In the world of adventures
When wrote a response, has understood that I create the whole novel as for the small statement concerning a recent campaign. Therefore has decided many thoughts to leave at itself, having written only a shred which will give the chance to see those emotions which have arisen at me after the pedestrian tour.
Know, since the childhood I love adventure novels. Reading products of such classics as to Zhjul Vern, Main Read, Fenimor Cooper and many other great writers you are dipped together with the protagonist into the magic world of travel in novel places. In due course you start to realise, as itself wish to be started up in wandering. And the finest what exactly you become the main character of your story.
So it is pleasant to follow a track in the places kept away from a civilisation; to walk, knowing that today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow you should go. The sky over a head, the earth underfoot, a way ahead. And fantastic landscapes around!

Choosing tour “East express train” I, first of all, has lighted up because of words in the description - ”the Route in little-known places of Crimea”. City vanity constrains the person, presses on it, and many understand it at subconscious level. The desire to escape from all and all constantly arises and at me. Aforementioned tour became fine week possibility to embody intention.

Now I could paint all the days long our campaign. But my description all the same will not give the chance to you to understand all charm of our travel. Yes, we have passed control points and sights. But our road was non-standard. And here it is necessary to mention separately our instructor - Volodju. To conduct us should there was absolutely other mountain guide, but as the fates decree at the last minute the flag in hands took Volodja. The person with enormous experience of campaigns, the pleasant interlocutor, and simply interesting person - it has spent us "a little":D other footpaths therefore we decently were ahead of schedule on kilometric area and have taken pleasure still in a considerable quantity of beautiful places.

Tired, but happy, evening of the fifth day we have gone down to the sea, the first coils of a civilisation. Despite of opened delights, bent for to mountains, wood footpaths was felt
I think, any person though time in life should descend in a campaign, plunge into the world of adventures. After such travel - without habitual conditions - you start all to perceive differently. And time suffices to think not only over road on wood, and and on life.

Thanks of the Sachet, Dime, Ane, Bogdanu, Vite, to Vitaly, Alena and, of course, to our mountain guide of Volode for pleasant joint pastime. Really, bad people do not go to campaigns.

Kapotja Hange Knight Dmitry, Kiev