Winter boots Sorel Conquest

Sole soft, bending, without a steel insert. They to me also like these(it;this). To go on big distances so it is much more convenient. Natural walking is promoted also by the successful form of a sole. The foot is as though rolled from a heel on front. Language of a boot makes a single whole with a top. On the one hand it protects from hit of a snow and water. On the other hand, a leg(foot) in double socks to thrust in a boot difficultly enough. Inside of a place suffices. It is heavy to easier(simply) leg(foot) to pass(take place) a place of a bend of a boot. And if the footwear for a night will freeze and will freeze, to dress without preliminary thawing it will not turn out.

Owing to a thick sole the boot does not freeze through from the ground. The high rubber galosh perfectly protects from water, sleet and salt. For this reason I often carry these boots in city when sidewalks become covered by a salty snow porridge.
During too time the galosh does not stir(prevent) to bending stops. It happens, when rubber close all nosok a boot (some models Kolambii and Sorela), down to rise. Such quantity(amount) of rubber worsens paropronitsaemost a boot and shifts shnurovku upwards, and it is bad.
At mine boot Sorel Conquest the top part shnurovki is made on loops is not conveniently. To string together much more quickly, when the top part shnurovki is made on hooks. Probably the manufacturer has considered it and new models Sorel Conquest are issued already with hooks. It, by the way, allows to make shnurki more shortly (mine in length more than 2 meters).
In more true parts of a top are a small skirt with an inhaling(a prolongation) on an elastic band. It(she) is intended for protection against a snow. To tell the truth, I to it(her) do not use since in city I carry trousers atop of tops, and in hikes I use self-made shoes covers. If all of you decide to tighten(delay) this elastic band, be not overzealous are can complicate blood circulation and lead to overcooling stop.
Belt in a back part of a top I use very actively. It(he) helps(assists) to fix(record) reliably a heel in a boot.
The welt for cats of automatic devices is not present. I use fastened cats Lucky Vaude, earlier went with the Soviet cats of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.
Once again I wish to note, that Sorel Conquest boots not tourist. They are intended not for extreme hikes, and for productive leisure. In what a difference? The hike is a continuous stay in heavy conditions in current of long time where there is no opportunity to dry footwear, and to defreeze it(her) in the mornings it is necessary own legs(foots). For hiking footwear the main thing reliability. The household footwear is created in calculation only on short-term stay in heavy conditions (1 day) for which necessarily warm spending the night, drying and airing follows.
Possessing numerous lacks boots Sorel, nevertheless very much like me and perfectly cope with the problems(tasks) assigned to them.
I with pleasure their burden both in city and in hikes.