Gold fever
Having a rest after a dinner on a heap of backpacks at bottom of the cave city of Chufut of Calais, I listened to conversations passing by chelovekov. Tourists discussed blizlezhajshie parking and springs, lonely having a rest all searched for a fortress (it(she) was at them above a head), and the organized groups of tourists of last forces were dragged for the guide, vlekomye its(his) sweet voice and the promise of unprecedented miracles. The guide knew the business - each hundred meters were done(made) with a halt and told next bajku from a life ancient and not so inhabitants of a fortress. Has told, that nekolko years would take water in case of osady fortresses back when equipped for visitings recently dug out obsidional well (that from which) builders have found a ceramic vessel with gold and serebrjannymi coins. Klad was improbable value as has been incorporated most likely by any ancient numismatist - all coins were very rare and even unique.Klad have taken away on research, and found thanks have told ", has gone on figs ". The pier, you here not and is state expedition(dispatch).
The guide has lead the crowd on pair tens meters and has continued...
Soon after detection klada from Israel there has arrived numerous group of "tourists" and has started "to comb" literally with a mine detector neighboring mountains and cave cities. Local karaimy having heard about such impudence, began to pursue quicker brothers and to threaten them. The local militia here has interfered and has calmed down suddenly flashed gold fever.
By the way, recently have found big klad in vicinities of Feodosiya. Speak, mine detectors again in a fashion.