How to heat water from a snow

to heat water from a snow it is necessary very little: a snow, utensils, a source of fire and a free-of-charge labour. We fill utensils with a snow, we ram it(him) more densely. We put utensils on fire and... The Snow does not melt! He slowly mokreet, darkens, but to be smelted does not hasten(hurry) - too much air in a snow. What though somehow to help(assist) process, we ram a snow the spoon even more. The first moisture will be completely imbibed by a snow, but there will pass(will take place) a little more time and a kettle zapleshchetsja water. We have already made the most difficult. Now for us waits... The most tiresome.
Gradually we pour a snow in a kettle. As soon as he will be dissolved, we take out a few(a little;little bit) waters in a bottle. We support(maintain) a constant water level in a kettle - about half. If waters will be a little - the thrown snow will imbibe it(her) all and will slowly burn. If waters will be much - on its(her) heating superfluous fuel will leave. When waters can be passed to its(her) utilization - to cooking.
Now small cunnings.
Water for a breakfast is better for heating since evening to not spend precious time in the morning. That the heated water for a night not
Has frozen in bottles it(her) it is possible to hide in sleeping bags.
If you heat a snow on a torch or a kerosene stove in tambour of tent then in tambour it is possible to make small boezapas - nagresti here a heap of a quaggy snow. Then to throw it(him) in a boiler it will be possible laying in tent, in a warm sleeping bag.
If you heat a snow on a fire(shive) - necessarily cover a boiler. Otherwise water will have a flavor of a smoke.