Secrets of Massandra palace

Continuing movement on the West from Nikitskoj clefts, I have appeared on grutovoj to road going in parallel highway, but on one hundred meters above. To go here it was obvious more interestingly, than on asphalt and if not tablets with threats, razveshannye local junnatami, it would be possible raslabitsja and to be forgotten. Soon a composition has added prickly the prowolf on trees, and it became absolutely interesting. From road the marked track has curtailed(turned) upwards. I was not kept and have followed for it(her). Having got on the nearest rock (on a card(map) it is designated as height 489), the track has broken, probably it(she) conducted on any skalolaznyj a route. But I am far below has distinguished siluet Massandrovskogo Alexander's palace 3.

it is not complex(difficult) to guess, what exactly there I and have directed. Under a hill to me vstretlis the numerous rests of stone walls of a unknown origin. In pines stormed stajki woodpeckers (here did not know, that they fly flights). And I quietly went on a footpath which all over again became a country road, and then have unexpectedly deduced(removed) on an asphalt streamer. I long since have a bias against roads with a firm covering. In this case it too has justified itself - the road has led me vyskokmu to a fence, a gate with an inscription " pass is forbidden " and a malicious dog on privjazi. In other words deadlock.

Once I heard that on boondocks Massandrovskogo of a palace is hidden whether the governmental summer residence, whether still(even) any closed object. With such objects of a joke are bad - it is necessary to bypass. Here only as? I have tried to bypass forbidden territory at the left and... In total in one hundred meters from Massandrovskogo a palace has dug(run) into protection. Not looking for early morning to look at the infringer (that is me), has run together a heap of people. The truth it became soon clear, that I simply wild tourist, and interest have died away(gone out). For form's sake me even minutes 15 pomuchali - checked how much well I is familiar with contents of own passport. Then have severely waved palchikom before my innocent physiognomy and have told to come back there whence has come.

It was necessary to bypass all these fences and prickly prowolves still more to the left eventually to appear at a main entrance on territory of a palace. After all adventures, in a palace to me to go I was ceased to want also potopal in Massandru to search a quiet life at a seminar on hand-to-hand fight.