In the afternoon with fire

It was possible to me to observe today the camp from height (meters 10). Business was in the evening, in darkness. Tourists suetilis below with small lamps. Actually chelovekov it was visible not, only snovali there here beams of light-emitting diode small lamps. Nobody saw me, I saw everything, and by itself the idea has got into a head - ah what abrupt partizanishche. I can sit here though till the morning and anybody will not find me. Pair minutes perezhevyvanija this idea have generated following. If children(guys) knew that I somewhere have hidden and have decided me to find, it would be possible to them very quickly and there would be I zagnanym an animal, instead of the abrupt guerrilla.
From all it(this) I have joyfully drawn a following conclusion - figs you that will find, yet do not search. Though is not present, not so. We have not found something only because we do not search, instead of we search because we do not guess existence. Thus the information on object (in this case a guess) is much more important than the object. At least at the initial stage...
All this a chicken-feed. Because it is tiresome.
And here to stand on a rock and to look at small lamps are yes, it prikolno.