The big Crimean Travel
Written by CokGuzelRoute for people in the good physical form, and furthermore for men - easy, for those who in mountains the first time - hard...
It is bad, that on a site it has not been mentioned, that on a route footpaths above breakages are coming and to that similar things - at us in group were children, for example. However, they are faster to all adapt :))
Mountains, day the first
On a route, in advance us chosen (under the name " Water and Stones ") - excuse, a copyright nobody declared :)) we should begin our hike from village Perevalnogo which we have safely reached by a trolley bus from the Simferopol station. From village on so-called Ishachej to a track we have begun rise on plateau chatyr-ñáú which as I have understood consists of two plateaus - bottom and top.
The first rise was hard for many in group though now it is not remembered, that it(he) was any especially complex(difficult) on a track (all tests were ahead!! :))),
chatyr-ñáú in translation(transfer) - "Tent-mountain" that is well visible in the bottom picture. Something like quadrangular tent.
In mountains always tremendous clouds, and in general on a plateau above it is always very beautiful... (probably because to the sky is closer :)...
Still always you are surprised, when in books draw the beams cutting clouds: it appears, all vzapravdu...

As a result we have reached cave emine-íá¿Ó-Õ«ßáÓ, about which in a following post...
Cave emine-íá¿Ó-Õ«ßáÓ
Having reached a cave, we have combined backpacks in any subsidiary premise(room) of cave explorers :) and have gone down downwards. The basic trade of our guide - the cave explorer, and the most part of year it(he) works in the Marble cave, which if am not mistaken, is on the same plateau nearby. Therefore it(he) spent excursion on a cave. In general on a plateau it is necessary to go cautiously, limestone under legs(foots) is cut up by caves, holes, and the next hole can be not noticed simply and successfully to fail. On the average the surface of a plateau here is how looks(appears).
I and earlier was in Crimea in a cave, but that was absolutely tiny in comparison with emine-íá¿Ó-Õ«ßáÓ. This consists of huge halls in which constructions from stalactites and stalagmites remind bodies of churches. Below the temperature a minimum on 20 degrees is less, than on a surface (that is + 10 instead of + 30), under legs(foots) a slippery stone. In general, above, where the sun, much better. On a photo on the right (it seems, that it is made of two, but it not so) above a natural input(entrance) in a cave through which it(she) and in due time has been found, below - that remains from the goat who have failed in this aperture :) and now surveyed tourists.
Below two more photos - a piece under the name the Cap of the Monomove (it is more on a jellyfish is similar) and an example of one of stalagmitic "towers".
Mountains day of the second
Having spent the night after the review of a cave in small lesochke near to it(her) (and having convinced, that in Crimea night comes in 9 evenings and suddenly), we have gone on conquest of top plateau CHatyr Daga.
Rise was not strongly abrupt, and weather remarkable (in the first day the first and unique time we have got under a small rain). In photos borders of a plateau are visible.
Our purpose was top the ݬ½¿º¿-breaker, the highest point during our way. Besides a stone with a mark, at top two mysterious stones which I all over again have accepted for white gravestones were found out, but there were they are put more recently. Once on this place there was a Greek church from which now there was a base... And on mountain navedyvajutsja pilgrims who have put these stones with strange signs. That for signs, not clearly, but they look(appear) here so.

