Protection against a lightning in mountains

Weather forecasting.
The thunder-storm seldom creeps imperceptibly. Usually many hours prior to it(her) has begun closeness is felt, the wind is not present, because of smokes visibility bad. And all this early in the morning when you have got used to feel a fresh mountain breeze and to admire far ridges. These are obvious attributes of an approaching thunder-storm.
Do not forget about existence of hydrometeorological centre and other weather services. A modern communication facility allow to be well informed about weather forecasts, even находять in mountains.
More often the thunder-storm happens in second half of day. Therefore especially dangerous ridges should be overcome early in the morning. However, early start is useful even if a thunder-storm and does not smell.
Having caught in the distance peals of a thunder, periodically supervise distance up to a thunder-storm. For this purpose measure how many seconds passes(takes place) from flash of a lightning up to a peal of a thunder. Divide(undresse) the received number on 3 and learn(find out) distance up to a thunder-storm (in kilometers).
If the thunder-storm comes nearer, it is not necessary to wait the moment when a lightning начнуть to beat in hundred meters from you. It is better to execute following recommendations in advance:
Safety measures during a thunder-storm

* Completely to switch off mobile phones and portable radio sets and other "active" electrodevices. For greater reliability recommend to take from them accumulators.
* To choose a place for "отсидки". The thunder-storm seldom lasts more hour, but also for that time it is possible to get wet thoroughly (to freeze). Therefore it would be advisable to find a rocky canopy, a cave or easier(simply) to pull an awning (to put tent) in a dry hollow or karstic воронке.
* the Cave becomes shelter, instead of a tomb only in the event that in it(her) there is enough place to sit not more close 1 meter of any of стенок, and 3 meters are not closer to a ceiling. It is impossible to stand at an input(entrance) - the category running from above can use you as the crosspiece.
* there Is an opportunity to use high (not less 10м) separately costing(standing) rock, as a lightning rod. Such rock will protect from direct impact, the opportunity of defeat through damp ground however is kept. Therefore it is necessary to be isolated from the ground as much as possible. Besides, to sit it is necessary not more close 1 meter from a rock (but also not further than on distance equal for height of a rock).
* If the thunder-storm has overtaken you in a wood it is necessary to choose a site with more or less identical trees on height and to become BETWEEN trees (instead of under them). It is necessary to steer clear of oaks (them the lightning especially often amazes).
* Choosing a place for a refuge, it is the extremely important to avoid the neighbourhood with ANY moisture. The lake, a stream, a greater(big) pool at the bottom воронки can "draw" a lightning. And spots(stains) of a moss and lichens or cracks filled by a damp ground can "lead" an electricity even inside of deep caves. Being arranged in a hollow, avoid places of a drain of storm water. And try to not become wet once again.
* Postpone far away all metal subjects. Usually all треккинговые a stick, axes, ледорубы, put(fold) rocky "iron" and even utensils on a heap in 50 meters from shelter. Sometimes this heap will get a kind of the improvised lightning rod (sm of a photo). Распологать it(him) follows above on a slope, away from a refuge (it is not direct above it(him)).

* If there is a risk to be broken (for example, been frightened of a lightning), fix(record) itself the insurance.
* Extinguish(Put out) a fire (if those is available). In fact the column of a smoke is the ionized gas which is a conductor of an electricity.
That to you the reasons of occurrence of some "refined" rules became more clear, I inform that except for direct hit following kinds of defeat by a lightning are possible(probable):
* an electromagnetic induction - defeat Foucault's arising in an organism at passage of a stream of an electricity on distance up to one meter by currents.
* currents of the ground - if to adjoin to the ground several points between them there can be a potential difference and through a body the current - that " the step-by-step category " will go.
Actions at defeat by an electric current
At easy(light) defeats the faint, a nervous shock, dizziness, weakness, burns are possible(probable). At heavier - a faint, a shock, deafness, oppression of intimate activity. The victim it is necessary to warm, provide full rest, to give soothing and calming. At heavy defeats frustration of breath and the termination(discontinuance) of intimate activity are possible(probable). Urgent is intimate-pulmonary reanimation and input of the means stimulating intimate reductions and breath is necessary.