Carpathians on May holidays

Me often ask, why for May holidays I shall organize hikes across Crimea, instead of on Carpathians. The answer is simple - in Carpathians in the beginning of May too heavy weather conditions. Tops of Carpathians and ridges are covered by a snow. Avalanches are possible(probable). Below other misfortune - flooding and mud have sat down(lodge). Approaches are complicated. Numerous ferries and walking on the footpaths which have turned streams are inevitable. Wet legs(foots) garantirovanny. Weather unstable. The frost and a rain can replace without ceremony each other.
Certainly in all this there is nothing terrible. Tourists constantly go to hikes on Carpathians on May. Simply for this purpose
Thorough training and qualitative equipment is necessary. I prefer quieter and less dangerous rest in the spring. Therefore I drive(carry) on May hikes across Crimea.
P.S. If all of you taki consider(count) itself ready to May Carpathians, write to me - something we shall think up.