Heavy backpack

Suddenly it wanted to share with you impressions of a campaign accompanied by really heavy backpack.
All begins that having laid a backpack, you raise it(him) a little (to estimate(appreciate) weight and balancing). Cтановится it is clear, that a today's cargo a lung you will not name. You of concept have no, how many there kgs, but hands authoritatively declare you, that too, it is too much Following stage - vodruzhenie a heavy backpack on a back. You try to pile up it(him) not any support like the big stone or hands of the neighbour, but then understand that in their campaign can not appear on affinity and decide to train to do(make) it independently. The jerk accompanied by low roar, a sharp turn, getting a shoulder in a strap, one more jump and hit by the second shoulder. From all the muzhik - healthy, rough and brawny looks(appears) very much even vpechatljajushche, present(true) Atlant.
Now it is possible to go. Legs(foots) unexpectedly easily make step by step. To them probably have not informed, that total weight of system the person-backpack almost on 50 % more habitual. You are finally convinced, that bisons have not died out also you one of them.
Soon legs(foots) reaches, that game rules have exchanged, they however bear(carry) still quickly.
Approximately in half an hour there is a certain discomfort in shoulders. You try potuzhe to tighten(delay) a zone belt. From it(this) it would be desirable in a toilet, but to shoulders it becomes easier not. The past superbizonstvo is forgotten, on mind(wit) donkeys and other "silly" animals come only. Shoulders droop literally, the backpack creaks as that « a shabby saddle ».
Even minutes 10-15 and your condition becomes intolerable. From last forces you run forward to a long-awaited halt, holding a backpack hands for donyshko that though somehow to unload shoulders.
And here you drop the heavy backpack, this megaton bomb, on sickly travku on a roadside of a track. To you pofig, that inside of a backpack fragile cookies which the supply manager has very strictly forbidden mjat, you do not hear shouts of the comrade who has been pressed down by your backpack, in the world there is nothing except for you and your second of pleasure.
Will pass(take place) still pair instants before you will return to a reality and with surprise you will find out, that despite lacking a backpack, your shoulders on former hurt and droop. And the most terrible, that they will hurt(be ill;be sick) still long. At night at attempt to lay down sideways, and all next day shoulders will groan and ohat. And you will need to mass only them and to wait.
If who has not understood, the morals is those - nefig to drag heavy backpacks. Buy(purchase) to itself light :)