Hand-to-hand fight

As well as promised, I write about the impressions of a seminar on Russian hand-to-hand fight of style Kadochnikova which is passed(is taken place) from March, 8 till March, 11th in Massandre (Crimea). That long not tomit I shall tell at once - it was pleasant to me. These four days have passed(have taken place) very much nasyshchenno and at the same time nenaprjazhno. I at last have found Nikitskuju a cleft, have had fun at a palace in Massandre, have twice visited gorge Uch-Kosh, have lead our children on Botkinkoj to a track from the Glade of fairy tales up to a falls Uchan-Su

We early woke up and early laid down, strong slept(burn) and is tasty fur-trees. Every morning began with training on seacoast, with smooth transition to water procedures. Yes, we bathed with Black sea in March! All the day long we spent in wanderings on okresnym to mountains and gorges. And managed still a time in the evening to be trained.

When you hear " a seminar on rukopashke ", the imagination usually draws something absolutely brutal - a such sports concentration camp, night otzhimanija in dirts, high-speed beating and clips from the severe master. There and then all event reminded friendly party, than a seminar on mordoboju more. It strange sounds, but when five beat one, it(he) cheerfully coiled and practically was blissfully happy.

Not less kajfovoj procedure was sexual massage. It when, you lay on a floor, and your partner gently masses you legs(foots), is trambled down on a back or in pair with one more torturer stretches(drags out) you for hands and legs(foots). I understand that from it can seem that atrocity, but it will be only superficial estimation, a stereotype. When you are engaged in hand-to-hand fight, the person bringing on you a hand, ceases to cause aggression. One any more the enemy, and the partner friendly specifying your weaknesses, helping(assisting) to overcome them.

very good impression remains from trainings with the fastened eyes. At first completely helpless and literally lost in space, the person already after 10 minutes of interaction with the invisible opponent finds new eyes. Each rustle, movement of air, concussion of the ground find sense. Hands as feelers, scan space, creating an integral picture in your head. And here you are not hidden any more from unexpected impacts, and itself go to attack on earlier invisible oponenta.
I could argue long on advantage(benefit) various kinds of physical activity for development of a national economy. But I shall not begin to abuse your precious time. Than to read mine of philosophizing make something is better. Movement is a life.