The Knight's move

Crimea, 9 days. 110 km. 1500 grivnas (6750 roubles), Complexity: the high.
Properly to study any area, at times to have to roam much. In a campaign "Knight's move" we will turn across Southwest Crimea. We will begin near Sevastopol and, having described a wide ring, in 9 days we finish all in 10 kilometres from a start place. It does not mean at all that all this time us will be surrounded with the same landscapes. On the contrary - a variety shaking. In first half of campaign we will be shastat on gorges and canyons, then we will rise to tops, and on appetizer we will leave night on a wild beach in a bay of Laspi.
Simferopol - the Chernorechensky canyon - a canyon of Uzundzha - falls of Serebrjannyj - the Grand Canyon of Crimea - Ah-petri - a hollow of Besh-Tekne - the Devil's ladder - the Forossky edging - Bajdarsky gate - Buhta Laspi - Sevastopol The route of a 9-day похода "Knight's move" is a combination from 6-day routes "Canyons of Crimea" and "Over the Sea". As I already wrote, at first canyons, then mountains, in the end - the sea.
1 day. Simferopol, Alsu, the Chernorechensky canyon.

The group gathers about 10 mornings in Simferopol on zhd station, products there are distributed, passes instructing and acquaintance to the instructor. The transfer to a start place (settlement Alsu near Sevastopol) is carried out on a minibus (1 hour and 50 grivnas from the person) or by trip electric trains and buses (3 hours and 20 grivnas from the person) for choice groups.
In Alsu is not only one of inputs in a canyon of the Black river, but also the rests of underground military strategic command point (object №221). Infinite tunnels leave deep into a monolithic rock. Having armed with small lamps, we investigate one of the central streets of this underground city.
After that we will pass to research actually a canyon of the Black river. Depending on weather and a water level we will go on the right or left coast, on bottom (along water) or the top track. In the first day of a похода does not follow "peregruzhatsja", therefore soon we will stop on a lodging for the night on one of tourist's parking.
Distance: 7 km. Ascent: 120 m.
2 day. An exit from a canyon, the Bajdarsky valley, a cave Skelsky.

The most intense site of a way begins. The track that flies up over the river falls to the water where on a narrow strip of water the true jungle storms. Some times it is necessary to ford the river (there hardly more deeply than on-knee) or to go having nestled on rocks. The relief so crossed that vrjadli will exceed speed of our movement 1km/ch. But here the gorge extends, the watercourse calms down - we leave the Chernorechensky canyon.
Before us the wide Bajdarsky valley which considerable part is occupied with a huge water basin with cape in the middle was stretched. We again have a choice to bypass a water basin on foot or... No not to cross it astride backpacks, and to use bus to be thrown more close to the Skelsky cave.
It is the equipped cave (with illumination, paths-steps and the guide) with very beautiful underground lake. Unfortunately I can not guarantee that we there will get, as the schedule of work of a cave has the extremely unpredictable character.
And here that will be for certain so it is a lodging for the night. Today we will settle down nearby to the following "our" canyon - Uzundzhi.
Distance: 10 km. Ascent: 250 m.
3 day. A canyon of Uzundzha, Ah-dimitry, the Tea small house, the Lordly glade.

