Tourist shoes covers

Shoes covers it is an original fabric cover dressed atop of footwear. They protect footwear from hit of a snow, namokanija, promerzanija and damages (about a snow edge and an ice). Unlike "small lamps", shoes covers close a boot completely (together with a sole).

Than shoes covers are good?
The leg(foot) of the person evaporates water. It(she) filters through a boot (at you in fact breathing footwear?) and without that sated(saturated) by a moisture. If around warmly water simply evaporates from a surface of a boot. But if behind a board a deep minus voditsa will inevitably freeze. A question only in where it(she) it will make.
Possible(Probable) variants:
1) On a surface of your socks. Brrrr..
2) In thickness stenok a boot. It(he) will cease to be bent and will be slightly "ice" to the touch.
3) On a surface of a boot.
4) On bahile.
As you understand, last variant the most attractive.
Bahila, contacting to the external cold environment, becomes a point of condensation and crystallization "your" water parov and relieves of this speed up your footwear. As a result to a leg(foot) inside of a boot is much warmer.

Except for that the galosh of which do(make) the bottom part shoes covers, perfectly "holds" on wet stones and to an ice. I even would tell, that it(she) does(makes) it much better, than well-known vibramovskaja a sole.
How to make shoes covers?
There is a great variety of models of tourist shoes covers: warmed, attached, ski, marsh, etc. We shall consider(examine) the unique - single-layered fabric on the basis of a galosh. It(she), on mine vzljad, is most actual.
All right, introductions will suffice, we shall pass to needlework.
The idea is simple - to sew a fabric top to an ordinary rubber galosh.

The galosh should be chosen under the size of a boot that it(she) easily put on, but also did not dangle(did not hang about) on a leg(foot). In shops to me there were galoshes of two kinds: with thin (2-3мм) and thick (more 5мм) a sole. To distinguish them it is simple - thick galoshes have a similarity of a heel, nosok flat, graceful. Thin-walled galoshes look(appear) slightly shapeless, nosok razdutyj, the big entrance aperture. Such galosh is more preferable to our purposes. It(she) weighs less, puts on is easier and is more loyal to the form of a thrust boot.

Now, with such work the chosen galosh will have to cut. It is necessary to get rid of the top part of a galosh that there was only a side in height 3-4 see It it is possible to make a knife or ordinary scissors. The main thing, equally to cut off both galoshes.
We prepare for a following stage - to manufacturing of a top. Measure length of a circle of the formed side (in other words its(his) perimeter) and distance from own heel up to a popliteal hollow. Throw 5 santemetrov a stock and receive the size of preparation for a top. At me, for example, it has turned out 75 on 55 centimeters. Such preparations it is necessary 2... Or 3 (by quantity(amount) of legs(foots)).
Now it is possible to go to a draper's behind a matter. For manufacturing shoes covers is better approaches(suits) thick rjukzachnaja kordura (Cordura 1000), it is desirable without a water-proof layer of a film. Such fabric well breathes and is strong enough for a life in the neighbourhood with alpinistkimi cats, an ice edge and other excited environments.
If you from Kiev, search korduru (and others "turistichekie" for fabrics) in podvalchike "Zlagoda" (street Borshchagovskaja, 129 Ph. 457-26-95).
To sew korduru to a galosh it is better not most and by means of the skilled shoemaker and its(his) magic sewing machine. Simply bring to it(him) "spare parts" and popularly explain what to do(make). The seam on a top should be in front, in area noska. It(he) prostrachivaetsja in last turn. Why?
The fabric should be sewn to a galosh in the artful way. Look at figure. The fabric (it is designated dark blue) covers the top edge of a side of a galosh (black)) from two parties(sides), is stitched (red) and only after that rises and takes the form of a top. It turns out, that the line sprjatana under a layer of the whole fabric that will protect a thread from istiranija.
The top part of a top podvorachivaetsja also is stitched. In formed "tunnel" the round elastic band (2-3мм) is passed(missed) tostaja. The ends of an elastic band are deduced(removed) outside and supplied with the general(common) tip and a clip. By means of this adaptation the top of a top will be tightened(delayed) somewhere at you under kolenkoj.
Important! In a hike watch(keep up) what an elastic band of shoes covers and socks did not press a leg(foot) too strongly. It can complicate blood circulation and result(bring) to overcooling and a chilblain of legs(foots).
On it(this) it would be possible to stop, but to spend a little more time is better and to bring to shoes covers of perfection.
Graceful shnurovka will give to a product the finished kind and at the same time will prevent slipping shoes covers downwards.
If you will have questions on manufacturing shoes covers, ask - I shall try to answer.