Hot it will not be

* Carpathians it is beautiful
* Carpathians (even in the summer) is not to you Crimea :) Weather can be awful, hot will not be exact and is necessary corresponding snarjaga from a rain and a wind
* a Trekking tour not from the lungs taking into account numerous sets and dumps of height and weather conditions; beginners should think, whether to go for the first time at once there.
And now, actually, the story about a campaign:
1 day - Mood vigorous.
I come from Moscow to Ivano-Frankovsk the latest. All group already waits for me. Group are twins of Rum and the Theme from Kiev (further - "brothers" :)), Vasja from Lvov and instructor Sanja.
We pack products and we sit down in a minibus which carries us in with. Kvass. The road beautiful - small rivers, ZHD, has sat down etc. On the way some times the rain begins. Sanja says that the cyclones storming in Carpathians, have passed, Ha-ha, the prophet it has appeared useless :) But while weather as a whole good and mood vigorous. We are unloaded in 3 hours per Kvass, we are reserved by mineral water from a source, and forward, more precisely upwards.

Today the purpose - to reach to poloniny Menchul that is not especially far, since time already later. That we successfully both do, and we settle down there camp near to other group. We have supper macaroni with tushenkoj.
2 day - Suspicious a cloudlet.
Since morning weather good, but a cloudlet are available. They guard me, and knowingly :) Nevertheless, without losing vivacity, we have breakfast, we gather also run for the Montenegro ridge towards its first mountain - Sheshula.
Overall objective for today - Petros, the first dvuhtysjachnik. SHeshul we bypass at the left and we come nearer to lifting on a ridge. We notice, how is the weather promptly spoils. We meet two twins-dedulej who say that on Petrose it is visible nothing also a strong wind. We climb on a ridge.

We come nearer to lifting on Petros, the heavy rain begins. Sanja says that in such weather there there is nothing, and suggests to bypass Petros in hope of improvement. We reach on a track a small house of reserve and in it it is had a snack, at the same time waiting a rain. On perekus sausage and cheese with small loafs, paste, dried bananas - in general, plentifully.
The rain abates. All wet. At the left Petros on the right far still Goverla:

We are put forward. We decide to climb on Petros directly on a slope as weather improves. Sanja with Vasej want to go down downwards in Huzul kolyby behind a brynza, we with brothers grumble - we would like upward. Children nevertheless leave, we wait their half an hour, come without a brynza - there is no it, only milk. We grumble even more - weather again spoils.
Petros and kolyby under it:

At last we approach to a place of lifting and - upwards! Lifting not so difficult, but long. Sanja all time swears that we with brothers escape far forward. Already on the way to top us covers with a cloud, visibility vanishes and the rain begins. Nevertheless we reach top and we meet there our morning neighbours.

At top of Petrosa - a chapel which roof has torn off probably a lightning, and also the cross which has suffered from a lightning.

We are joyfully photographed, visibility starts to improve.

Descent with Petrosa, by words Sledge, the most abrupt on Chernogore. We go down and convinced of it is on slippery road from a rain everyone has several times fallen :)

We admire Goverloj (further such possibility any more was not :))

We spend the night on a glade on a crosspiece of Petros - Goverla. We with Vasej have run in the nearest kolybu and have bought a brynza from Huzuls which became excellent addition to grechke with tushenkoj. I walk on slopes in the evening, I look a decline :)

Evening Petros and its "brother" of Petrosul:

3 day - Legends do not lie.
Today an overall objective - Goverla, the highest point of Chernogory and all Ukraine (2061 m.). Since morning weather "tolerant" (it is gloomy, but the rain and a wind is not present). We gather and forward - on road through a crosspiece, a reserve cordon to bottom Goverly.

At an exit to lifting on an edge of Goverly weather naturally spoils (as in a consequence it is possible to tell - already for ever :)), rolls a fog and a rain.

The rain is waited in a small house under Goverloj. With us there 3 Hungarians and more group of Poles, very much superski the equipped. Poles chatter unceasingly - Sasha asserts that all understands (personally I in general words :)).
The rain at last comes to an end, we go in a fog on Goverlu. Lifting not difficult, at top some groups and unfortunately are visible nothing.
We are photographed all together at top of Ukraine. Again a rain. From this point on it that began, came to an end constantly within 3 days.

