Fairy tale for three days

As though to tell to you about the impressions so that you have felt though a small share of that I felt. But also it will be is it is necessary to worry, experience a little. To inhale this pure air, to see a fantastic dawn, to take a sip sweet water from a stream. It is all it seemed to me returning home …
But here about the very first day of a campaign I did not guess at all where I have got. I even could not present that will be so hard. That my backpack will seem three times heavier, and feet will refuse to go almost further. In general, the first day seemed to me that I have got to a hell. Despite it I still had forces to sit in the evening at a fire, to admire the star sky and to listen to fairy tales.

The dawn in mountains is especial time. It possesses the magic. Any more so it is cold as evening, the wind has abated, over mountain there is a sun, shining tops. And below the twilight still reigns: to curl a fog, сереют gloomy, still sleepy woods.
In the sky a cloudlet, only lonely birds break its bottomless blueness. Even a minute - and the sun already shines all around. Our tents revive also. Having had breakfast, we go to a way. Yesterday begins, I have thought, looking at a footpath leaving upwards. But all has appeared not so is sad - it was much easier to go yesterday's.

When we went from mountain Great Top on Sty, I have suddenly realised that my feet have started to lead separate life; it seemed, they will not stop even if it will be necessary. So I also went, it was not heavy any more, there was no weariness. I simply went and went, all upwards and upwards … Oh, and already top? =)
About tops of mountains I will tell separately. You stand there, you look downwards - settlements seem игрушечно small, and people simply точечками in a nature picture. And here you understand, how you are far. Far from the everyday life, from cares and the problems, unnecessary thoughts. Here there is only you, mountains and clouds. By the way, clouds, they so it is close that it is possible to consider, how of several clouds it is formed new as dances translucent a smoke with a wind. You get accustomed, and you observe as the separated thin layer of a cloudlet floats under the big clouds...
That I can tell still … I Will tell to you, descend in mountains, necessarily! Descend not only because there волшебно it is beautiful. Mountains change the person, do it more kindly and is more light. There you open new, best yourself!