Having risen on a canyon of Uzundzha (waters here less, than in Chernorechensky, and here ascent is more) we will appear in a huge large forest. These shady beechen woods are reserved some centuries. We will pass a little lesnichih the cordons based still at Ekaterina 2. Near one of them - the Tea small house (the wonderful place with the old thrown orchard and half-civilised pigs) is a small cave where during war there was a staff of guerrilla movement.
Along toward evening we leave on the Lordly glade. It is tourist's parking with an excellent panoramic kind on a river Belbek valley, the main ridge of Crimean mountains and a file of Bojka separated from neebolshim a canyon. Beauty...
As an additional bonus the cave of Danilcha-Koba where we will go behind water for a supper and a breakfast acts.
Distance: 14 km. Ascent: 600 m.
4 day. Eagle zalet, falls of Serebrjannye of a stream, the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Having got warm in beams of the morning sun we will begin descent with the Lordly glade in a river Kokozki valley. We will go exclusively in eagle places (from mountain Eagle zalet to a rock Eagle launch). Below one of inflows of Kokozki - Sary-Uzen will please us with the whole complex water attraktsy. At first - Jusupovsky lake with a picturesque semicircular wall. Water from it fills a wide network of pearl cascades and in the end breaks downwards falls of Serebrjannye of a stream under which is small through peshcherka.
Still slightly woods also begins main - the Grand Canyon of Crimea. We will walk on its bottom to a youth Bath, and further depending on mood and weather, we will continue a way on a bottom or we will climb up a canyon side (only 300 metres of height). The way on a bottom, is the true obstacle course with crossings, to circulations on brevnyshkam and other pleasures of life in narrow gorge (places to 2 metres in width).
The top track is more actual for spring or rainy weather when on a bottom the rough river flows. Having chosen it, we receive an excellent kind on a canyon from above, and much more simple road (though and with ascent).
Let's spend the night anyway already on that party of the Grand Canyon, on parking of Bash-Dere.
Distance: 12 km. Ascent: 400 m.
5 day. A plateau Ah-petri.

We say goodbye to canyons and lowlands. Today since the morning long lifting on a plateau Ah-petri will begin. Lifting are absolutely not difficult, but tiresome enough. The player not bad helps with such places thrust in ears or on the contrary - to start to communicate, arrange on the move game in Danetki or another razvlekalovku that the uneasy head did not prevent to walk to feet.
Wood comes to an end, lifting - we on the Bald mountain, northern advanced post of a plateau Ah-petri comes to an end. From here no distance to snow-white space eggs of mountain Bedene-Kyr (it is radar installation, instead of an observatory as many think).
Now before us an extensive field of possibilities. It is possible to direct like mad to a teeth Ah-petri (there people, chajhana, Tatar plov and other temptations). And it is possible to bypass crowded places (the plateau blessing wide) and to move on the West to I At-speak in a deep voice, or on the east to guerrilla parking of Kosh. Sights and amazing kinds (a rock, the sea, white steamships, fires of Yalta) here will suffice on all.
Distance: 10 km. Ascent: 600 m.
6 day. A teeth Ah-petri, mountain At-Bash, a hollow of Besh-Tekne.

It is necessary to us visit on the most popular top of Crimea - Ah Petri. Round it the true east market, with chajhanami, plovom, camels and dressirovanymi bears was stretched. The majority of visitors Ah-petri on it also stop. We will try not to lose time, quickly we pass noisy crowds having a rest and we will direct on the West along the edge of a plateau. Far below pine with a heat of Alupka and Simeiz, and adjusted by a fresh mountain wind we ascend on mountain At-Bash. At once behind it a hollow of Besh-Tekne - a unique place with set of springs and a tiny mountain bog with the true mountain frogs. On hollow slopes, on one of numerous terraces, we will meet a decline and we will spend night.
7 day. A Kastropolsky wall, the Devil's ladder,

8 day. Forossky church, Bajdarsky gate, Laspi.

After a breakfast we will pass along a teeth of the Forossky Edging - the true Mecca rock-climbers and climbers of a teeth. However, all these brave children still will clamber far below when we will already pass on a southern slope and we will come nearer to the Forossky church sheltered directly over breakage. Hardly Bajdarsky gate are above visible - one more ancient pass from which begins our way round the most southern extremity of Crimea. Having passed through the next ridge, we will appear directly over a bay of Laspi where we will spend night. As tomorrow the ending, today we can a little podnaprjachsja and reach the sea.
9 day. A bay of Laspi, Sevastopol.

Morning we devote to bathing in the sea. Then we pack backpacks and we rise back on a line (if want, can remain on the sea). We are put forward towards Sevastopol (we will catch a passing minibus or we will reserve a minibus). The похода end.
It is better to take return tickets from Sevastopol. On zhd station you can be nearby 16:00. If it is necessary to you to Simferopol there you can get by 19:00.
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