Last masterpiece cardboard Leonardo
Yesterday during descent(release) in an ice cave Big Buzluk well-known cardboard camera Konrada Zjuskova has been tragically lost. Being practically on the day(bottom) of an accessible part of a cave, Konrad has established(installed) the camera on an ice block and has opened an objective. The staff promised to be shaking(amazing;tremendous). But suddenly it is not known whence the undertaken impulse of a wind has overturned the easy(light) cardboard camera and that on eyes at the stupefied owner smoothly has slid off downwards. All have gasped... :)The dramatic nature of a situation consist in that that unique fotik has not fallen at once in a chasm, it(he) has got stuck at a wide ice step in several meters from a failure.
What in it(this) dramatic?
The owner has wanted to rescue(save) the child! Konrad has got on an ice. I have shouted at it(him), but was already late - its(his) boots have already stepped into a slippery surface of ice inflow...
Fortunately it(he) has there and then felt how much unreliably its(his) legs(foots) and poumeril the pyl cost(stand). Konrad has understood, that without special equipment here to not make and a step. There was one more way to get the camera - remote. The whole half an hour we tried by means of palok, stones and splinters of an ice to push off it(him) from a step aside. But all was vain, the camera did not wish to leave from a familiar spot. And here it was time to us to leave. With heavy heart Konrad it was developed(unwrapped) and has gone to an output(exit). And its(his) cardboard masterpiece has remained to lay in the middle of an ice bulk Big Buzluka. Its(his) objective on former is opened(open) and continues to catch rare beams of the Sun in darkness of a cave bottom.