Tai Koba

One of my most favourite places in Crimea - summit Tai Koba. It is the highest point of plateau Karabi (1259 meters). The excellent(different) kind and at coast (from the Meganom up to Au-Dag) and on environing mountains (Demerdzhi, Tyrke, CHatyr Dag) From here opens. Especially it is necessary to note a kind on bottom plateau Karabi. Only having looked at it(him) from Tai Koba, you will understand, why grassy Karabi name " a lunar landscape ". From height stone waves and uncountable karstic holes covering all plateau become visible.
But to take pleasure in this beauty, for the beginning it is necessary to get on itself Melt Kobu. It can be made from tourist camp Ai Alexiy. Through it(her) there passes(there takes place) the soil road bridging settlement General and Plateau Karabi. On road regulary there go huge lorries (carry excursions on Karabi). Therefore can go safely on traces of wheels - they will deduce(remove) you on top. Certainly, presence of tourists, not too pleases tourists fairly climbed up on Tai Koba by own strength, but there's nothing to be done - it is necessary to abstract. Thank God, that here not postoili cafe, as on Ai Petri. The road approaches(suits) to goree from the West and breaks all in 100 meters from top. By the way, at top Tai Koba the metal triangulable pyramid is established(installed). Therefore it is not necessary to happen here during a rain - the probability of hit of a lightning is great.

Having admired a landscape, it is possible to continue the way on the east and " 2 draining off " will be drained off on the bottom plateau in district of passage or to visit(attend) the next top of Kara Tau. Up to it(her) only 2 kilometers, but footpaths there thrickets, and district very crossed. Therefore a way with Tai Koba on Kara Tau will borrow(occupy) from you about an hour. By the way, Kara Tau in translation from Tatar - Black mountain, and the second name of Tai Koby - Mountain White.
If be afraid to go on Tai Koba, can will join one of our hikes. We quite often happen at this top since its(her) visiting is included into the program of a route "
Water and Stones ".