The fineest sea
Successfully having written about the deep seas, I have decided to find out what sea the fineest. The manual approves(confirms), that the fineest sea - Yellow (it in Pacific ocean near to China). Its(his) depth does not exceed 106 meters. On the second place there was Baltic sea - only 470 meters. Karskoe and the seas Barentsevo with 600 meters of depth divide 3 place in a rating of the fineest seas of the world. I would continue to probe the manual in searches of the fine seas, but have suddenly recollected sea of Azov. In fact its(his) maximal depth of only 14 meters. Means Azov - the fineest sea in the world. And my manual obviously(pronouncedly) not full.Es ist ist übrigens unverständlich, mit peresohshim Aralsee wie zu sein. Doch seine Tiefe jetzt 0 Zentimeter. Aber an unserem onkurse es teilnehmen kann(darf) nur, falls es nach vorig " das geltende(handelnde) Meer(See) " gesteht wird . Und es weiß(kenne) ich nicht.