Winter Demerdzhi

Fresh "northern" sight at traditional miracles of Crimea: white and zasnezhennye the Valley of ghosts, cave MAN, the Crown Northern Demerdzhi.
At demerdzhi-яйлы reputation of the warmest and solar mountain plateau in Crimea. Listen: at bottom SOUTHERN Demerdzhi in RAYLIGHT village PEACHES grow. In the winter here too is warmer, than at other, more severe Crimean tops. When the sun shines, on a southern slope in a T-short to go it is possible. But it is necessary to rise on a plateau and.. The iced over trees, karstic voronki fallen asleep by a snow and a bitter cold.
Route of a hike.
1 day. Simferopol, Angarsk pass, elh-‡n, phal-‡n, cave MAN.

2 day. A crown Northern Demerdzhi, natural boundary Dzhurla, falls Dzhurla.

3 day. Southern Demerdzhi, a rock Ekaterina, the Valley of ghosts.

Cost of participation: 700 griven
Cost of participation in a hike: 700 griven from the person. It approximately 120 dollars or 3300 roubles.Into cost of round enters: three meals a day on a route, services of the instructor-conductor, the medical insurance.
Into cost of round does not enter: travel to transport, a payment for the Valley of ghosts, hire of equipment.
Payment by cash (only in grivnas) in the end of a hike.
Features of round
* Winter hikes are connected with the raised(increased) danger to a life. You should realize it.* the organization of this hike to order Is possible(probable). The minimal group - 3 persons. At group in 2 person, cost of round increases for 20 %.