How to take pleasure in a hike?
Gathering(Going) in a hike you most likely expect to receive from it(this) some doze of pleasure. If it is your first hike I dare to assure you, in it(this) you are waited with set of surprises.Reading descriptions of a route, you most likely mark(celebrate) for yourselves the list of sights through which it is necessary to pass(take place), assuming in it(this) the basic charm of a hike and the main source of pleasure. Numerous sights with loud and mysterious names - çàìàíóõà, an invention of organizers of excursions, their daily bread. An essence of excursion - to deliver the person from a beach directly to sight, to give it(him) 15 minutes on photographing and to take away back. An essence of a hike at all in the pedestrian moving between the sights, accompanied ïåðåíîñêîé weights. An essence of a hike in immersing in the nature. It is important not only and not so much result (the passed(taken place) kilometers photographed çâåðóøêè and subdued tops) how many process. It is necessary to take pleasure in each step, and not just from 10 minutes lead on top.
Do not wait that unearthly êàéô from dialogue with the nature itself will appear suddenly on you with wild ñèëîþ, do not wait that in this êàéô by means of nobody shamanisms you the instructor will throw. To a rustle of foliage it is necessary to listen, blossoming ïàïîðîòíèê it is necessary to search in Sparrow night. Even to see mountains, being in mountains, it is necessary to put(apply) some efforts to come off contemplation of heels ahead of going and own óìîïîñòðîåíèé and at last to find out what beauty "has hidden" around. Almost each Crimean hike put so on the third way tourists puzzle me with a question " and where the sea? ". Ask and with amazement learn(find out), that the sea is that is pale-dark blue(faintly-dark blue) øòóêîâèíà which a second day makes the most part visible us spaces.
That the hike was in pleasure, it is important to take care of selection of equipment. The heavy and inconvenient backpack will deprive with an opportunity to look on the parties(sides). Insufficiently warm sleeping bag will not allow is high-grade to have a rest at night.