From top the tremendous kind on plain below, Alushtu and surrounding mountains opens :))). Besides, from here we for the first time have seen the sea!!! The blue lake is Alushtinskoe a water basin. Well, and as it has appeared subsequently, from above Alushta looks(appears) much more attractively, than from below... Or from the middle :).
In general, we have crawled, and it is that costed :) (I citation ;).
Day the third. Rise on Demerdzhi.
After rise on the ݬ½¿º¿-breaker of anything more remarkable for the second day has not occured(happened), not including suddenly appeared desires of a part of group to descend(go) from a route under a pretext of the impossibility to sustain the further burdens of a way :). But we have dissuaded them and have amicably gone(send amicably) further.
Having gone down on rather flat, but to an artful slope (many fine stones which get under legs(foots), and you start to slide), having passed below a line nearby Alushty, we have begun rise on slopes of mountain Demerdzhi, through a beechen wood. The wood was beautiful, high (though in 2 days it(he) has bothered me up to chertikov :)).
We have quickly enough reached a parking lot: this day - under slopes Demerdzhi, on glade Man - have specially photographed from camp that it was visible under what we rocks settled down ;).
Since morning we were visited with three beautiful guests which have decided to have breakfast on the same glade. First on tourists they did not turn a lot of attention, have then decided to get acquainted, than have frightened the part of group stacking belongings.
Now at me suspicion, that grazed it since morning of horses from one of horse routes on Demerdzhi (in Alushte and others nearby poselochkah offer such) - is at some o'clock, on midday and with spending the night in tents. If we did not descend(go) this day in the Valley of Ghosts on foot, I with pleasure would sweep there on a horse - obaldenno a beautiful route :) of what it is possible to be convinced in photos below. Certainly, abrupt footpaths, but horses animals clever, and go there more often, than we.
Having collected camp, we have suddenly got on 45-градусному to a slope upward through a wood. Through a heap of the knots, the tumbled down trees, and on leaves which slide under legs(foots). Having had a rest under any coniferous trees, we with a fright have looked at group from the nearest pionerlagerja which in bathing suits and practically without water climbed upward on rocks together with us.
As a result we send(have left) on a platform (halfway rise on Demerdzhi - the Smith-mountain), with a kind on Alushtu on the other hand, than we saw it(her) for the first time, and with radially laid out stones - is not clear, whom laid out.
During a dinner we were arranged under trees before the rise leading in the well-known Valley of Ghosts. For half an hour upwards on it(him;them) have passed(have taken place) some machines(cars) (we have looked at them partly with envy, partly with contempt - even such mix is possible(probable) :) also group to people astride. The part of group has gone to the Valley (somewhere half), the others have remained to sunbathe.
Day the third. A valley of Ghosts
The way to the Valley laid through a mountain plateau. It was walked without backpacks not bad - we have taken only one small rjukzachok with water on everything, that subsequently it has appeared booolshoj a mistake(an error). On a plateau absolutely unusual vegetation, and also there are interesting phenomena, for example, here such.
Later to us have told, that these "strips" are connected with any arrangement of magnetic or power(force) fields inside of rocks, but, apparently, anybody and not in a condition to give an exact explanation.
In the end of a plateau we have reached the first chaos of greater(big) stones - from it(him) the narrow footpath on a slope of mountain in a Valley began. To the right of a track on a slope the most different stone heaps came across, and the excellent(different) kind on seacoast and mountain road from Alushty on the east (we some times after it(her) went by next week on the east of Crimea and back in Alushtu - especially unpleasant was to turn by the machine(car) on this road at night - brrr) at the left opened.

The Valley of Ghosts - actually, a site with a heap of stones and rocks of the unusual form which was formed after a collapse(landslide) of a part of slope Demerdzhi (under stones was lost the village was under a slope). Some legends are connected With formation(education) of the Valley, and this most known here, about the smith and the girl. Here the rock about which it is spoken in a legend - still it(her) seems name " Ekaterina's Head " (instead of Maria for some reason).
All stones in the Valley consist of the breeds drawing in a thunder-storm an electricity, therefore at this time here to be it is extremely undesirable... There were cases of destruction of people in these places, including the some people were missing. From here, probably, and the name, and in twilight these stones should look(appear) fancifully enough.
The heat was strong, and in the Valley we have lead the most part of time to shadows of one of the greatest stones ;). And then... On a way back we have drunk up the rests of water, and here have felt participants an extreme-round. But it was joyful to run back in camp - to water :)). However, legs(foots) somehow refused to run...
Those who descended(went) in the Valley, have passed(have taken place) superfluous 10 kilometers this day.
In the evening we have stopped on a lodging for the night in a lovely place among rocks, a number(line) was here such source, with several "pools" where it was possible to type(collect) water (in top) and to bathe (in bottom). We were stopped even by that in bottom at the bottom there was a heap of silt, and bloodsuckers were found.