Winter ascention to Roman Kosh
In the winter Novel Kosh (the highest top of Crimea) it first of all boundless snow open spaces. All huge plateau Babugan is swept up by a snow. Here the Far North and reminds nothing that all on one and a half thousand meters below, in Gurzuf, palm trees and cactuses grow.
Route of a hike.
1 day. Simferopol, the Red stone, Gurzufskoe a saddle

2 day. Plateau Babugan, Roman Kosh, returning.
in the Morning, densely having had breakfast and having filled a thermos hot tea, we shall go to submit(conquer) top of Crimea. That it was easier to go, tents, we shall hide sleeping bags and kitchen accessories(belongings) in a wood nearby to a place of a lodging for the night. With themselves we take only warm clothes, on a case of deterioration of weather. To get to Roman Kosh it is necessary to type(collect) 300 more meters of height and to cross a plateau from the South on the North. All way to top does not exceed 3 kilometers, but on a deep snow quickly to go not so and is simple. But having reached(achieved) the purpose we shall be voznagrazhdeny an improbable kind on open spaces of the Crimean Natural Reserve. To admire it is possible infinitely, but very much it is cold. Here here additional jackets and hot tea also will be necessary.It is time to us to come back. On a way we shall pick up sprjatannoe equipment and downwards! Downwards to coast on already familiar wood track. From Krasnokamenki up to Simferopol only two hours of driving. There our winter adventure also will end.
Cost of participation: 550 griven
Cost of participation in a hike: 550 griven from the person. It approximately 100 dollars or 2600 roubles.Into cost of round enters: three meals a day on a route, services of the instructor-conductor, the medical insurance.
Into cost of round does not enter: travel to transport, a payment for Reserve, hire of equipment.
Payment by cash (only in grivnas) in the end of a hike.
Features of round
* Winter hikes are connected with the raised(increased) danger to a life. You should realize it.* Roman Kosh is in reserve. For visiting the penalty up to 200 griven (if will catch) without the permission threatens. To receive the sanction it is impossible.
* the organization of this hike to order Is possible(probable). The minimal group - 3 persons. At group in 2 person, cost of round increases up to 700 griven.