My equipment

Several years ago, to help(assist) tourists and at the same time it is a little to brag, I have published the list of the tourist equipment. Since then my arsenal repeatedly was updated and replenished. The turn for the new list has come. This time it(he) is made in the chronological order that it was possible to look after "evolution" of mine equipment. 2002
New purchases:

    * Raincoat Miltec
    * Tourist kovrik "Izhevsk"

New purchases:

    * Tent Hannah Arktan
    * Sleeping bag Hannah Scout
    * Backpack Adventure Rockytop 90
    * Sleeping bag Campus Lightbag 150
    * Flis Campus (fabric Polartec 2200)
    * Vetrovka Campus (membrane Vaportex 15000)
    * Diodnyj small lamp Petzl Zipka

New purchases:

    * the Kettle tourist "Equipment" of 5 litres
    * the Torch gas Primus Classic Trail Gas Stove
    * Termobele Commandor

New purchases:

    * Trekkingovye stick ISUN Sports
    * GPS navigator Lowrance Ifinder H2O
    * Trekkingovye sandals Teva Hurricane 2
    * Winter sleeping bags Bergson Camper 3
    * Tent Loap Sliper 3
    * Termofutbolka Commandor
    * Trousers membrannye Vaude
    * Trekkingovye krossovki Salomon Expert Low

Homemade products: 

    * Sidushka tourist

New purchases:

    * the Wind-shelter mask - balakalva TCM
    * Winter trekkingovye socks Lorpen
    * Ledorub the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
    * Termotrusy RockFront

Homemade products:

    * Winter tourist bahily
    * Self-made snowshoes of design Reznikova
    * Flisovye socks
    * Flisovye varezhki
    * Waterproof varezhki-верхонки
    * Wind-shelter mask Zorro

New purchases:

    * Trekkingovye stick TCM
    * Termofutbolka Zajo (fabric Polartec PowerDry)
    * Tent Hannah Stash 2
    * Winter sleeping bag Pinguin Expert (napolnitel Polarguard 3D)
    * Trekkingovye boots Raichle Mt. Crest GT
    * vetrovka-анорак Hannah
    * Membrannaja jacket Grifone Latok (membrane Gore-tex XTR)
    * Backpack MEC Alpinelite 85
    * Powerful diodnyj a small lamp with remote power unit Petzl MYO XP Belt
    * Snowshoes TSL 227 Rando
    * Cats alpinistkie Lucky (Vaude)
    * the Water-proof cover on backpack Tatonka

New purchases

    * Multifuel torch Primus Omnifuel;
    * Three marching kana (kettle) from a stainless steel - 8,6,5 litres;
    * Drinking system (gidrator) Deuter-Source;
    * Easy(Light) flis Tatonka;
    * Termofutbolka Grifone;
    * Easy(Light) tourist kovrik Artiach Light Plus

Homemade products:

    * Fastening for GPS (on a strap of a backpack);
    * the Pocket for cards(maps)


    * On 600 gram backpack MEC Alpinelite is facilitated
    * On 100 gram are facilitated vetroshtany
    * On 30 gram the cover of a sleeping bag is facilitated