We go down. Visibility bad, and we still need to reach lake not Self-twisted.

We go on a ridge. We rise in a strong wind on Breskul, we bypass Pozhizhevsku, Dantsish, we bend around on the right Turkul. On the Tourist's sack beautiful scatterings of stones - kurumniki.

We come nearer to lake. We look an amusing picture as clouds cannot overcome a high crest (then it it unfortunately it was possible :))

We are tired on parking. We have supper rice with fish and the brynza rests. We walk to lake. We see, how in it a certain pepper - on a legend after that there will be a strong deterioration of weather (so it bathes and was :))

4 day - the Rain has watered again
Since early morning a heavy rain. Sanja shouts from the tent - «we Sleep!». Then makes a breakfast in platform to the tent. I put on the waterproof belongings and I run between tents, carrying brothers meal - at all of them have got wet, and they in general cannot get out :)
By a dinner the rain hardly abates, but all the same visibility bad and a wind. Sanja says that is possible prodnevat all the day long. We swear at brothers - this idea very much is not pleasant to us. The rain absolutely abates, and Sanja grumbling makes decision to leave. Very quickly we gather and we get out on a crest. On the way we turn hardly to the left and we get on a ridge Spitz-dogs - very beautiful place with rocky ostantsami.

Despite low visibility, we arrange photosession.

We go back to the Edge. We meet our neighbours from first day - their mountain guide informs that at with. Dzemberonja the river of Cheremosh has washed off the bridge and therefrom not to leave. Here it is news - according to plan to us there tomorrow to go down! We think what to do. Sanja offers 2 variants - at good weather we go tomorrow on Pop-Ivan and we go down in Zakarpate, with. Goverla, and at bad simply somewhere we go down. We go further. We come on Edges - 2001 m. Like desire to visit all dvuhtysjachniki, at awful visibility and a rain we come on Gutin-Tamnatik (2016 m.).

Then on long, but not to an abrupt track we go down on spending the night to the lake of Brebeneskul - to the most high-mountainous lake of Ukraine on vys. 1800 m.

The rain has abated, but visibility bad. Well though have eaten normally :)

As soon as I have climbed to sleep in tent, the rain has watered again.
5 day - Here warmly also is not present a wind.
Downpour all night long. Since morning we make a breakfast on yesterday's system, in platform. It is added also terrible hurricane - I in a panic observe, how arches of my tent and it almost are bent that presses in the earth. I strengthen arches sticks from within - it becomes better.
On Pop-Ivan anybody also does not think of a campaign. Sanja gets out, and we go with it along a slope in search of a track downwards in Zakarpate. We do not find it and we decide to pass through a ridge and through Spitz-dogs to go down in the Ivano-Frankovsk area, to a line of Verhovina - Ivano-Frankovsk.
We gather on a wind and we leave. We rise on an abrupt track, to go down on which yesterday have not dared. We pass yesterday's rocks on Spitz-dogs, now them it is not visible absolutely - a fog. Gradually we go down through thickets zherepa.

We get in beautiful karpatsky wood. Here warmly also there is no wind :)

On a track, places passing in a stream, we go down to road on t/b to "Zarosljak" and the river the Rod.

The river in places has overflowed banks and flows directly through wood.

On road brothers suddenly decide to be accelerated and leave to Ivano-Frankovsk already today. We say goodbye to them, and under bothered rain nespesha we go to a check point of national park and we rise in a scaffold behind it.

6 day - In Frankovske.
Since morning we reach a line and we reach at first in Vorohtu, and then and to Ivano-Frankovsk.

Then I in expectation of the train walk in Frankovske all the day. On it the campaign has come to an end.
Once again conclusions.
* Carpathians it is beautiful
* Carpathians are to you not Crimea :) Weather can be awful, hot will not be exact, and is necessary corresponding snarjaga from a rain and a wind
* a Trekking tour not from the lungs taking into account repeated sets and dumps of height and weather conditions; beginners should think, whether to go for the first time at once there.
Ivan Bobrovich, Moscow.