Tourists in shop.

10 minutes ago we have gone down to a civilization, is more exact to its(her) main thing and polnomochnejshemu to the representative - to shop. Since then I sit in proud loneliness on a heap of backpacks. All send(have come), even have run in shop, and to leave similar do not gather. Though here someone has jumped out... Has taken still money and has again disappeared in bowels of shop.
Apparently there rather attractive goods are presented. To come what to look?
Only I have written it, how my tourists have started to leave shop loaded by beer, chips, cigarettes and morozhennym with snickerses. CHtozh, worthy assortment - it would not be desirable to go inside any more.
The ancient tourist saying occurs - " How many the tourist do not feed, it(he) all the same in shop looks ".
On the other hand I understand what to mutter badly as under other circumstances I and itself would come into shop. For morozhennym :)
By the way recently I have made great morozhennoe opening.
P.S. I knew, that ponty in what good do not result(bring). While I here philosophized, we already decently otshli from shop. And here I have recollected, that really there it was necessary to me :(