Hikes on Dutch
Our Dutch friends have told about that as business(affairs) with hikes on their native land are. With hikes there hardly. Because there is no place. The wild nature practically does not remain. Last wood have cut down in the beginning of 19 centuries. There were only not numerous artificial plantings(spreadings) and parks. Unique more or less suitable area for hikes - coast and coastal islands. Sandy dunes, derevtsa and wild birdies on them involve here inconceivable quantity(amount) of tourists. On island in the size 10 on 5 kilometers some thousand pohodnikov without ceremony can gather.Weather in Holland too does not indulge. Rains feel here as at home. Pours often and plentifully.
What remains to poor Dutchs? To get in a normal hike it(him) it is necessary to go at the other end of the world. The Alpes and other European mountain areas are too civilized, cherezmerno are equipped. The Dutch tourists in tajlandskie jungle, national parks of America and other wild corners of the world also fly. Now to the list of such places Crimea was added.