayev, Mandelshtam, M.Bulgakov and other representatives of "silver age". The name choice is cast by "Travel of laymans" B.Sh.Okudzhavy. Michael Penkov, Moscow suburbs.