Winter Demerdzhi

Лошадей на зиму выпускают в горы пастись 3 days. 30 km. The price: $ 120
Fresh "northern" sight at traditional miracles of Crimea: white and zasnezhennye the Valley of ghosts, cave MAN, the Crown Northern Demerdzhi.
At demerdzhi-яйлы reputation of the warmest and solar mountain plateau in Crimea. Listen: at bottom SOUTHERN Demerdzhi in RAYLIGHT village PEACHES grow. In the winter here too is warmer, than at other, more severe Crimean tops. When the sun shines, on a southern slope in a T-short to go it is possible. But it is necessary to rise on a plateau and.. The iced over trees, karstic voronki fallen asleep by a snow and a bitter cold.

 Route of a hike.

1 day. Simferopol, Angarsk pass, elh-‡n, phal-‡n, cave MAN.

склоны Демерджи в снегу вход в пещеру МАН вход в пещеру МАН НЛО на Северной Демерджи the Meeting in Simferopol in 9 mornings. Crossing(moving) on Angarsk pass, on road is admired by a majestic stone wall - steep breakages of plateau chatyr-ñáú. From pass the track leaves on Northeast, through dense beechen woods to zarosshej to top of mountain Elh-Kaja (it(she) Curly Marja). The first kinds on Demerdzhi From here open. Further on a ridge to naked rocks phal-¬á¿ (Bald Ivan). Hardly below this mountain there is an excellent(a different) place for camp with tremendous kind on the sea, Alushtu and mountains around. If there will be forces, it is possible to descend(go) to cave MAN located nearby in the evening.

2 day. A crown Northern Demerdzhi, natural boundary Dzhurla, falls Dzhurla.

Тут бывает ярко и весело а бывает и мрачно.

3 day. Southern Demerdzhi, a rock Ekaterina, the Valley of ghosts.

вид на хаснеженное плато Демерджи  


Cost of participation: 700 griven

Cost of participation in a hike: 700 griven from the person. It approximately 120 dollars or 3300 roubles.
Into cost of round enters: three meals a day on a route, services of the instructor-conductor, the medical insurance.
Into cost of round does not enter: travel to transport, a payment for the Valley of ghosts, hire of equipment.
Payment by cash (only in grivnas) in the end of a hike.

Features of round

    * Winter hikes are connected with the raised(increased) danger to a life. You should realize it.
    * the organization of this hike to order Is possible(probable). The minimal group - 3 persons. At group in 2 person, cost of round increases for 20 %.

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