Body asks for adventures
Written by Сергей Севрюгин из Киева
Here the next May holidays also have fallen to a head. What to do(make), when is a little target successively, and the body asks adventures? Crimea has been chosen. To be exact its(his) mountains.
This time I have gone not itself, and have organized small group " mountain утят ", have bought(purchased) tickets, have agreed with the guide and on a backpack to wait for villages of 29-th. Not all from us happened in similar hikes, therefore with things there were small misses. At whom was not poncho from a rain at whom a problem with footwear, and, considering weather in which we have got, a science it became for all.
In other, I shall tell all under the order.
We have begun in a train: pair boxes of beer, any meal, guljane late and hating sights of neighbours on the car =)
In Simferopol have successfully met our instructor, Oleg, have removed(have taken off) only for our group marshrutku on 20 grn. From a nose also have gone aside Sosnovka.

Here and Sosnovka, the beginning of ours 6-ти a day time route. pogodka good, the sun, mood at all raised shines... Anybody still at all does not suspect, that ahead the first steep slope.
From all command(team) did not smoke only two persons: Oleg and Nastja. We, having smoked before rise on sigaretke, have rushed to storm mountain... The Mousy were pricked and cried, were spat by lungs, sweated as metallurgists, slipped on sand and stones, started to want home and to damn me for idea of mountain walk, but.... Having left upward and a little otdyshavshis have again put in zubki on sigaretke 0_о

Weather started to worsen, the fog was condensed, constantly past flew by clouds, visibility was on grane blindnesses.
On the approach to the first parking have approached(suited) to cave emine-нбїУ-Х«ЯбУ. Seven from ours have gone(send) on polutorachasovuju excursion. The others or already there were, or simply have not wanted. But what the guide has got to them... It simply fairy tale, instead of the guide. It(he) wetted such pearls, that people kept for stomaches(bellies), creeping out upward!
Since the second day practically constantly there was a rain. Visibility was bad. It was senseless to climb upwards, therefore we tried to bypass the most part of rises. Spent the night in wet tents. And only the evening fire and a nourishing supper heated soul.

For the second day passed(took place) any camp site. Have decided to come to have a bite, get warm and to dry a little. Were bought(purchased) mivinoj, have elicited kipjatochka and bought up all canned food which were available.
Appetite was fine, all spoilt only von from the rescuer with whom the next bicyclists were smeared. The aunt-barman with appearance Soviet shpaloukladchitsy has given out to them for it such ljulej, that those quickly retired and have run up in the different parties(sides) =) For nefig!
In current of a hike the set of original ways has been thought up how to get rid of an importunate rain

For the third day passed(took place) a falls "Dzhur-Джур". These swines have made on it(him) a paid input(entrance) on 15 grn! The Choice was not, we needed to make the way on other party(side) and it was necessary to pay. What our surprise when for all time at us anybody and has not asked to show(present) the bought(purchased) tickets was!
" White tourists " - glamurnye girls in light sports suits and belenkih krossovkah which fastidiously went on awful kasheobraznoj dirts from a falls, and we, safely going with dirty boots, zaljapannymi knee-deep in a dirt have especially pleased.

On the next rise, in a fog, a cold and a rain remains are found were nobody an animal. By a method of voting it has been solved, that it or a goat, or something similar since on a back there was a crest. Neither dogs, nor foxes are not supplied by such device, and here at goats like is.
Near other falls has pleased a tree decorated by fur-tree toys. Respekt and uvazhuha to that people which was not too lazy to carry by their all hike and to decorate with it(him) a tree. The inscription on one of them of " Interesting acquaintances " heated soul all hike.
It was pleasant to get drunk waters from pure(clean) mountain springs. It is a lot of in their spring. Water tasty and cold

And only in penultimate day by the evening the sky has started to brighten. There was a sun. Clouds left in mountains. On the nearest lunch halt I "utjata" posryvali from themselves also have disorganized half of things, footwear, socks yellow puziki to bask in the sun. It was the finest dinner for all hike. The mood improved. There were forces to go further.

Last day we practically were skipping born(carried) to the sea. Water attracted the cool. Already nobody excited, that water cold and wet, all have rushed to bathe.
Beer with hunting kolbaskami pleasantly was filled with our stomaches, the sun pleasantly burnt a body. We have made it. We have passed(have taken place) all route and at all have not regretted!

Sergey Sevrjugin
On May, 7th 2009, Kiev.